VocationsSunday 17thApril 2016
6.15pm VigilEderney, 9.30am Montiagh 11am Ederney
Saturday / 16th / 6.15pm / Ederney / Anniversary: Mary DurnianAnniversary: Eamon Muldoon
Sunday / 17th / 9.30am
11am / Montiagh
Ederney / Anniversary: Harry & Ellen Calgie
Monday / 18th / 7.30pm / Ederney / Anniversary: Angela Calgie, Kesh
Tuesday / 19th / 10am / Ederney
Wednesday / 20th / 10am / Ederney
Friday / 22nd / 7.30pm / Ederney
Saturday / 23rd / 6.15pm / Ederney
Sunday / 24th / 9.30am
11am / Montiagh
Ederney / Anniversary: Rosie & Pat Keavney
We Remember Those Who Have Died:Finn Gillen, Carn Road;Des Keogh, Lisnarick; Isobel Irvine, Lack; Sinead Lennon, Belturbet.May they rest in Peace.
Anniversary Masses: when booking an Anniversary or Months Memory please
write the names of the person(s) and/or family into the Diary on the Altar Rail.
‘Do This in Memory’ Mass’: We welcome the P4 children preparing for First Communion,their parents and families to the ‘Do this in Memory Mass’ today Sunday 17thApril.
Mass for all doing Examinations: There will be a meeting of young people in the Church after 11am Massto organise a Mass for Students doing exams. The time and date of the Mass will be decided at this meeting.
Visitation of Sick: Monday- Clonee, Lack, Montiagh
Tuesday- Kesh, Boa Island.
Friday- Ederney.
Weekly Adoration in the Parish Centre Thursday10.30am -3-30pm. 6pm-9pm.
Eucharistic Adorationevery Monday in Montiagh; 10.30am to 11.30am
The Rosary is said in the Church every evening: Sunday- Friday 6-30pm, Saturday at 5-15pm. (Except Thursdays).Everyone most welcome.
The Chaplet of Divine Mercyis recitedevery Monday and Friday evening at 7pm at the Divine Mercy Shrine in St. Joseph’s Church.
Everyone welcome.
Fr.Conlon will visit Ederney on Tuesday 3rd May. For appointment phone
Today is Vocations Sunday and our branch of the St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society will have a collectionat all Masses this weekend(16th/17th April).Parish Together: Meeting Tuesday 19th April at 8pm in the Parish Centre.
Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa: A representative will speak at weekend Masses in Culmaine & Pettigo on weekend of 21st & 22nd May. This will include a collection for society.
Parish Safeguarding Group:There will be an opportunity for all vetting forms to be completed immediately after 11am Mass thisSunday 17th April in the Parish Centre. It is essential that all parents who act as Adult Volunteers for Altar Servers in the Sacristy are vetted by the Church regardless of whether or not you have been vetted before by other organizations.
Please bring along one photographic form of identification eg.a passport or driving licence,in addition to two other forms of identification such as a birth certificate,marriage certificate,a national insurance number card,tv licence or insurance certificate.
Cake Sale: There will be a cake sale in the Parish Centre after Mass next weekend 23rd & 24th April to help raise funds for Dearbhaile McMenamin, Sharon Gallogly& Dana Teague who are going on the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes to assist pilgrims with special needs. Your support would be much appreciated.
Life in the Spirit Retreat in The Graan each Thursday at 8.30pm until 19th May. Includes Talks and Testimonies. Everyone Welcome
Follow the Icon: Pilgrim Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. To mark the 150th anniversary of the veneration to the icon of ‘Mother of Perpetual Help’ there will be a Jubilee pilgrimage to every cathedral in the Irish Church's 26 dioceses. The Icon will travel to St. Macartan’s Cathedral Monaghan 3rd-4th May 2016.
Variety ConcertinBannagh Hallon Friday 22ndApril at8pmsharp; Adm. £7 / €9. The concert features a guest appearance by Paul Kelly and proceeds will be shared by Save the Children’s Syrian appeal and Bannagh Hall fund.Bannagh Card Players organised a successful fund raising event for M.S. We raised £1026-96. Huge THANKS to all who supported this event.
Diocese of Clogher Lourdes Pilgrimage led by Bishop Liam McDaid July 6th- July 11th 2016. Total price: €735. For details see poster on Church notice board.
Medjugorje: 20th July '16 ex Dublin. €599. Contact John Calgie.
Clogher don Óige-Summer Camp: Clogher don Óigelaunch 'Assume' Summer Camp for 12 - 14 year olds which will take place this August giving young people the opportunity to come together, make friends, have fun and grow in faith. Interested in finding out more? Please visit or
email for more details and how to apply.
A Bereavement Care Awareness Course: which is based on Christian compassion and is being run under the auspices of the Care for the Family Organisation will take place in Tubrid Church Hall on 7th May from 10am - 4pm. The cost is £15. Early booking is advised as places are limited.
Aisling Centre; Poems of 1916 – remembering the Somme and the Rising with Rosemarie Keenan Tuesday 5th - 26th April, 2 pm – 4pm. No prior knowledge of poetry necessary All welcome - Contact the Aisling Centre – 028 6632 5811
Ederney GAA Notes: Ederney v Roslea at 3:30pmtoday. Let us get out and support the team.
Underage Hurling continuingon Saturdaymornings for children from Primary One upwards at 10:30-12:30in the Club Grounds. Contact Noel McAndrew. Players from other clubs welcome
GoGames Football/ Hurling training for U6, U8 & U10s started this week. For more information or if you can help with the coaching contact Declan Deazley.
Club Lotto jackpot stands at £4,600.
Refereeing Course: Anyone interested in getting involved in refereeing- there is a
CourseinBrewster Parkon Thursday 21st April. Pleasegive your name to Eugene McDonagh or Gerry McLaughlin.
Ederney ABC:Bonus Ball week 7 -winner Ann Monaghan.