October 24, 2013 - 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
6th Floor Conference Room
Sy Barker, President Ryan Matthys
Brian Kubicki, Past PresidentAnna Milligan
Sharon Cook, TreasurerRichard Pfeil
Jeff BreilerSue Coney
Tony Byrd – Board CandidateLarry Thompson, M.D.
Jay CaponigroNan Tulchinsky – Board Candidate
Dr. Karen Clark – Board CandidateDr. Gina Shropshire – Board Candidate
Frederick Dean, M.D.Matt Money – Board Candidate
Loretta FrankBarry Hall – Kruggel Lawton, Guest
Dick GatesMargene Zink – Kruggel Lawton, Guest
Craig HaenesSusan Warner, Executive Director
Kate LeeSherry Barker, Account Administrator
Natalie Davis Miller, Dream Team Coordinator
Anne Feferman, Pete Buttigieg,Dr. Alfred Guillaume, Jr., Jamal Henry, Rich Hill, Nancy King, Jeff Rea, Carole Schmidt (CEP Conf.)John Toth, Eric Marshall, Nancy King, Nancy Saunders,Posi Tucker, Noel Yarger (CEP Conf.) Jason Zook.
President, Sy Barker welcomed the board, Barry Hall and Margene Zink from Kruggel Lawton, and introduced our fiveboard-elect guests, Dr. Karen Clark, Dr. Gina Shropshire, Dr. Karen Clark, Matt Money, and Tony Byrd.
Brian Kubicki made the motion to approve the consent agenda (June board meeting minutes and August board retreat minutes). The motion was seconded by Loretta Frank with all in attendance approving the motion.
Finance/Investment Committee Report
- Financial Audit-Margene Zink presented the June 30, 2013 annual report with the board of directors explaining that the accrual basis was converted every year to cash basis for ease of reporting. Kruggel & Lawton stated the audit was given a “clean audit opinion on a cash basis.” A motion by Sharon Cook and seconded by Dick Gates was made to approve the 990 report and the annual report with all in attendance approved.
- Statement of Financial Position and Profit & Loss reports were presented by Treasurer, Sharon Cook. She noted that currently, we are $24,000 short of the budgeted truck pull income. It was also explained that the 5% annual disbursement income that is received from the Community Foundation and Indiana Trust is used for operating expenses and teacher grants (until the fund self-sustains). A motion was made by Larry Thompson, M.D. and seconded by Jeff Breiler to approve the financial statements as presented. All in attendance approved the motion. Sharon also noted that as Susan has previously shared, the reading grants are not coming in as in the past, and donations by our donors will be very important this year.
Governance Committee
- Sy Barker presented a Proclamation to honor Brian Kubicki’s years of board service. The following board members were honored with an engraved crystal award for their years of service ending December 31, 2013: Brian Kubicki, Bob Lewis, Loretta Frank, Nancy King, Ryan Matthys, and Richard Pfeil.
- Brian Kubicki introduced a motion, on behalf of the Governance Committee to recommend the following as officers for 2014. Jeff Breiler seconded the motion with all in attendance approving the following: Sy Barker – President, Larry Thompson, M.D. – Vice President Anne Feferman – Secretary, and Sharon Cook – Treasurer
- Susan Warner read background on the following board elect: Joseph Bauer,Linda Brookshire, Tony Byrd, Dr. Karen Clark, Matt Money, and Dr. Gina Shropshire. Dick Pheil made the motion, with Dick Gates seconding and all in attendance approving the new directors. Susan noted an orientation will be scheduled.
- Kate Lee and Dick Gates lead discussion on the Truck Pull thanking all that volunteered and helped. The preliminary results of the Truck Pull indicate a similar income to last year. Susan Warner noted that approximately $6,000 in expenses was due to the Truck Pull Kick Off at the Double Tree, but the expenses were about the same due to many efforts to reduce expenses for the truck pull. Susan Warner worked with Sue Coney to send a survey to the school principals to gauge their opinion on the Truck Pull. Ideas for further engaging the schools were discussed. The feeling from the feedback so far has been to continue with the Truck Pull next year and the marketing committee will review the principal feedback.
- The annual appeal is in design phase with a goal to mail it out in November. Kate Lee asked the board for additional prospect for our donor base, noting that we can’t assume that our friends or neighbors are on the mailing list.
- Susan Warner announced that we are back to our original speaker for The 2014 Luncheon, Barbara Colorado and Kids Are Worth It!
Program Motion to Increase Character Ed
- Larry Thompson made a recommendation to work toward raising $6,000 for CEP, but not to amend the budget. Sharon Cook and Jay Caponigro discussed the way in which CEP and PBIS work together. Brian Kubicki shared a reminder that the Foundation’smission includes being sensitive to the school corporation program requests. Brian Kubicki seconded Larry’s motion, with all in attendance approving and thanking Dick Pfeil, who agreed to match funds that are raised up to $6,000.
Board Requests/Announcements
- Sy requested that Board Directors complete the Board member Self Evaluation form and turn in page two only to the office.
- As there was no further discussion or announcements the meeting was adjourned. Susan Warner thanked the board for the change in meeting time so that she could catch a plane in Indianapolis to attend the CEP Conference in Washington D.C. Noel Yarger and Dr. Carole Schmidt had already left for the conference.
- Note: Marketing Com. Mtg.@Adm. Bldg. –Flr. 5Nov. 13th12:00-1:00 p.m.
- Fin/Governance Com. Mtg. @ Adm. Bldg. –Flr.5Nov. 21st11:45-1:00 p.m.