Nov. 26, 2015
In attendance:
Daneil Haakstad, Justin Burwash, Chris Murrin, Chad Finnebratten, Carla Mcnee, Brenda , Rose Cuthbert, Tara Arcand, Ron Regnier, Lucas Bunham
7:00 Call to order
7:05 Review of 2015 season
- Ended up losing money this season with less made at Gala than projected (still a great fund raiser) and not enough other fundraisers to cover the difference.
- Unpaid sponsorship for some minor team clothing led to a loss income.
- Provincials was a huge success. Lots of positive comments from ALA and parents that travelled here.
- Seniors broke even.
7:10 Presentation of 2015 budget
- Accept the budget – motion Carla Mcnee, 2nd Justin Burwash; motion carried.
7:20 Resignations and Elections of Board positions
Executive positions:
President- (Lucas Brunham has tendered his resignation effective AGM) motion – Tara Arcand, 2nd Brenda; motion carried.
- -Lucas has nominated Ron Regnier for the position– motion Chad F., 2nd Justin B., all in favor; motion carried.
- Signatures to be changed with Royal Bank
Vice President
- -No current nomineeor names brought forward
- Put on hold to fill the needs we have now.
- -Carla Mcnee has put her name forward for this – motion Tara A., 2nd Lucas B.; motion carried.
- -No current nominee or name brought forward
- Sports Soft Program through ALA this season for all registrations may eliminate the need for a registrar.
Board Positions:
Marketing and website
- (Jenny Brunham has tenderer her resignation from the board effective at the AGM)
- -No current nominee or name brought forward
Fund Raising Coordinator
- -No current nominee
- name brought forward – Dwayne &/or Laura Tally?
- Break from Gala this year
- $23000 deficit (approx.. $1000/minor player), more fundraisers needed this year.
Development Coordinator
- -Lucas Brunham has put his name forward for this – motion Chris M., 2nd Chad F.; motion carried.
7:30 Presentation of proposed 2016 budget
- Budget accepted – motion Carla M., 2nd Justin B.; motion carried.
7:45 Vote on Juniors proposed outstanding debt
- Outstanding balance of $1732.60 to be paid to Juniors – motion Justin B., 2nd Chad F., all in favor; motion carried.
7:50 Open Discussion
- Lucas: Asked to host provincials again, turned it down.
- Lucas: Ball hockey may be folding so we may see more players and have more Dave Barr floor time available.
- Lucas and Brenda: Minors to stay practicing at Crosslink or possibly move some teams to Dave Barr.
- Brenda: Courts are booked as of last years schedule at Crosslink.
- Brenda: Ball hockey still booking floor time
- Lucas: Shorten practices to 1hr from 1h15min.; combine practices ex. MiniTyke/Tykes
- Justin: Would like to see all practices at Crosslink due to the ease of dealing with County vs. City
- Lucas and Brenda: Juniors and Seniors to stay at Crosslink.
- Ron and Lucas: ALA AGM approved Parody for the PeeWee division this year as a pilot program.
- Looking to push provincials later into the summer to extend season.
- All teams must now use Sports Soft program to register athletes (no longer RAMP)
- Development/Promotions: has committed to putting on 5 FNMI camps this year if communities can do it. High level coaches already highered for it.
- Lucas: Development/Promotions:
- In the New Year 6 weeks, 8hrs/wk (2 days – 4 hr each), $65/hr, @ Catholic Academy School – Sessions run by GPLA
- Try it Day
- Sports day
- Teachers Convention – PE teachers session run by GPLA
- Justin: Would like to see increased # of game in GELC, ex. Go to playoffs in Edmonton even if it is midweek.
- Ron: tournaments are and option – separate cost that would have to be fundraised and a separate committee would need to be formed to organize it.
- Lucas and Chad: Could we host a Bantam B tournament, GELC may be more interested due to the lack of them around Edmonton.
- Ron: GELC looking at possibly travelling here due to the success of Provincials.
- Lucas: 5th weekend here instead of going to playoffs in Edmonton midweek would give teams more court time as previously requested.
- Rose and Brenda: Suggested doing that during a Junior/Senior Home game weekend.
- Ron: would advertise to community/schools to boost fan #’s and awareness of lacrosse in the GP area.
8:17 Call to close- motion Daneil H., 2nd Chad F.; motion carried.