College of Alameda

Meeting Minutes Part I

Committee: Accreditation Self-Study

Date: April 2, 2008

Present: Dudley, Banks, Jackson, Barksdale, Robinson, Cook, Sparks, Pernell, Campbell, Jones, Lengel, Wirth, Schermerhorn (PIO),

Absent: The composition of this Committee and the section chairs are still under construction. Until it is established who is a member of this committee, no one will be considered absent.

Confirmed members: Dudley, Banks, Jackson, Barksdale, Cook, Sparks, Pernell, Compton, Willis, Campbell, Jones, Lengel, Simon, Schermerhorn

Others, status unknown: Robertson, Safir (on sabbatical leave), Johnson (student), Finlayson (on vacation), Snell, Bajrami, Williams, Jaramillo, Jordan (out-of-town), Revell, Jaramillo, Loretto, Camara, Bajrami

Attendees as members of section committees: Wirth, Robinson, Uy

Agenda Item / Discussion / Follow-up Action
Approval of Minutes: / None
I. Announcements
A.  Introductions
B.  Accreditation Team Members
C.  Word processing format
D.  Timeline / A.  None needed.
B.  Co-chairs: Dudley and Banks. Webmaster: McKenna. Minutes: Pham (unable to attend today’s meeting). Research assistant: Amani. Needed: clerical help (not hired), ghost writer (not hired)
C.  Word 2003 will be the format used for document in self-study. Both Word 2003 and 2007 are loaded on laptops. There is an option in 2007 to save all documents in .doc format. Various suggestions made re: style.
D.  Handout presented and discussed. PD asks all to consider that faculty will be busy with finals from 5/15- 5/30, then off for the summer, then busy with starting classes 8/15-8/30. Time table as presented is first draft – suggestions and corrections requested.
Discussion of work undertaken already: JJ: emphasized that much work has already been done. CC: imperative that study include faculty involvement. SR: Need for involvement of part-time faculty. JJ: Purinton is contact for PT faculty. / C.  PD offered to help reconfigure 2007 to save in .doc. Will provide style sheet for next meeting.
II. Old Business
A.  Section Co-Chairs and Team members
B.  Web Resources
C.  SLO Report: Carlotta / A.  List attached. DB responsible for reporting of Standards I and III, Dudley responsible for reporting of Standards II and IV.
B.  Handout. Consultant Eileen White was hired to help design web page. CC: Cabrillo and CCSF are good resources. PD: is a work in progress.
C.  Format for SLO’s is varied. A consistent format has been sent out. JJ: AACJC/WASC has annual requirement for an SLO report, due 4/18/08. / A.  CC will send out an email asking for faculty participation.
B. PD will update regularly.
III. New Business
A.  Writing content: Themes
B.  Needs
1.  What to have on agendas
2.  Reference material needed
3.  Office supplies
4.  Problems / A.  Handout. Style of entire self –study can be built upon themes, or structured as the standards. CC: CCSF incorporated themes in a separate binder for each standard. MW: Understands that self-study is written to reflect present circumstances, with Action Plan describing future plans. JJ: Description=present activities, Self Evaluation=where we are going, Planning Agenda=action to be taken. Templates can be found in standards, beginning of self-study guide, and in the responses to previous reports. DS: We also need to address past action plans from 2003. JJ: See colleges responses (pg 34)- all these issues must be in self study 2009.
JJ: Current self-study (2009) will be reviewed by accreditation peer review: first review 1/2009; second review 2/2009, site visit 3/2009. Will be reviewed by PCCD board in December 2008.
MW: Sections must meet and assign tasks.
B.  See attached minutes. / A.  We need a template. PD/DB/JJ will create.
B.DB: will proved a “how-to” manual.
Adjournment / 3:20 p.m.
Next meeting: April 9, 2008, 1:30- 3:00, L-237


WASC Standards, 3/08 Progress Report, Guide to Evaluating Institutions, 2003 Self Study, Crosswalk, Planning and Review, Evidence Sheet, CDs

Minutes taken: Part I P Dudley, Part II S Schermerhorn

Transcribed by: P Dudley

Agenda 080402.doc 2 4/7/2008