Class Rules, Expectations and General Information

Class Rules, Expectations and General Information

Geometry 2015-2016

Class rules, Expectations and General Information

Teacher- Mrs. Linda Eaddy

School Phone: 757-923-4101 Email:

Website: http://

Class Rules

  1. NO eating in classroom, water is the only beverage allowed!
  2. Be in class prepared to work when the tardy bell rings
  3. Bring all required materials to class daily (notebook, paper, pencils, highlighters)
  4. Follow directions the first time they are given
  5. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to move around
  6. Keep your hands, feet and other objects to yourself
  7. Do not interrupt me or others when talking. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
  8. Stay seated until I dismiss class. The bell does not dismiss you.

Required materials

 A 3-ring binder (1 ½ in. or larger)

 4 notebook dividers

 Loose-leaf paper

 Pencils

 4 Highlighters/glue sticks

 TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Graphing calculator for home use (library checked-out offered)

 Graph paper/quad paper/ruler

 Composition or Spiral notebook


Interactive notebooks will be collected/graded for a quiz grade via a rubric.

You will use the notebook to take notes and respond to assignments and writings that will be assigned daily.

Your binder must be separated into notes/class-work, graded papers, and a homework section.

All graded work will be kept at the end of each unit section of your binder.


  1. What I write-you write!
  2. Notes may be written in pen. They will be kept in the “unit” section of your binder.
  3. You will receive a table of contents page for each unit.
  4. Notes should be neat and legible and must include the date.
  5. You are responsible for getting notes when absent.



Homework will be checked. ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN. Homework with answers only will not receive credit. Include your name, date and assignment on each homework paper. The assignment will be entered on my blog but you are required to record it before leaving the classroom.

Late policyIf completed the day it is assigned-up to 100%

If turned in by the test day for that material up to 50%

**If problems are not answered or work is not shown, full credit will not be given***

Students may NOT REDO the assignments for a better grade, but students will be given a free homework pass each nine weeks to replace a previous assignment.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated! If you are or others are found copying assignments, both parties are subject to zeros, parent contact and/or referrals.

Class work

  1. All class work is to be done in pencil. Work done in ink will not be graded.
  2. Papers must be properly headed with name, date and assignment
  3. Work must be neat and legible. This includes paper with ragged edges. If I cannot read it, it will not be graded.
  4. All class work must be turned in the day it is assigned unless the teacher has stated otherwise.


If you are absence, you are responsible for getting your make-up work and turning it in within 5 days. Check the homework website and check with the teacher for any additional items.


Quizzes- Quizzes will consist of mainly free- response, TEI format and limited multiple choice questions. Quizzes will be returned in a timely manner. If a student is absent they will be given an alternative quiz that will need to make up in a timely manner based on the school policy. There are at least 5 quizzes each quarter.

“Odyssey and Edmodo” quizzes will also be assigned during each quarter. Your log-in for the Odyssey software is the same as your username and password that you use to log-in to the school computer. The videos are graded as homework assignments. You will be given a class code for the Edmodo software.

Test Reviews- Test review handouts will be given out before a test day. Answers will be given before the test with time for any student questions. The test reviews are similar to the test and an excellent way to prepare for a test. We will go over the solutions to the test review the class period before the test is administered.

Test- Test will be a combination of multiple choice and short answer questions. Students are not allowed to keep the test but the test will be reviewed by the students and teachers are available to discuss any test with individuals in more detail before or after school. Each Math class will have a Cumulative Nine week test/Exam towards the end of each quarter.

Calculators –We use TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculators

No games or programs are to be placed on school calculators. It is recommended that you have a graphing calculator at home for completing homework. You will be assigned a number and you are responsible for returning the calculator in working condition at the end of each block. In the event I am absent, the graphing calculators will not be made available by a substitute.

Bathroom Passes

Each student will have 4 bathroom passes to use during the school year. My class information is important and you should not miss out. The passes are for emergencies only. Remember you have 5 minutes between classes and to use your time wisely.


Extra-help is available on Tuesdays from 3:05-3:55 unless otherwise notified.

Grading Scale:

Test 40%, Quizzes 30%, Class work 20%, Homework 10%

100-93 A, 92-90 A-, 89-87 B+, 86-83 B, 82-80 B-, 79-77 C+, 76-73 C, 72-70 C-, 69-67 D+, 66-63 D, 62-60 D- below 60 F
Please return this paper to Mrs. Eaddy by the next class block.

Mrs. Eaddy’s Geometry Rules and Expectations

Printed Student Name______

Printed Parent’s Name(s)______

I have read and understand the class rules and expectations.


Student SignatureParent Signature

Parent email______Phone______

Cell phone______

Best way to contact you, please check one:

 Email

 Home Phone

 Cell Phone

 Note via student

Please note any issues or general information that I may need to know to allow me to better serve your child’s educational needs.