> Chapter Seven
Government Wasteful Spending
The Truth about Taxes and the Deficit
J. Peter Grace letter
Trilateral Commission conspiracy
Trilateral Commission World Shadow Government
Trilateral Agenda carried out
The Council on Foreign Relations
List of all members of the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations during Bush Administration
The Clinton Clique
Chapter Seven
Government Wasteful Spending 104
Congress #1 Goal Reelection-What Congress Gives Themselves 105
Congress Gives You 106
Wasteful Spending The Top Pork Barrel List 108
The Truth About Taxes, Spending And Deficits 111
Survival to a Congressman Means One Thing: Getting Back to DC 112
The J. Peter Grace Letter 113
Trilateral Commission Not a Conspiracy Theory but a Fact 114
Trilateral Commission World Shadow Government 114
Ruling Classes Unite 115
Picking Policy Makers 115
Trilateral Commission Agenda Carried Out 117
Three Front Groups Compared t18
The Council on Foreign Relations 118
The Bilderberger Group 118
The Trilateral Commission 119
Other Big Names 119
Trilateralists Say: "Too Much Democracy" 120
Trilateralist Candidates In Stable Before Either Party Convention 120
The Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the
New World Order under the Bush Administration 122
List of all Member of the Trilateral Commission under Bush 122
Treasury Department And White House Staff 123
Military Departments 123
Department of State 124
Ambassadors 124
US House of Representatives and Senate 125
Department of Transportation and Federal Judicial Center 126
Office of Technology Assessment and EPA 126
Banks 127
Securities Exchange Commission and US Joints Chiefs of Staff 127
Secretary of Defense and Additional Military 128
The News Media 129
Business And Industrial Leaders 132
Sources 134
The Clinton Clique of his Cabinet, His Advisors and all his Major
Players of his Administration that Belong to the TLC 135
Government Wasteful Spending
By Larry Abraham
1. If you stay out of jail this can be a lifetime job.
2. Your salary will be $129,000.00 and up.
3. You get an automatic cost of living increase each year (this year your increase was $4,900).
4. You get to make all the free phone calls you want.
5. You get to send out $500,000 in free unsolicited mail every year to help keep your job.
6. You get free trips to luxury hotels for you and your spouse anywhere in the world a number of times each year including $150.00 a day spending money.
7. You get free trips back and forth to your home state each year. 8. You get paid for driving to work each day.
9. You get free covered parking and your car washed every day for free if you want it. 10. You can drive as fast as you want and not get a speeding ticket. 11. You have 4,500 policemen protect you and keep the public away from you. 12. You get daily meals partially paid for by taxpayers.
13. You get hair cuts partially paid for by taxpayers.
14. You have a gift shop where the items are partially paid for by taxpayers. 15. Free, up-close parking at Washington area airports.
16. An average of 24 aids to take care of your needs.
17. Private marble elevators to take you to your office so you can avoid the public. 18. Marbled fireplaces in your office.
19. Up to $2 million pension.
20. Commercial airplane will wait until you are ready to leave.
21. You can fly free on military planes anytime you want.
22. An IRS office in your office building to give you free help in filling out your tax return.
23. Free, fresh flowers every day for your office.
24. Free, picture framing.
25. Ability to write checks even if you don't have money in the bank.
Well, You're Too Late, the Job has Already Been Taken
by your Congressman!
Although Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are already paid a salary that puts them in the top 1 % of all wage earners, they recently voted themselves a 27% raise.
That means from 1982 to 1991--a period of just 9 years--House members doubled their salaries from $5,000 to over $10,000 a month.
Year Salary % increase
1982 $60,662
1983 69,800 15%
1984 72,600 4%
1985 75,100 3%
1987 77,400 3%
1988 89,500 16%
1990 96,600 8%
1991 124,424 29%
In 1982, Congress gave themselves another $5,000 pay raise.
1. 191 Congressmen elected before 1980 can keep over 40 million dollars in campaign contributions for their persona use if they leave Congress before 1993.
2. A 97% re-election rate for the last three elections. 3. $400,000 of free mailing for their re-election.
4. Free vacations, subsidized barber shops, beauty salons, restaurants, free flowers, free convenient parking spaces airports.
5. In 1990, salary increases while they were raising most Americans' taxes.
6. Senators can take up to $25,000 in speaking fees from groups that helped them get re-elected.
7. Free family use of lavish health spas, gyms, swimming pools, golf and tennis facilities in government owned installations around the world.
8. Congressmen and Senators accept money and free vacations from individual organizations, business, unions, industry groups, special interest PACs and then later vote to give those same people and groups billions of dollars, tax cuts or special considerations.
9. A massage parlor in the basement of the Capitol.
10. Three private health clubs located in the Capital Building and they are building a fourth which will have a tennis court.
11. An average of more than $4,000,000 to run each Senator's and Congressman's offices.
12. Many Senators have private, unmarked, secret offices, where they may entertain their friends, serve alcohol and food.
13. Congress passes thousands of laws for the public to obey or else pay fines and/or go to jail. But Congress has said they don't have to obey many of the laws they inflict on us--including the following:
a. Social Security Act of 1935
b. National Labor Relations Act of 1935.
c. Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938.
d. Civil Rights Act of 1964.
e. Freedom of Information Act of 1967.
f. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
g. Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972.
h. Privacy Act of 1974.
i. Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
j. Ethics in Government Act of 1978.
The Recent Washington Bank Scandal
No need for me to rehash the recent Washington Bank Scandal. The whole world knows about it. Are our politicians really that incompetent that they can't even balance a simple checkbook or are they just dishonest? If an American citizen bounced a check from his local bank it would cost him at least $25.00 for every check that he bounced. Is it any wonder why our nations budget has not been balanced in the past twenty years? Another reason that we need a term limitation law.
Not only are our Federal officials dishonest, there was a news report recently on TV about the politicians in South Carolina. More than ten percent sold a vote to help one of his buddies pass legislation that was not in the best interest of his constituents, but in the best interest of special interest groups. Some were paid as little as $100.
Does being elected to a government office give them the right to exempt them from the law?
The founding fathers of this great nation did not intend that our so-called political servants should make a lifetime career of their time in Washington D.C. That is why we need a term limitation law. I believe that there are a few good, dedicated officials in Washington and they should be permitted to seek re-election after spending one term out of office. Let the voters decide whether or not they should be returned to Washington.
Congress Gives You
1. More than nine (9) tax increases in the last ten-years--on an average, at least once a year, they've raised your taxes.
2. An I.O.U of $63 billion for the money they stole from your Social Security Trust Fund last year.
3. A budget deficit this year alone of $1,279.96 for each and every American.
4. Congress will recklessly spend $318 billion more than it has in the treasury in 1992.
5. A debt from the Savings and Loan Scandal which has already cost you and your fellow taxpayers $150 billion. The total cost is expected to hit $500 billion once all the smoke from this S&L mess has cleared! That's more than $2000 of needless debt for you and every single American.
6. An education system that doesn't educate our children.
7. A system of laws that favors the criminal and doesn't protect the innocent.
8. A total National Debt of over $5 trillion and that's a debt of about $18,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States of America, the greatest debtor nation on earth.
9. During the last twelve years, the U.S. Congress has more than quadrupled our country's national debt:
1981 $994,300,000,000 (billions)
1993 $5,000,000,000,000 (trillions)
No One Really Knows!! because the Federal Governments accounting system is so obsolete and disorganized.
It is a constant fight to stop the waste of federal funds. The ingenuity which the federal government shows in finding new ways to spend hard-earned american tax dollars is absolutely amazing. Here are some new examples of questionable expenditures of our tax dollars.
$43,000 for a study of the taste preferences of sheep
$31,000 for a study of the hearing ability of parakeets.
$88,000 for a study of homosexual couples. $90,000 for a study of facial expressions.
$68,000 for a study of differences between men and women. $84,000 for a study of lawyers and their social activities.
$200,000 in CETA funds to pay inmates of a northern Virginia penitentiary in an "employment training program." Some of the inmates were serving life terms, including one who was paid $10,540 to work as a supply unit warehouseman and another who received $9,838 to work as a cook.
$29 million a year renting homes for low-level diplomats. Some of the homes are only a little smaller than the White House and millions could be saved by purchasing properties.
$25,000 to see how people react to a picture of an octopus in a barnyard.
$225,000 to forecast transportation needs in the year 2025. The report found that if there was another ice Age, more people would move to the South.
$384,948 so 101 persons in Ventura County, California, could be paid to count every dog, cat and horse in the 160,000 homes and apartments in the county.
$250,000 for the scandal-ridden General Services Administration (GSA) to put an elevator to the second floor of a Federal building with only four offices--a building worth only $150,000 on the commercial market. (Yes, this one is in Idaho Falls, Idaho).
Is it any wonder that taxpayers are fed up with waste in government?
$600,000 government grant to the Gay Men's Health Crisis Center. Part of this money was spent to produce a comic book with explicit drawings of the most perverted homosexual acts.
$170 million a year for the National Endowment for the Arts. This federal agency gave $15,000 for a photograph of Jesus Christ in a jar or urine, $30,000 for photographs of homosexual acts, $30,000 for live sex acts by triple x-porn star Annie Spinkle, and tens of thousands of dollars for so-called "artistic" material too disgusting to describe.
$271 million a year for highway "demolition projects". This is yet another pork-barrel fund which Congress dips into to pay-off campaigning contributors and buy votes.
$700 million for the Agriculture Research Service. This program spent $275,000 for apple research, $500,000 on bee research, $450,000 on peanut research, $1.8 million for the National Pork Research Facility, $120,000 for animal waste disposal, $750,000 on Appalachian hardwood research, $200,000 on broom snakeweed research, $1.4 million on potato research.
$275 million a year for honey, wool and mohair subsidies. Under this program $100 million a year is given to 2,000 beekeepers.
$107,000 to study the mating habits of Japanese quail.
$220 million a year for Congress's special privileges, like their chauffeured limousines, free health spa and massage parlor, free travel, free medical care, cut-rate hair cuts, free vacations, and much more.
$180 billion in waste and fraud reported by the government accounting office. $3.8 million to fund the "Poultry Center of Excellence."
$811,000 to pay for the Center for "Agricultural Pest" control.
$16.8 million to operate the National Agricultural Library.
$33.4 million on Screwworm inspection.
$6 billion for net realized losses and interest subsidies of the Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund. $19.6 million for the United States Travel and Tourism Administration. $2.7 million for a fish farm in Stuttgart, Arkansas.
$1 million to fund a Seafood Consumer Center.
$3 million for Zebra Mussel research.
$4.6 million for research and training by U.S. State Department in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
$15 million to fund the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution (this occurred in 1987; why does the Commission require this much money after four years?)
More Wasteful Spending
The Top 50 Pork Barrel List
1. Foreign aid to Jordan: $83 million in 1990. Jordan supported our enemy Iraq during the Persian Gulf War. 2. $15 million for the "U.N. Population Fund."
3. $3.6 million for an urban gardening program.
4. $205,000 for the Karamu Theater Project in Cleveland, Ohio.
5. $450,000 for seedless grape research in Arkansas.
6. $4.4 million for a railroad crossing project in Springfield, Illinois. Why is our national Congress fixing local railroad crossings? Will they be filling potholes next?
7. $2 billion for the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), which was originally established during the 1930s to bring electricity and, later, telephone service to rural America. Why does the REA still need $2 billion per year when almost 100 percent of rural America has electricity and nearly 99 percent has telephones? Isn't the REA's job finished?
8. $84,000 to study why people fall in love.
9. $2,500 to study the cause of rudeness, cheating, and lying on tennis courts.
10. $100,000 to develop soybean-based Ink.
11. $250,000 to research sweet potatoes, with an additional $150,000 specifically to research the Sweet Potato Whitefly.
12. $100,000 to study using vegetable oils as fuels.
13. $300,000 for "peanut research."
14. $200,000 to research the "locoweed" In New Mexico.
15. $233,000 for the Rice Research Center in Arkansas.
16. $5.1 million for the U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Laboratory.
17. $2.8 million to study how to use wood.
18. $125,000 to study "Phytophthora Root Rot."
19. $3.4 million to study "shrimp aquaculture."
20. $3.8 million to fund the "Poultry Center of Excellence."