650 N.E. 1st Street Deerfield Beach, Florida33441

Telephone: (754) 322-6100

November 13, 2015

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Your student has been invited to join “The RISE Team” (Raising Individual Student’s Expectations), at Deerfield Beach Elementary. I am the Assistant Principal and will lead this club. My goal for this club is to teach academic and life skills aimed at developing positive, responsible students ready for middle school and life.

The “RISE Team” will have two main objectives:

·  To develop young men with confidence, methods to communicate, positive decision-making skills, & respect

·  To create students with life-long learning skills (i.e. responsibility, organization, etc.) that will be applied at the elementary, middle, high, and college level.

The club will consist of different elements not limited to guest lectures, academic practice (reading/math), sports, team building activities, character lessons, and organization. Each week students will have a variety of enjoyable and engaging activities that will always concentrate on developing positive, confident, responsible young men.

This club will meet two Mondays a month after school from 2:00 to 3:00 in the Media Center beginning on Monday, December 7th, 2015. You will need to provide transportation for your child at 3:00 PM. Parents/guardians are expected to be prompt if they are picking up students. Students will be allowed to walk home but parents must be aware that crosswalk guards are off post at this time. We will meet the following Mondays:

December 7th and 14th January 11th and 25th February 8th and 22nd

March 7th and 28th April 11th and 25th May 9th

To participate, students are expected to attend each session and demonstrate appropriate Deerfield Beach Elementary School behavior. If parents continuously (more than once) pick students up late, student’s attendance is erratic, or students consistently display inappropriate behavior, they will be removed from the “RISE Team” with no chance of rejoining. We will be very strict with our guidelines, as we expect to have a waiting list of students to fill their spots. If you have any questions, please call me at 754-322-6100. You may also contact me by sending a note with your student or by emailing me at .


Ms. Scott Mr. Gerlach

Principal Assistant Principal

“The RISE Team”

(Raising Individual Student’s Expectations)

Authorization Form

Please fill out and return to Mr. Gerlach’s office as soon as possible

Please check one

____ I give permission for my child to attend and participate with the RISE Team.

____ I do not give my permission for child to attend.

My child will go home by (please check one):

______Deerfield Beach Public Library

______After School Program (ASP on Deerfield Beach Elementary campus)

______Car driven by ______

Please fill out:

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) name(s): ______

Home Phone #: ______

Cellular Phone #: ______

Work Phone #: ______

By signing below I understand that my child is expected to be on time, be picked up on time, and must display exemplary behavior. If they don’t they will receive one warning and then be removed from this club.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Deerfield Beach Elementary School 2015-2016 School Year

Created 12/11/2012