Appendix 1
Special Stamp Issue - “Hong Kong’s Participation in Expo 2010 Shanghai China”
(April 27, 2010)
The special stamps on “Hong Kong’s Participation in Expo 2010 Shanghai China” are designed by Mr. WONG Chun-hong. The four stamps and Souvenir Sheet are printed in lithography by Cartor Security Printing of France, whereas the Block-of-4 Souvenir Sheet is printed in lithography by Beijing Postage Stamp PrintingHouse.
Sales Arrangements
Information about the sales arrangements of philatelic products associated with this special stamp issue is as follows:
Product available from April 13 / Unit Selling Price / Restriction Per Queuing CustomerFirst Day Cover
(only available until 27 April 2010) / $1 / No restriction
Products available from April 27 / Unit Selling Price / Restriction Per Queuing Customer
Mint Stamps
(a set of four stamps) / $1.40
$5.00 / 10 sheets of each denomination
(viz. 250 stamps of each denomination)
Souvenir Sheet
(containing a set of four stamps) / $11.80 / 20 sheets
Block-of-4 Souvenir Sheet
(containing four Souvenir Sheets) / $47.2 / Five sheets
Presentation Pack
(containing a set of four stamps) / $20.00 / Five packs
Serviced First Day Cover affixed with a set of four stamps and date-stamped with the special postmark
(only available at all philatelic offices on 27 April 2010) / $15.30 / Five covers
Serviced First Day Cover affixed with a Souvenir Sheet and date-stamped with the special postmark
(only available at all philatelic offices on 27 April 2010) / $15.30 / Five covers
Date-stamping Arrangements
A hand-back date-stamping service by the office steel date-stamp and the special postmark will be provided on 27 April 2010 at all post offices for official/privately-made covers bearing the first day of issue indication and a local address. All philatelic offices will also provide hand-back date-stamping service by the “Philatelic Bureau” pictorial postmark and the philatelic office pictorial postmark concurrently, but the GPO-1 date-stamp will only be available at the General Post Office.
Public hall of the Hongkong Post Philatelic Bureau will open from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on 27 April 2010 to provide date-stamping service by the “Philatelic Bureau” pictorial postmark and the special postmark.
Information about this special stamp issue and associated philatelic products may be obtained from the website of Hongkong Post at, at any post offices or by calling the Hongkong Post Philatelic Bureau hotline on 2785 5711.