6MMath Student-Teacher Contract 2017-2018

Classroom Expectations

  1. Always report to class promptly and quietly and sit in your assigned seat.
  2. Copy your homework assignment into your planner. Then open your notebook and begin the lesson.
  3. Have homework on the desk ready for checking.
  4. Eat only in the cafeteria. Gum chewing is prohibited.
  5. One person speaks at a time. Students must raise their hands.
  6. Keep hands to oneself.
  7. Maintain a neat and personal space and always respect school property.

If the above expectations are not met, one or more of the following may occur:

  1. Verbal warning and directed reflection on behavior.
  2. Conference with student.
  3. Contact parent.
  4. Parent conference.
  5. Conference with school administration


  1. A 1 to 2 inchredsoft cover binder with loose leaf which is reinforced.
  2. Loose leaf paper to be kept at home.
  3. Two dozen sharpened pencils, a sharpener with a cover and an eraser. Pens are NOT to be used. Whiteout is not permitted. Three pencils with erasers should be available everyday in class.
  4. A scientific calculator is recommended.
  5. A red homework folder with 3 holes to be insertedintothe binder is required. AREDfolder with 3 holes so it can be kept in your Math binder, labeled “Math” with the student’s name and homeroom written on it. This folder may not be used for other subjects. A heavier duty folder is preferred!
  6. A second pocket folder will be collected by your Math teacher and will be stored in your Math class. Please purchase the following color based on student’s class:6M1= Yellow,6M2= Green, 6M3=Blue, 6M4= Orange or Purple. The folder must be labeled in BIG BOLD letters with the student’s first name, last name, homeroom class, talent and "Math".
  7. Post it notes.
  8. Other supplies as needed will be announced such as colored pencils and graph paper .
  9. Ear buds will be required to be used in the classroom with the use of the iPad ( please no headphones).
  10. A box of tissues and pencils would be appreciated for use in the classroom.


1.A daily homework (home learning) assignment is given Monday through Friday.

2.The assignment must include the heading, pages, example numbers, and brief directions must be written.


4.Late homework policy: only 3 late homework assignments will be accepted per marking period. For a late homework to be accepted for full credit it must be submitted no more than 1 day late and it must be signed by a Parent/Guardian. Homework assignments that are based on video lessons may NOT be made up for credit. Homework made up after an absence is due the day after the student returns to school. Students are responsible for the homework assignment even if it is not posted on the website.

5.We will be utilizing various instructional methods this year. In order for students to be successful, they will be required to use internet resources to complete many of their homework assignments. These resources include pearsonsuccessnet.com (our online textbook and online assessments). Daily homework assignments will vary. Some assignments will require students to access video lessons, take notes on what they learned, do guided practice, and complete independent practice. Students who do not complete these assignments prior to class will not be prepared with the knowledge necessary to complete the following day’s classwork.


1.Students are responsible for missing homework within an appropriate time.

2.Check homework notebook or the internet for missing assignments.

3.Get phone numbers of classmates in order to keep up to date.

Tests and Grading Policy

All tests must be signed by parent or guardian and returned to me withcorrections. If the test or quiz is not returned by the required date, the student will receive a missed homework and points will be deducted from the test.

Each marking period grade is based on tests, quizzes, performance tasks and/or projects (60%); notebook, class work and class participation (effort, promptness, attendance and attitude) (20%); homework (20%). The grades for the marking period encompasses the average from the prior marking period. In the final marking period the student’s average is what he/she earned from the whole academic year. Parents and/or guardians can access students’ grades through the online system ofPupilPath.Detailed instructions, usernames and passwords will be forthcoming.


You are expected to adhere to all stipulations within the school wide iPad contract. As part of your agreement to use the iPad responsibly, please remember the following:

1.iPads are a privilege to use in the classroom and are a part of your participation grade.

2.iPads are an academic tool to assist in the learning process and therefore, using your iPad inappropriately (i.e. playing games, watching videos that have not been requested by your teacher, taking photos or recording video, etc.) will result in a loss of participation points for the day.

3.If you have downloaded non-academic apps onto your iPad, you will be asked to delete them. If you do not remove them your entire iPad will be wiped clean, meaning EVERYTHING will be gone.

4.The iPad does not replace any other supplies required by your teachers nor does it replace conventional note taking.

Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation. I look forward to working with you to ensure that your child has a successful academic year!


Regina Lezamiz

Math Teacher/Cluster Coordinator

Pleasesign and returnthis page.The contract should be inserted into the student’s math binder for reference.


Student’sname (Print)______

Student’s class______

Student’s signature______



Best method to contact the parent/guardian:______

Telephone/cell phone number:______

Email address:______