6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Physical Education Expectations
Mrs. Bacon, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Murray, and Mrs. Rogers
Grading: Physical Education grades will be made up of 4 areas: participation and effort, dress, tardiness, and behavior. Each student will be given 20 daily points. If one or more of the above requirements is not met, the student will lose points. It is possible to receive zero points for a day.
P.E. grades will be calculated based on the following grading scale….
A= 90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=59% and lower
Gym Suit (7th and 8th grades): Students are expected to attend and suit out everyday in the proper P.E. attire. Each student must wear their own uniform.
If a student fails to suit out they will lose 5 daily points. These points may not be made up. The proper gym suit includes a school issued dark blue shorts and grey t-shirt. Student’s name will be on both. Students are responsible for providing socks and tennis shoes. Tennis shoes must fit tightly enough that they don’t come off during physical activity. Gym suits should be taken home and laundered once a week. All students will wear their shorts around their waistline with shirts tucked in.
Sagging pants are against school policy and will be enforced in P.E. class.
Gym Suit (6th grade): Students are expected to dress in proper P.E. clothing on P.E. days. This would include clothing that they can easily move in and participate in. Tennis shoes must be worn in order to receive credit for that day. No skirts, sandals, or cutoff t-shirts will be accepted. A uniform will not be provided. If dress expectations are not met, 5 points (25%) will be deducted from the daily grade.
Jewelry: All students are expected to remove all jewelry, watches, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, or anything else that is a perceived hazard to the students. Failure to do this will result in a 5-point deduction off the student’s dress points. Fitness trackers may be worn.
Class Participation: Students are expected to participate everyday. If a student is injured/sick, a note from a parent/doctor is required in order for the student to not participate for that day. Points for the day will be lost and the student will need to make up the day to receive the points. The same is true for absences.
Gum Policy: NO GUM ALLOWED IN THE GYM!!! Failure to comply will result in a conduct point, points taken from their daily grade, or both if the problem continues.
P.E. Make-up: If a student misses class for any non-school related activity, the time must be made up. Students will make up this time on their own. They will need to do a 40 minute physical activity outside of the regular school day. Athletic practices may be used. If a student exercises with an adult, the student may use that persons minutes as part of their own. This would allow for a 20 minute workout with a parent or adult guardian to count as one 40 minute session. A form will need to be picked up by the student and brought home, a parent signature is required. All make-up classes must be completed by the end of the 9 week grading period. If a student has sustained a long-term injury or illness they will not be required to make up those days through activity and will be recorded as exempt in the grade book. A long-term injury is one in which a student is forced to miss 5 consecutive P.E. days and a doctors note must be on file.
Lost and Found:
Students often forget to lock up their possessions, leaving items laying around the locker room, and/or leaving their lock some place other than their locker. When this happens, all items will be put in the P.E. lost and found. These Boxes can be found in the locker rooms on both the student side and the athlete side. The boxes will be emptied into the school wide lost and found after a week (or when full). It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve their own items from lost and found. All found locks will be turned into the P.E. teacher. If a lock is missing, the student must first check with the teacher to see if it was turned in, then if it is not found must purchase a new lock from the school. Locks are a $6.00 replacement fee. Lost uniforms must also be replaced to receive full credit during class. Uniform replacement fees are $10.00 for a shirt and $10.00 for shorts. The teacher or school is not responsible for lost items not locked up.
We look forward to a great year of fitness and fun!
I have read and understand the following expectations and have no further questions. Please sign below and return this for to your student’s P.E. instructor.
Students Name: (please print) ______
Teacher and Hour: ______circle which day A B
Students Signature: ______
Parents Signature: ______