4-Elmers Washable Glue Sticks
6-Boxes Crayons (3)8 Count (2)16 Count (1) 24 Count (Crayola
Brand only)
1-bottle Elmer’s glue (4 oz.)
1-Pair Fiskar Scissors (Rounded End)
1-1inch Sleep Mat
Girls-1 box gallon size baggies, 1 large bottle hand sanitize
Boys-1 can Lysol Spray, 1 box quart size baggies
2-Cans Playdoh any color .5 oz. (Play-Doh Brand only)
1-Box Kleenex
1-Book Bag Regular Size (No Wheels)
1-Large Antibacterial Hand Wipes
1-Box Water Paints (Crayola Brand)
1-Ream White Copy Machine Paper
2-Bound Composition notebooks (no spiral)
1-regular sized beach towel
2-large erasers
2-pkgs. pencils (24 count)
4-crayola crayons (8count)
1-box of Crayola markers
1-pair scissors
2-Elmers glue sticks
1-bottles of white Elmers Glue
1-Box Crayola Water Paints
2-boxes Kleenex
1-Germ-x hand sanitizer
1-Anti bacterial wipes
2-skinny Black Expo Markers
1-bookbag (no wheels)
1-small supply box
1-Ream White Copy Machine Paper
First Grade
2-Glue Sticks
1-Elmers Glue (small bottle)
1-Pair Scissors (Fiskar Pointed)
4-Boxes of Crayons (16 count)
2-Pkg #2 Pencils (DixonTiconderoga Brand)
1-Small Supply Box
2-Pink Erasers
2-Boxes Kleenex
3-Vinyl Pocket Folders
1-Antibacterial Wet Wipes
1-Book Bag (No Wheels)
Boys-1 box Band Aids & 1 water paints (Crayola Brand)
Girls-1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer & 1 box Markers(Crayola Brand)
1-Ream White Copy Machine Paper
4-Skinny Black Expo Markers
1-Wooden Ruler (Inches & Metric)
Second Grade
2-Spiral Notebooks (wide lined)
1- 9” x 6” supply box
2-Large Box Kleenex
1-Pkg (Ticonderoga Brand) Yellow #2 Pencils
4-Boxes 24 Count Crayons
1-Pair Fiskar Pointed Scissors
1-Wooden Ruler (Inches & Metric)
4-Dry Erase Markers, black
3-Pink Erasers
3-Vinyl Pocket Folders
1-Bottle Elmer’s Glue (small)
1-Book Bag (no wheels)
1-Ream White Copy Machine Paper
1-old sock
Third Grade
1-Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled
2-Large Box Kleenex
3-Pkgs Yellow #2 Pencils (DixonTiconderoga Brand)
1-Pkg Wide-Lined Notebook Paper
1-Box Crayons 48 Count or Larger
1-Pair Fiskar Student Pointed Scissors
Boys-1 Box Quart size Baggies
Girls-1 box of band aids
4-Glue Sticks
1-Supply Box
1-Wooden Ruler (Inches & Metric)
2-Large Erasers
1-Box twistable colored pencils
2-Red Checking Pen
3-Pocket Folders
4-Dry Erase Black Markers
1-Large Antibacterial Wipes
1-Ream White Copy Machine Paper
1-one inch thick binder
1-cheap pair of headphones
1-old sock
Fourth Grade
2-Large Box Kleenex
2-Pkgs or 24 Yellow #2 Pencils (Dixon Ticonderoga Brand)
1-1 inch thick binder
1-48 Count Crayons
1-Ruler (Inches & Metric)
1-Pair Fiskar Pointed Scissors
1-Small Bottle White Elmers Glue
2-Glue Sticks
1-Supply Box Small enough to fit in desk
2-Pkg White Wide-Lined Loose-Leaf Paper (no spiral)
2-Folders with Pockets
1-Red Checking Pen
1-Book Bag (No Wheels)
1-Pkg Twistable Colored Pencils
1-Expo colored (not black) Dry Erase Marker
1-Large or 2 Small Disinfectant Wipes
1-Ream White Copy Machine Paper
Fifth Grade
2-Large Box Kleenex
24-#2 Pencils (DixonTiconderoga Brand)
1-Box Crayons 48 Count or Larger
1-Box Twistable Colored Pencils
1-Box Markers
1-Pair Fiskar Sharp Pointed Scissors for intermediate age
1-Small White Elmer’s Glue White
2-Glue Sticks
2-Large Eraser
1-Ruler (Inches & Metric)
1-Small Supply Box
2-Folders with Pockets (no brads)
3-Red Pens
2-Pkg Wide-Lined Notebook Paper
1-Wide-Lined Spiral Notebook (1 Subject)
Boys-1 Pkg Dry Erase Markers
Girls-1 Container Disinfectant Wipes
1-Ream White Copy Machine Paper