7 Areas of Early Learning

Comparing National (England) and Suffolkoutcomes

Data Source

Data of EYFSP outcomes by pupil characteristics has been taken from the following source:

DfE (21/11) Statistics: EYFSP attainment by pupil characteristics - national and LA information for early years foundation stage profile assessments by pupil characteristics in England in academic year 2012 to 2013

The data was collected for the percentage of pupils achieving an expected level of development for 17 Early Learning Goals (ELG) .

according to the following pupil “characteristics”:

  • Gender
  • Free School Meals
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Term of birth
  • Ethnicity


In both the National and Suffolk data, girls outperform boys; the difference between National and Suffolk boys is very similar. National and Suffolk boys follow the trend of achieving most highly in the Health and Self-Care and Technology ELG’s and least highly in Reading, Writing and Number ELGs. Although the differences are small, Suffolk boys are performing equal to or better than National across all areas except Making Relationships, Writing and Technology ELGs.:

There is little difference between National and Suffolk girls. Suffolk girls are performing equal to or slightly higher than National girls in all ELGs except Moving and Handling,Making Relationships and Writing. Girls achieve most highly in the Expressive Arts and PhysicalELGs and, like the boys, they achieve least highly inWriting.

The Literacy areaof learning includes Reading and Writing ELGs. Writingis theELG with the lowest outcomes for both National and Suffolk boys and girls. Writing outcomes are considerably lower for both boys and girls than Reading outcomes.

Reading / Writing
National Boys / 65 / 54
Suffolk Boys / 67 / 53
National Girls / 76 / 70
Suffolk Girls / 77 / 69

Pupils Receiving Free School Meals (FSM)

16.7% of the total cohort is entitled to Free School Meals. Non-FSM pupilsachieve more highly than FSM children across all areas.

Pupils in Suffolkachieved less well than the National FSM pupils across most ELGs though not greatly, the percentage difference being1 – 3%. Suffolk pupils achieved slightly better than the National for Shape, Space and Measures, People and Communities and Being Imaginative.

Overall Suffolkpupils followed the trend of the National pupils with both achieving the best outcomes in the PhysicalELGs and the lowest in Literacy.

Reading / Writing
National Non - FSM / 74 / 65
Suffolk Non - FSM / 75 / 64
National FSM / 54 / 46
Suffolk FSM / 55 / 44

As with the Gender data, those who have Free School Meals are following the National trend with considerably fewer pupils achieving the expected standard in Writing, with the percentage difference being between 9 and 12 %.

Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Pupils on School Action

Generally Suffolk pupils on School Action have achieved less well than National School Action pupils. They have achieved slightly higher outcomes in Shape, Space and Measure, and Understanding the World.

Pupils on School Action Plus

Suffolk pupils have achieved the same or higher outcomes than National School Action Plus pupils in all areas.

Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs

Suffolk pupils achieved better results than the National pupils across the majority of ELGs and notably in Number.

More pupils in Suffolk are on School Action Plus (448 pupils) than School Action (267 pupils) whereas National numbers of pupils are similar for both School Action (27251 pupils) and School Action Plus (27893 pupils). Nationally there are 8004 pupils (1.24%) in the Early Years Foundation Stage with a statement of Special Educational Needs and 64 (0.80%) in Suffolk.

Pupils by term of birth

Pupils born in the Autumn term achieved higher EYFSP outcomes than those born in the Summer term.

Pupils born in the Autumn term, both National and in Suffolk, achieved very similar outcomes, with the highestoutcomes being for the Physical ELG and the lowest being in Writing

Pupils born in the Summer term achieved lower outcomes than those born in both Autumn and Spring, this is the case for both National and Suffolk pupils.

When reviewing the 17 Early Learning Goal outcomes, between those born in Autumn and those in Summer, there is the largest difference betweenthe outcomes in Writingand Numbers.

Pupils by Ethnicity

Suffolk pupils with White, Mixed and Asian ethnicities achieved similar outcomes to National pupils with the same ethnicities.

The biggest differences were found with pupils with Chinese ethnicities, with pupils from Suffolk achieving significantly lower outcomes than National pupils across all areas. However it should be noted that were only 4 eligible pupils with Chinese ethnicity.

Pupils with Black ethnicity in Suffolk did not achieve as well as National pupils. 5.02% of National pupils have black ethnicity whereas the percentage in Suffolk is 0.97%. Across the ELGs those with Black ethnicities achieve most highly in Physical and least well in Literacy, this is true for both National and Suffolk pupils.

When reviewing the 17 ELGs and looking at the difference between the achieved outcomes Nationally and in Suffolk; the biggest difference was for Technology closely followed by Being Imaginative and the least difference was in Writing.

MW 11-12-2013