6th -8th Grade Physical Education Syllabus

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the 2017-2018 school year.

Course Objective

Physical education plays a large role in the development of motor, cognitive, and social skills. It is the goal of our department to provide activities in a safe learning environment that promote the development of these skills. These activities will include individual and team sports, recreational activities, physical fitness activities, and dance. Students will learn the skills required for these activities, teamwork, sportsmanship, acceptance of and respect for others, respect for equipment and property, and the importance of living a healthy active lifestyle.

Course Requirements and General Rules

1.  Every student is required to dress out every day in the SMS P.E. uniform. Athletic shoes with socks are required.

2.  Any student not dressed in appropriate attire will receive half credit for the day and will still be required to participate in that activity for the day.

3.  P.E. clothing should be laundered on a regular basis for proper hygiene.

4.  All personal items should be locked in a locker during class.

5.  All students must change clothing in the dressing room. Changing in the bathroom is not permitted unless prior authorization from the teacher is given.

6.  Students must wear clothing as it is intended to be worn. All shorts and sweats must be worn at the waist. Sagging will not be allowed.

7.  Students are not allowed into the equipment closet at anytime. Equipment must be issued by a teacher.

8.  Students should not use any equipment in the gym or on the playing field until given instruction to do so.

9.  NO food or drinks are allowed in the gym.

10. NO chewing gum at any time.

11. NO horseplay at anytime.

12. NO one is allowed to enter the dressing room until instructed to do so.

13. Students must obtain permission to enter the restroom after the beginning of class.

14. Students must obtain permission from a teacher before leaving the gym area.

15. Respect all others at all times.

16. Foul language will not be tolerated!

Class Procedures

1.  At the beginning of class student should report directly to the dressing room to change clothing.

2.  Once a student is in the appropriate attire he/she should report to their assigned roll call line.

3.  Students will be given no less than 5 minutes at the end of class to change back into their school clothing.

4.  Once a student has changed back into their clothing, they must report back to their roll call line and remain seated until the bell rings.

5.  A student that has a medical excuse for 1-3 days must provide a written excuse. An alternate plan will be given.

6.  Any student that has a medical excuse for more than 3 days must provide a doctor’s excuse and an alternate plan will be made.

Classroom Management Plan

The 6th -8th grade Behavior Management Plan will be used at all times.

Any student that fails to dress out 5 times in a nine week grading period will be subject to detention or ISS.

Parents of a student continuously misbehaving will be contacted, or called in for a conference.

Severe acts of defiance or misbehavior will result in a visit to the appropriate administrator.


90% Daily participation grade

10% Skills test, written tests, written assignment or projects.

Any questions please feel free to email us:


Parents and students please sign below the line and turn in by August 18, 2017.

*Student first weekly grade is this sign bottom portion of syllabus*


Due by August 18, 2017

