7.2bFit for the Future Assessment Criteria and process, Submission to IPART

File/Index:Corporate Management/Reviewing/Fit for the Future

Author:Liz Jeremy, General Manager


The purpose of this report is to present the submission provided to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) in relation to their ‘Methodology for Assessment of Council Fit for the Future Proposals; Local Government Discussion Paper, April 2015


The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has been appointed by the NSW Government as the Independent Expert Panel to assess NSW Council submissions to the Fit for the Future Program.

IPART released their consultation paper entitled ‘Methodology for the Assessment of Council Fit for the Future Proposals’ on 27 April 2015 seeking comment from Council’s and the community with submissions to be received by 25 May 2015.

As part of this engagement process Public Forums have been held around the State with the Coffs Harbour Forum being held on 18 May 2015.

It was important for Council’s submission to be informed by the IPART Briefing. As a consequence of the timing of the forum and the fact that the May Ordinary Meeting of Council is being held on 25 May 2015 it was not possible for a report to be presented to Council prior to the submission date.

Notwithstanding that, given the importance of the matter a submission was made to IPART by the due date of 25 May 2015. The submission noted that there has not been opportunity for formal consideration by Council.

Attachment 7.2bA to this report provides a copy of Councils submission to IPART in the matter.


There are no budgetary implications associated with the preparation of this report.


The Fit for the Future Program has a range of objectives and implications for local councils and their communities across the state.


The Bellingen Shire Council Community Engagement Strategy was adopted by Council at its Meeting on 22 February 2012. This strategy is designed to outline the approach Bellingen Shire takes towards engaging with our community.

The Fit for the Future reform process has long term and shire wide implications and an engagement process has been underway for some months.

IPART are seeking to engage with the NSW community over the reform process and have conducted a series of forums across the state.

IPART are also seeking feedback to their consultation paper by 25 May 2015.

Councillors were briefed regarding the timing for the submissions and the need to submit a response in advance of the Council Meeting of 25 May 2015, following the Extraordinary Meeting of Council which was held on 20 May 2015.


This project/initiative aligns with the following strategic directions within the Shire of Bellingen 2030 Community Vision:

  • Civic Leadership – Strategic Direction 1.1 – Financial sustainability is maintained through effective short and long term management.


That Council receive and note the submission provided to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal relative to their ‘Methodology for Assessment of Council Fit for the Future Proposals; Local Government Discussion Paper, April 2015’.


7.2b A Bellingen Council IPART Methodology Submission

Report DW 533809