6th Grade Visitation and Tour
Things to tell your group of students:
All your classrooms and lockers are at this end of the hallway on this side of the glass doors; except for Mr. Travers’s (Room 8) and Mrs. Smith (Room 14) which are on the 8th grade end of the hallway, and the Music Room, which is located outside. We will take you to each of the 7th grade classrooms.
First thing in the morning when you exit the bus, you will report to the gym. You do not go to your locker, but report directly to the gym. You will remain in the gym until the bell rings for breakfast, at which time you may line up to go to the breakfast room – only if you are EATING breakfast. If you are not eating breakfast, then you remain in the gym until dismissed to go to your locker and then to first period.
When you exit the busin the morning, if you are going to be riding home with someone or to someone’s house on a different bus, you must bring a note signed by a parent stating your plans. As soon as you get off the bus on your way to the gym, stop at the office and put the bus note in the folder on the counter. Also, if you have been absent and you have brought an excuse for that(those) day(s), then put it in the folder for excuses located on the same counter in the office. You have only 3 days to return an excuse from a parent or doctor. After three days, the absence will be considered unexcused and zeroes will be given for all grades taken on that day. In the afternoon, if you left a bus note that morning in the folder, you need to pick it up on your way to the bus and give the signed note to the driver.
Take them to all 7th grade classrooms
Groups 1, 2, 5, 6 : Follow order of rooms below
Groups 3, 4, 7, 8 : Start at computer lab and work your way backwards through list
Groups 1, 2, 3 : Follow order of rooms below
Groups 4,5, 6 : Start at computer lab and work your way backwards through list
Music Room – located outside – take them out and show them where it is – Ms. Haslett teaches band, choir, MA
Room 2 – Mrs. Belt – teaches Social Studies
Room 4 – Mrs. Strickland – teaches Language Arts
Room 5 – Mrs. Walker – teaches Math
Guidance Counselor’s Office
Room 8 – Mr. Travers – teaches science
Room 14 – Ms. Smith – Art Room
Room 16 – Nurse – Mrs. Tonya Padon
Room 12 – Detention Room – just point to end of the hall that it is on – do not go to the room
Lunchroom– walk them down and stand outside doorway
Cardinal Room – have various classes and club meetings
Computer Lab - Room 3
Ask students if they have any questions. Try to answer them as best as possible – if you are unsure of answer please ask one of us to help you answer it.
After you have finished the tour, please bring your group back to the gym and sit them very quietly back in their seats. Stay with your group until all teachers and adults have returned to their places with their students.