Wideview Public School
Children living within the local area will be enrolled in accordance with the policies ofthe NSW Department of School Education.
- Parents must provide three (3) forms of documentary evidence of their place of residence within the school boundary. This evidence must be:
- either the council rates notice or rental or lease agreement; and
- two of the following - water/gas/electricity/telephone/ Medicare/Centrelink or bank account statement.
A drivers license is not considered to be evidence of residential address.
The boundary of our local area is indicated on maps held in the School’s District Office.
- Places in each year will be kept open from the start of the year to ensure access for children who move into the local area during the year. The number of places will be based on historical data and predicted enrolment fluctuations. Places in this bufferare not to be offered to non-local students.
- Enrolment Ceilings and Buffers
Wideview PS at all times attempts to maintain the enrolment ceiling in each grade so as to keep the student/teacher ratio at a level which is most beneficial to the students and the school. The Department of Education and Training’s commitment to reducing class sizes in the Infants area means that the school is currently very close to its enrolment ceiling or, within our “buffer zone”.
DET Enrolment of Students in Government Schools Policy of 1997 states that “No additional accommodation will be provided to cater for increased enrolments resulting from non-local placements”. To this end a buffer of two students per class is maintained in order to accommodate local students arriving throughout the year. The ceiling breakdown including buffers is as follows:
- Kinder 18 + 2
- Year 1 20 + 2
- Year 2 22 + 2
- Year 3 28 + 2
- Year 4 28 + 2
- Year 5 28 + 2
- Year 6 28 + 2
4.Applications for non-local enrolment will be considered only when there are places available in the school and the enrolment does not create the need for a demountable classroom (Department of Education and Training Policy). Contact will be made with all non-local applicants to obtain further information, if required.
5.Criteria for selecting amongst non-local enrolment applications are listed in priority order:
i.Sibling(s) already enrolled at the school
iiSafety and supervision of the student before and after school
ii Proximity and access to the school
ivSibling(s) who attended the school in the past.
vCompassionate circumstances
Criteria will be applied equitably to all applicants.
- An out-of-area placements panel,in accordance with Departmental policy, will consist of the Principal, one staff representative and one parent representative nominated bythe Combined Parents Association. The panel will consider all applications for non-local enrolment when places are available in the school.
- Waiting lists will be established for non-local applicants and will remain current for that school year. Parents will be advised if their child is to be placed on a waiting list.
- Appeals should be made in writing to the Principal who will convene a placement panel consisting of the Principal, a staff representative and a parent representative nominated by the School Council. If not resolved at the local level appeals may be referred to the School Education Director to make a determination.
- Enrolment of Students with Disabilities
When students with disabilities are seeking enrolment into regular classes, an appraisal of the students educational and support needs will occur. This may occur as part of a planned transition process, or at the time the enrolment is sought and may involve the school counsellor and other DET staff.
In determining the most appropriate enrolment options a number of factors will need to be considered including:
- Expressed desire of the parents/caregivers
- Appraisal of educational and support needs
- Capacity to provide the level of support required
- Availability of services at alternative locations
10. Enrolment of Students who are not Australian Citizens
Applications for enrolment for students other than Australian citizens, are dealt with underGuidelines for Schools – Enrolment of Permanent Residents and Temporary Visa Holders policy issued by the DET.
Permanent residents enrolled in government schools have access to the same educational provisions as Australian citizens.
Temporary residents and temporary visa holders are subject to the conditions outlined in the above set of guidelines.
- Short Term Attendance
Where a student enrolled at another Australian school needs to attend Wideview Public School for a short period of time the student will be regarded as short term attendance. The minimum period for this is 10 school days. These students will not be entered on the register of Wideview Public School. The home school should maintain the student’s name on the attendance register with information of attendance provided by Wideview Public School at the end of the stay, or the end of each term.
11.Waiting lists will be established for non-local students and will be current for one year. Parents will be advised in writing if their child is to be placed on a waiting list and their position on the waiting list.
12.Appeals should be made in writing to the Principal and if not resolved at the local level referred to the School Education Director to make a determination.
Wideview Rd Berowra Heights NSW 2082
Phone (02) 94561655 Fax (02) 94562981
Application for Out of Area Enrolment at Wideview PS
Please provide any relevant information on the form for use by the school’s placement panel.
Student’s Name……………………………………….…………… Other names…………………………….…………Address …………………………………………………………………………..……. Postcode ……………….………
Parent’s Name ……………………………………………….………………….………..………………………………..
Phone (H) ……………….…..……Phone (MOB) ………………..……………… Phone (W) …………………..………
Current Primary School / Pre School ………………………………………………….………….………………………..
Criteria for Non-local Enrolment Applications will be:
- Compassionate reasons;
- Proximity and access to the school;
- Siblings already enrolled at the school; and
- Safety and supervision of the students before and after school.
Please provide details of any compassionate reasons why you wish your child to be enrolled at Wideview PS.
Please provide details of any issues related to proximity and access to the school that would support your application for enrolment at Wideview PS.
Please provide the names of any siblings who are currently enrolled at Wideview PS
Please outline how you feel that an enrolment at Wideview PS will improve for your child’s safety and supervision, before and after school.
Please add any other comments that you feel are relevant in considering this application.
Please read the information for parents on the back of this form
Family Name:______Date of Birth:______
Given names:______Male______Female____
Address:______Home Phone______
______Work Phone______
Parent/Guardian Names:______
Present School______
School Applied for:______Year______
Proposed date of enrolment______
Reason for application______
(Attach any further information that may be relevant)
I have also applied for enrolment at the following non-local school______
and at my local school______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Date received:______Place available______
Parent advised on______
Parents may apply for the non-local enrolment of their child in up to two schools of their choice in addition to their designated local school. A separate application form is required for each school.
Priority for enrolment will be given to students entering kindergarten. Places may also be available in years 1-6.
Reasons for choosing a non-local placement may include:
- Change of residence
- Move from a non-government school
- Siblings already enrolled at the school
- Medical reasons
- Safety and supervision of the student before and after school
- Student welfare needs
- Particular educational programs or philosophies
- Structure and organisation of the school
- Size of the school
- Particular disciplinary procedures
- Attitude to school uniforms
- Travel arrangements and/or distance
The number of students a school may enrol is limited by the availability of classroom space. This means that some schools may not have room left for non-local enrolments after accommodating local children. To avoid disappointment, parents should check that there are places available in a school before applying.
Once a student enrols in a non-local school, transfer to another non-local school will only be possible in exceptional circumstances. Transfer to the student’s local school will be allowed if space is available.
Parents can appeal against decisions regarding non-local placement by writing to the Assistant Director-General (Region).