Londonderry Planning Commission MeetingMinutes

6/15/15at 7:00PM ~ Town Office Building, School St.

(Attended: S. Crossman, L. Gubb, J. Wengerd, E. Dunbar, R. Dale, C. Gometz, O. Olsen)

Agenda and Minutes: (5 min)

  • Read and accept 6/15/15 PC Agenda _Y_.
  • Read and accept the previous meeting PC Minutes _Y_.

I. Additions to the posted agenda:

- NA

Old & Ongoing Business: (50 min)

II. ATF-Rebuilding for Us

- Report:status of the AFT/Planning proposals for the Morris/ Barker and Baccish properties relative to the Parks Board and decisions moving forward for more public input and working with the Parks Board.

-The future maintenance costs of the FEMA/Buyout properties is a NOW a subject of conversation between the Parks Board (PB), SB and PC.

- Some members of the PB are very concerned with the level of development of the Morris/ Barker property. The PB does not want the parking area, trails, bench or signage created at this site. In addition, they would prefer no trees planted by Rte. 11. They do NOT want to “invite” the public to use the property.

-In addition, the PB doesnot want a bench or have grass planted at the Baccish property. They do not want to encourage people to “hang out”.

-Q’s: 1. Research loss of Town tax revenue from Buyout properties. 2. Research the annual costs of maintenance for planned changes/developments of Buyout properties. 3. Get bids from Town Foreman and a private landscape company.

-The SB voted NO tonight, 6/15/15, on the current site development plan for the Morris/Barker & Baccish properties.

- The PC members will attend the PB meeting (as per the PB Agenda) on 6/18/15 in an attempt to come to an agreement on any plans towards some development for these specific buyout properties.

-These Questions remain:

*What is the definition of Town Land, Town Park and Town Property?

*Who has governance over them?

*What is the governance structure?

*Who do these parcels benefit, in what way and what does it cost annually?

*What does the PB want to control and thus, budget for?

*Is it time for a new parks/land Trust, like the Memorial Park Fund and Street Lights Fund?

***What precedence (pos. or neg.) does this current process set for the other FEMA Buyout propertiesat a most, visible and economically vital area of our community?


- Possible action on TOPP plan staging and priorities from the Select Board, generator and other excavation.

- Request to have Chris Cole come to review the scope of Town Office site work and prepare a current estimate for that work.

- L. Gubb, Motioned that: “C. Cole come to Londonderry and review and present an estimate for Town Office site work.” R. Dale, 2nd. All voted YES.

IV. Waste Water issue:

- Report: Larry will update the PC on progress…

-What advantages would a public drinking & waste water system have in Londonderry?

- What is the town missing out on without this infrastructure in place?

New Business:(30 min)

V. Report: Planning Seminarin Townsend including work with the zoning board, Emergency Planning, capital planning, and public hearing requirements.

- The Town Plan needs to be consistent with the VCD and the WRC. In order to make any grant proposals stronger. The ultimate goal is to the have the community agree on the new plan in 2017.

- We need to have at least three public hearing that are announced and attended.

- Zoning laws and guidelines must be reviewed and amended for the 2017 Plan.

-The FEMA hazard mitigation plan, which has been approved by the Select Board, needs to be updated with more data. Eventually, the plan should be included in the new Town Plan. The Planning Commission is supposed to play a significant role in that potentially more exhaustive plan. Dick recommended that each read it to get an idea what is in it.

- We could also include a strategic capital budget for in the new Town Plan.

VI.Report: CRO (Community Resilience Organization) seminar and the planning commission's possible role.

- 6 Towns from across VT were invited. Londonderry was one of them. This is a working group that is educating Towns, their employees and emergency workers about “crisis” prevention through community aid planning, resource sharing and problem solving. This would be done through creating individual town committees that would generate and execute a town wide survey collecting data about areas of need (ex. Beds at FBS; Generator for Town Office; % of income and food sensitive residents.)

VII. Correspondences: (5 min)

- NA

Adjourn: ______9:40 pm______

*Dates to remember:

  • 23rd of each month is the deadline for submittals to the Londonderry Monthly.
  • June 18th Parks Board Meeting, 4:30 at Pingree Park
  • July 13th is the next regular scheduled PC Meeting