
3. More of an indirect rule by European countries; local tribal leaders could stay in power but were advised by colonial powers

5. People who were not invited to the Berlin Conference even though they were the original possessors of the land

7. Disease that was finally overcome by Europeans in 1829 with the use of quinine

12. Only European country to be defeated by an African nation

13. Another cause of imperialism nations wanted to prove their strength by creating colonial empires

15. The idea that an imperial power (like Great Britain) would treat its colonized peoples like a father treats his children.

16. A lack of this on the part of the Africans allowed European countries to divide and conquer Africa

17. A valuable resource taken out of the Belgian Congo, but at a terrible cost to the natives who worked on the plantations

19. The world's first machine gun; allowed small numbers of Europeans to fend off larger African forces

20. A meeting that took place here in 1884 attempted to set rules in place so as to avoid any armed conflict over territories being seized in Africa

21. The "noble" goal of "saving Africa from the Africans"

22. The idea that a conquered people would take on the culture and attitudes of the people who conquered them

23. Country that escaped European imperialism because it had started as a successful West African colony composed of freed American slaves who had returned to Africa

25. The seizure of a country or territory by a stronger nation whose goal is to exploit and extract that territory's natural resources.

26. Waterway controlled by the British that cut down the travel time between Britain and India in half

27. Number of European countries attending the Berlin Conference

28. The Age of Imperialism came to an end in 1914 with the advent of this conflict


1. Form of imperialism where European power demanded the right to trade in certain territories

2. Improved transportation of resources in Africa; allowed European countries to establish control of a territory

4. Imperialism where economic and political control is granted to a trading company

6. Reason for imperialism that explains "survival of the fittest"

8. Form of imperialism where Europeans exercised direct control of territory

9. China came under Great Britain's sphere of influence when the British wanted to sell this drug to the Chinese people

10. This country had the grand vision of building a railroad from Cairo, Egypt down to Cape Town, South Africa

11. Colony considered the "Jewel in the Crown" of the British Empire

14. This Ethiopian king was able to maintain his country's independence by using trickery and deceit.

18. One of the four causes of imperialism; European countries needed resource to power their factories and markets to sell their manufactured goods

24. He was a Scottish missionary and doctor who was the first in to central Africa