March 20th, 2017

7:03 Meeting to Order by Ronald Batchelder, Selectboard Chair.

Present: Ron Batchelderand Bud Ross.Lou Beam was unable to attend the meeting.

Minutes of theMarch 13thmeeting accepted as written. (2-0)

Ron Batchelder,reviewed the Town Calendar.

March 21st Planning Board Meeting

March 27th Selectboard Meeting

April 3rd Selectboard Meeting

April 5th Neighbors Gathering Coffee Hours

April 5th Heritage Commission Meeting

Recognition of Visitors: No Visitors.

Old Business:

1.The Board reviewed a letter from the Planning Board concerning an excavation permit.

2. The Board reviewed an invitation from the School Board for a walk through at the High School, dinner and discussion. The Board agreed that someone from the Board should attend. Bud said that he would go if Lou could not make it.

3. The Board reviewed a notice from Comcast concerning a change in their stations.

4. The Board discussed the building of a new website. They would discuss options when Lou returned. Andrea Cheeney joined the meeting to discuss another option for the website. She said that they had just started a new website for the Historical Society and could help on the construction of a Town one and help train. Andrea will look into the cost of hiring their developer to construct a town page.

5. The Board discussed the potential purchase of a residence in town that was behind in taxes.

6. Ron updated the Board that the State Police dispatch seems to be working well at the High School. Primex has been in touch and will pay for the SRO’s surgery.

7. The Board discussed with Andrea another property in Langdon that was up for deed. Andrea informed that Board that the Town does not take the deed until July so cleanup on the property cannot be started until then.

8. The Board discussed the salt shed and carriage house. They decided to review further when Lou returned.

New Business:

1.The Board reviewed and signed a PO for the Road Agent.

2. The Board reviewed and signed the 2016 Equalization Certificate.

3. The Board denied a request from CPMT for an abatement.

4. The Board reviewed and signed orders.

5. The Board reviewed and signed payroll.

7:43 Move to Adjourn. (Bud, Ron)

Respectfully submitted by Jessica Jarvis