Minutes of AGM
Monday 30 October 2017
6:30pm Castle Suite
Present: Di Moore, Sarah Armitstead, Pat Redfern, Claire Smith, Alison Hooper, Jill Gates, Stephen Holcroft and Roberta Heslop.
Apologies: Ana Maria Guzman, Georgie Brasher, Helen Baines, Anna Waters
- Welcome new members
No new members present. Jane Meaden will be joining the committee this year.
- Minutes of last AGM
Minutes of the last meeting checked. All agreed that is was an accurate account of the last AGM.
- Chair’s report
This last year has been another success for the QESA, with a growing committee and continued support from several members of staff in school. The QESA continues to support our school and the education of our students throughout their time at QES, thanks to the commitment of our members, parents, staff and the local community.
In the last year, we have continued to run a number of events, which have been established over many years, developing and improving these further. The Christmas fair was once again a huge success and raised a similar amount to the previous year, and that again was without the use of the gym as in previous years. I feel the event has grown into something really special, with stalls being far more along the lines of true Christmas ‘fayre’ and crafts, more so than in previous years. All events are an essential part of what we do, not only to raise funds for the many worthwhile causes in the school community and beyond, but also in providing a strong link with the local community. The Grand Easter Draw was a success again for the third year running, although it is getting increasingly challenging to rally the support from students in terms of selling tickets, but this I believe is part of a bigger picture, not relating to school itself. Promoting our events through assemblies continues to have a positive effect on not only raising awareness of the events that take place, but also raise the profile of the QESA. Staff and pupils are now very familiar with the QESA, and where the funding is allocated in school. Mark McNulty does a great job updating the website and posting key messages on the main webpage on our behalf.
We recently held our annual Family Quiz Night for year 7 students and their families, with a number of staff also attending. It was a lovely evening and a great opportunity for new parents to see the school in a different light, as well as to meet members of the QESA and find out how they can get involved. Many thanks go once again to Jasper Marriott for his role as compere and entertainer! Also, thanks to Robin Daglish for the quiz rounds he created for us. We have received lots of very positive feedback and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.
In the last round of departmental bidding applications, we donated just over £10,000 to various projects and departments in school, including a donation to the F1 Engineering course, a visiting lecturer for Psychology, support for Sekwe House orphanage in Malawi, the school Access Fund and resources to support the pastoral team, as well as tailor’s dummies for KS4 textiles and subscription to ‘Cool Geography’, to name but a few. Many departments have benefited from the QESA donations and we have received several cards and letters of thanks as well as a box of biscuits!
I am looking forward to working with this great committee, welcoming new members this year, and feel sure that this will be another success for the QESA. I hope we can build on last year and look to the future with new ideas for fundraising activities. Many thanks to everyone for their hard work and commitment throughout the year; it is evident that we are all very busy people with lots of other commitments, who give so much to such a good cause and for this reason I, along with the rest of the school community, am extremely grateful for all your efforts.
S. Armitstead
4. Treasurer’s report
- Less money in reserve as more funds have been distributed this year which is a positive.
- 200 club £2332
- Xmas fair £3973
- General downturn in the intake of events seen sometimes due to lack of sufficient help.
- Spring raffle £1843 this year compared to £2035 in 2016.
- Kendal College evening £312 and Y7 social evening £686 both slightly up on last year.
- Second hand uniform - amount appears reduced by new cheques submitted therefore the total is still to be calculated.
- Overall income £9994 with an expenditure of £12599 and an overall deficit of £2605. Net current assets stand at £5807.
5. Election of new Committee Members/resignations
- Position of Chair - Sarah Armitstead proposed by Claire Smith and seconded by Pat Redfern
- Position of Vice Chair - Claire Smith proposed by Sarah Armitstead and seconded by Jill Gates
- Secretary - Roberta Heslop proposed by Di Moore and seconded by Steven Holcroft
- Position of Treasurer - Jill Gates proposed by Pat Redfern and seconded by Claire Smith
6. Committee proposals – changes to Constitution
*Proposal 1: Clause 1.4 to be amended to say that the Committee shall consist of chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer and up to 4 additional committee members as required. The Committee shall also include one Senior
Leadership Team representative and the 200 Club secretary who shall both be co-opted.
*Proposal 2: Clause 5.3 to be amended to say that there is a quorum at a General meeting when the total number of members present is at least eight, four of whom must not be current committee members. The only exception would be at a General meeting where the Association is being dissolved: please see Clause 13.
Meeting closed 7.30pm