MeetingJanuary 22, 2018
7:04 PM – Call to Order
If you have a student in the band program at Piedmont High School, you are already a member of the Band Boosters. The monthly meetings are a great way to stay informed of what goes on as well as upcoming events for your band student.
- Treasurerreport:
- Checking – American Community $ 50,899.50
- Savings - American Community $ 9,009.64
- Total Assets $ 59,909.14
- A motion was made and approved to give each child going to Disney, an additional $10 for their meal card.
- Don’t forget, you will be able to check theCharms website to keep up with any outstanding fees, once band fees become due.
A. KrispyKreme: Time to kick off the annual KrispyKreme sale. Order forms will be sent home soon. Order forms and money will be due on Tuesday, February 13, 2018. Pick up and delivery date will be Thursday, February 22, 2018. *Motivation* Every student to sell 10 dozen and additional 5 dozens thereafter, will get their name put into a hat. (for every 5 your name goes in again) The winner will receive $100 off of their band fees for the 2018 marching season. (3- winners for this prize) 2nd & 3rd place will get a $25 gift card, 4th and 5th – Movie Basket, 6th -10th - $5.00 gift card. If a Seniorstudent wins one of the $100 off band fee prizes, they can donate that to the student of their choice.
B. Restaurant nights will begin again. Our next one will be on March 1, 2018 from 4:00 pm – 9:00pm at Moe’s in Monroe, across from target.
C. Spirit Wear!! Spirit wear will go on sale again in March. Just in time to buy your student some gear for band camp!! You will be able to order from February 25th through March 3rd. Expected delivery being March 19, 2018.
D. The Fairview Parks and Recreation committee meets on the first Thursday if every month. Shelley has reached out to them to be added to the calendar for park clean up, to make good on our donation from them. Once she gets information, she will pass that along.
3. New Business: None at this time
4. Hospitality: Nothing at this time
- Reminder: Band website and emails are your links to stay on top of what is going on from now through October. Be sure you are signed up for email notifications and updates.