Course Title:6th grade ELATeacher:Bonnie Couch

Room Number:D3Planning Time: 2:15-3:05

E-Mail:School Phone: 405-256-6282

Curriculum Standards:

The 6th grade reading standards taught can be found on the Oklahoma Department of Education website.

Class Description:

Students will focus on four skill areas in Language Arts: identifying parts of speech, comprehending/analyzing literature, defining/spelling vocabulary words, and using the writing process.

Online Resources:

The 6th grade McDougal Littell Literature book is available online.

  1. Go to
  2. Select Subject (Language Arts-Middle School)
  3. Select State (Oklahoma)
  4. Click on “go” to find book
  5. Click on Yellow Grade 6 book
  6. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Online Book” next to the picture of the book.

Classroom Instructional techniques/methods:

There are many different techniques that will be used throughout the year in 6th grade English Language Arts. We will do a wide variety of reading. The students will work in small groups and complete small group activities; the class will also participate in whole group activities. Students will create presentations and different projects throughout the year.

Supplemental Curriculum Materials:

In addition to the McDougal Littellliterature book, we will study four novels throughout the school year.

The four novels we will study are:

Out of My Mind


The Hunger Games

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry


* Students will have daily assignments, tests, and quizzes which covered material throughout the school year. Most quizzes and tests will be announced several days prior to the test, but pop quizzes may also be given.

* In April, all students will take the Oklahoma Core Curriculum Test.

Required Materials:

Students will keep an interactive English Language Arts folder in the class. We will also need a journal for reading response questions.

Grading Policy:

100-90=A, 89-80=B, 79-70=C, 69-60=D, 59 or below=F


All assignments are out of a possible 100 points

Late Work:

Students are responsible for turning in all assignments. Failure to turn in an assignment will result in contacting parents to schedule a time that the student can make up late or missing assignments.

Make-up Work:

It is the student’s responsibility to get any work missed due to an absence. Students need to schedule a time to make-up quizzes and tests.


You may frequently check your student’s progress using our Power School parent portal.

Also, please feel free to call or email me anytime. Phone calls and emails will be returned as soon as possible.