Xi State Organization
Founded in Nashville, TN, 1935
Dr. Kathie Harned, President 2011-2013
Leadership Links January 2012
Chapter Presidents,
I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed the holidays, and, perhaps, rested just a little.
Wow, time goes by so quickly! As we approach the last months of your chapter presidency, I do hope you are planning to attend the Xi State Convention June 7-9 so we can recognize your service to DKG. The biennium paperwork and information needs to be collected and disseminated. Note the dates listed below – especially the deadline for the chapter reports. These reports are vital to determining how we are doing not only on the chapter level, but also on the state and international levels. Let me know if you need any assistance with them.
Have you already identified your new chapter officers? If so, please share with them the training information and registration form. Also, be certain to ask some Young DKG members in your chapter to attend the “Chat Session” for them at the same time as the training.
Thank you for all you do to make our Society such a strong support system – so desperately needed – for women educators. You do make a difference.
Believing in DKG,
Chapter Report Forms, March Officer Training Registration, International Buzz, Legislative Symposium Registration
«Upcoming Deadlines:
¨ January 10th – Send registration for Legislative Symposium & Breakfast to Rachel Price.
¨ February 1st - Biennial Chapter Reports are due to Dr. Kathie Harned.
¨ February 1st - Complete applications for Leadership Management [on website].
¨ February 1st – Submit applications for Xi State Scholarships to Dr. Inge Poole.
¨ February 1st – Submit applications for International Scholarship [on website].
«2012 Legislative Symposium
The Annual Legislative Symposium, Breakfast, and Visit with your Legislators
February 21 & 22, 2012 Millennium Maxwell House Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee
Go to the Xi State website for registration details.
«New Information?
Any new email addressess or information? Please send those to Elaine Warwick, our Xi State Executive Secretary.
«Wanted & Needed
Chapter news/pictures for the Xi State News [Orlean Bauman ] and the Xi State Webpage [Dr.Dianne Anderson ]. Also let me know of member accomplishments so I can Tweet them on the webpage.
«International Convention Room Reservations at the NY Sheraton
A personalized web site for the Delta Kappa Gamma Convention occurring (July 22, 2012 - July 30, 2012) has been created for you.
Flights from Memphis [Delta] and Nashville [American] are very reasonably priced right now.
«International Video
Have you shown your chapter the promo video for the International Convention in New York? Let your Area Director or me know if you would like to show it at a meeting.
It is never to late to send Nancy Davis money from your chapter for the New York Reception.
March 2012 Training for Incoming Chapter Officers/Leaders
Who attends?
Incoming President
Program Chair
Membership Chair
1 or 2 Young DKG’s [Members 40 years or younger]
Dates: (You can attend any one of the three)
March 10th Whitworth-Buchanan Middle School, Murfrees boro
March 24th Bolivar Central High School, Bolivar
March 31st Trinity United Methodist Church, Knoxville
Registration Fee - $5.00 per person – except Young DKG’s
[paid by chapter or individual].
«Twitter on the Xi State Webpage
Be certain to check the webpage for updates on members and events.
« In Addition…
All of your Xi State Officers are available and wanting to assist you – Do Not Hesitate to call/email us.
««Remember to Celebrate DKG ««