7.0Instructional Materials and Methods
The collegemusthaveastudent gradingsystemtoeffectivelyrecord and rate students’ classroom,lab and other learning.This policyoutlinesthegrades faculty will issuefor studentwork and theprocessfor students to grieve their grade if needed.
The college permits students to enroll in courses more than once. A repeated course is a course that a student enrolls in and attempts more than once. Each attempt is recorded on a student’s transcript. For courses that may only be taken once for credit, the attempt with the highest grade will be used when calculating GPA and earned credits on a student’s academic transcript. A student may attempt a course up to three times, or two additional attempts after the first. If a student has not successfully completed a course within three attempts, they are required to meet with an advisor if they wish to register for any additional attempts at the course.
Students using financial aid should also view the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Credit Hour Students to understand the impact of repeated coursework on future financial aid eligibility.
IV.Reasonfor Policy
Student gradingis essentialfor the transfer ofstudentwork to otherinstitutions andto informstudentson howtheyperformedin theirclass(s).
V.Entities AffectedbyThis Policy
VI.WhoShould ReadThis Policy
AllCollege Staff
Academic GoverningCouncilIssue Papers
Student Records Deans
Grades& Honor Values
A 4.00 C 2.00
A-3.67 C-1.67
B 3.00 D 1.00
B-2.67 D-0.67
C+2.33 E0.00
I-Incomplete V-Audit
W-Student InitiatedDrop
A.GradePointAverage (GPA) Calculation
The number of credit hours grantedfora grade of“E”or higher is indicated in the descriptionfor each course. Eachhourofcredit is valued inhonor points accordingtothegradereceived. IandW,grades arenot includedinthe grade pointaverage calculations.
Todetermine gradepoint average, multiplythe number of honor points of each grade received bythenumberofhours of creditfor thatcourse, thendividethe totalnumberof honorpointsbythe totalnumber ofcredithoursearned.
Studentsareadvisedthatmanycolleges anduniversities compute grade point average differently. Upon transfer to one ofthese institutions, the student’s grade pointaverage might berecomputedandthusbe lower than the GRCC grade pointaverage.
Studentsare remindedthata2.0grade pointaverage is required for graduation fromGrand Rapids CommunityCollege.No grade can be changed other thanthe “I” grade aftertheend ofthe semesterduringwhich the grade was earnedunless an error occurred.
B.Audit (VGrade)
Studentsmaychoose to receive agrade of“audit”(V)for classes inwhich they enroll. Studentsmayaudit aclassfor enjoyment,for personal exploration,for gaininginsight into anewsubject, orfor otherreasons. Audit statusdoesnot counttowardfull-timeenrollment.Thecourse will appearonthestudent’s transcript.
Studentspayfulltuitionfor classes theyauditandareexpectedto participatein allclass activities. However, theyare not compelledtotaketestsorexaminations or to writetermpapers, buttheymaydo sovoluntarily.
Studentsmust declaretheiraudit statustotheirinstructors duringthefirst25% of the class. Credit statusmaynotbechanged to audit status after thistime limitation. Studentsmaymake arrangementson an individualbasis with their instructors to changefromauditto credit status. Iftheyexpect todoso, they musttakealltests andexaminations and write allassignedpapers.
C.Withdrawal Process(W)
Studentsmaywithdrawfroma course and receive aWgradeuntil the 70% date ofcourse completion (as notedontheclass roster)through the Online Center or at the Enrollment Center. After the 70% date, studentsmaynot initiatea course withdrawal or receive aWgradeand thefinalcourse grade (A, B,C,D, or E) will be assigned basedupon all graded andmissed assignments. Instructorsmay notassign aWgrade.However, duringthe last 30% of a course,students who have adocumented extenuatingcircumstance suchasan illnessorinjury, or the illness, injuryor death ofasignificant otheror familymember canapplyfor a HardshipWithdrawal through the Office of the AssociateDean ofStudent SuccessandRetention.Studentsmayapplytowithdrawfromasingle course or multiplecourses.There is noimpacton the student’s GPAfor receivingaW grade in the Grand Rapids CommunityCollege gradingsystem; however, other institutions mayhave differentpolicies governingthe impact ofWgrades on transfer studentacceptanceand/or theircalculatedGPA.Inaddition,Wgrades mayhave a negative impact onfinancialaideligibility.
D.Incomplete Grades (IGrade)
An incomplete (I) grade canbetemporarilyassigned in the eventof extenuating circumstances such asillness, injury, birthofa child,deathofafamilymember, jurydutyor other situations thatare beyond the control of thestudentand prevent completion ofthe course requirements duringthesemester.The followingrequirementsmustbemet inorderto receive an incomplete (I) grade:
1.The coursework upto the time oftheabsencehasbeen satisfactoryand in theinstructor’s judgment, the student cancompletetherequiredwork without repeatingthe course orattending anyclass sessions in subsequent semesters.
2.Approximately90% of the course timehaselapsed or coursework has been completedasdetermined bytheinstructor.
3.An incompleteformhas been completed.This form will indicate the actionsthestudentwilltaketofinish thecourse, when thoseactions will takeplace(not to exceed one year), and the grade theinstructor will submit(A, B, C, D,orE) should the work remain incomplete after the allotted time.Both thestudentandinstructor willmake everyeffort to sign theformand acopy willbe providedtothe student andthe instructor’s DepartmentHead/ProgramDirector.
Once the coursework is completed ortheallottedtimelapsed,theinstructor will submitanofficial grade change within 10business days. Ifthe coursework is not completed and/or the instructor doesnotsubmitanofficial grade change, the incomplete(I) grade willdefault toagradeof“E” one year fromtheend date of the class.In the eventof furtherunforeseen,extreme orunusual circumstances, awritten appealfor anextensioncan bemade totheAssociateDean ofHiring andEvaluationof theSchool where the course resides.
E.Repeated Coursework
A repeated course is a course that a student enrolls in and attempts more than once. Each attempt is recorded on a student’s transcript. For courses that may only be taken once for credit the attempt with the highest grade will be used when calculating GPA and earned credits on a student’s academic transcript. A student may attempt a course up to three times, or two additional attempts after the first. If a student has not successfully completed a course within three attempts they are required to meet with an advisor if they wish to register for a fourth attempt at the course.
Courses that permit additional repeats for credit are identified within the curriculum database. Programs with specific admission requirements may have additional restrictions on repeated coursework.
Students using financial aid should also view the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Credit Hour Students to understand the impact of repeated coursework on future financial aid eligibility.
F.Grade Reports
Grade reportsare available to the studentat the end of each semester andatthe end ofthe Summer sessionand are accessible throughtheWeb site: .
G.Grade GrievanceProcess
Thisprocess istobe used onlyfordisputes regardingfinal grades.A student whoperceives an individual grade received duringacourseto beunfairmust resolvethematter informallywith his or her instructor. Onlywhen anindividual gradehas impacted astudent’sfinal grade, or when astudent perceives afinal grade tobeotherwiseunfair,maythe studentinvoke theformal grievance process notedbelow.
Informal Process
Step1:Thestudent shallcontact the instructor within15school days**after the postingof aperceivedunfairfinal grade to tryto resolve thematterinformally.
**School daysare Mondays through Fridays, while classesare in session.
Step2:Ifthe gradedisputeis not resolved atStep1,the studenthas5 school daystocontact the appropriateDepartmentHeador ProgramDirector totryto reach aresolution thatis mutuallyagreeable to the student and instructor. A written description ofthe grievance maybe requestedbythe Department Head orProgramDirector.The student must provide documentation that an attempt to contact the course instructorwas madewithin15 days.
If the grievanceinvolves aProgram Director or DepartmentHead, the student has the option of initiatingtheformal process directlywith the Associate Dean.
Formal Process
Step3:Ifthe issue is not resolved at Step2, the studenthas5school days** to initiatethe FormalGrade GrievanceProcessbycompletingaGradeAppeal
Formanddeliveringit tothe AssociateDeanofthe academicdepartment responsiblefor the course. (GradeAppeal Forms areavailable on the College websiteat
TheappropriateAssociate Dean has15 school days** fromreceipt ofthe GradeAppeal Formtodiscuss the situationwiththe studentandinstructor, and, if necessary, DepartmentHead/ProgramDirector, andmake awritten decision to:
1.denytherequest for achange of grade, or
2.moveforward with theFormal GradeGrievance Processbyconvening the AcademicGoverningCouncil(AGC)Grade Appeal Hearing Committee.
The AssociateDeanmaydenyarequestfor achange ofgradeanddeclineto refer the grievance to the AGCGrade Appeal HearingCommittee inthefollowing instances:
1.When the instructor has followed theguidelines setforth in hisor her syllabus.
2.When the instructor has followed College policies and proceduresthat would impactthe student’s grade.
3.When the studentprovides no evidencethathe or she was treated in a partial orotherwise unfairmanner.
4.When the studentprovides no evidencethata grade was miscalculated.
5.Other casesmayexist in which an AssociateDeanmaydenyagrade change request.
Writtennotificationof the AssociateDean’s decision and rationale will be sent to the studentvia registeredmail,as wellastothecourse instructor,and appropriateDepartmentHead/Program Director.
The AssociateDean’sdecisionat this stage isfinal andbinding. However, cases in which a student’sfinal grade results in expulsionfroma program progress fromtheAssociate DeantotheAGC GradeAppeal Hearing Committee, ifthe student so requestsand ifthe studenthasfollowed allthe steps ofthe Informaland FormalProcess.*
Step4: Ifthe Associate Dean’s decision is toconvenetheAGC Grade Appeal HearingCommittee, itsChairshalldoso within 10 schooldays.
The Grade Appeal HearingCommitteeshallbe astandingcommittee of the Academic GoverningCouncil.The Committee shallbe comprised of 5members and shallinclude3facultymembers,1 academic administrator, and1 student.
The Chairof the HearingCommitteeshallbean appointedfacultymember.The studentshall bea student ofgoodstanding.
The length ofterm for the Chair of the GradeAppeal Committeeshallbe 2 years.
The Chair of the GradeAppeal Hearingcommitteeshall:
1.Convenethe committee and preside over the meeting(s).
2.Appoint equivalent substitute (e.g. facultyto faculty) asneedarises and determinelengthof substitution
3.Ensure there isstudentrepresentation
4.Ensure minutes of the meetingarerecorded
5.Ensureadherence tothe policy.
6.Reportcommittee activities annuallyto Dean’s Counciland toAGC
Inacase whereanymemberof the AGC Grade Appeal HearingCommittee (facultymember,student, or administrator)is involved in the gradedisputeat hand or is otherwise unavailable,
an appropriatesubstitutemember will be appointed bytheAGC Executive Board tothe Committeefor that case.The Educational SupportProfessional working with the academic administrator servingon the HearingCommittee shallserve as RecordingSecretary(a non-votingposition)for the Committee Hearings are not open tothe public.
Boththe student and the instructor shallbe invited toattendtheHearing Committee. If either the student or the instructorfails toappear before the HearingCommittee, adecision will be madebased upontheinformationthat is presentedat the Hearingandevidencealreadysubmittedduringthe grievance process.
The HearingCommittee will present its written decision tothe student (via registered mail),courseinstructor, and appropriateAssociate Dean within5 school daysofthe hearing.
If the HearingCommitteefinds infavor ofthestudent, itshallask theinstructor and,ifnecessary, theappropriateAssociateDean to submitaChange ofGrade Formtothe Registrar’s Office within5schooldaysof the writtennotification. The decision ofthe AGC GradeAppeal HearingCommitteeisfinaland binding.
*For Students in HealthPrograms:Whenthe appeal involves agradeawarded or anexpulsionfromthe component of ahealth courseor program(Nursing, Dental, Radiologic Technology, andOccupationalTherapyAssistant), the studentwill followthatprogram’s specific grade grievance process.The Student Handbookfor eachprogramcontains the grade grievance process and can be found on Blackboard.
**School daysare Mondays through Fridays, while classesare in session.
Grade Change Forms(obtainedat Student Records) Incomplete Grade Form
GradeAppeal Form
XII.Effective Date
Adopted—1991 Revised—December,2007
Revised& Adopted: section 7.0subsection7.3 (Grading,KeytoTranscript & Academic Grievance Produced Student)—December, 2006
Reviewed/Revised-2013-2014to clarifythe “I” and70% limitfor students to drop
XIV.PolicyReview/RevisionDate 18/19 Academic Year