6.1 Energy — The Rest of the Story [432]

1.List below the foods that were served the last time you ate a complete meal:

Example: lemon chicken sugar snap peas mushroomsnoodles

The following types of energy may have been used in the production of food, for storage, for transportation, or to prepare and serve it. For each type of energy, give one example that shows how it may have been used to help put food on your table:

Coal: produce electricity, fertilizer (by-product of coke)

Natural gas: produce electricity, cooking, fertilizer

Nuclear: produce electricity

Oil: produce electricity, fertilizer, pesticides, transportation

Solar: produce electricity, heating water

Water: produce electricity

Wind: produce electricity, pump water

It’s the Law [432]

2.Energy is the ability to do work , and work is the movement of matter.

3.The law of conservation of energy says that energy can not be created or destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another.

4.The total amount of energy in the universe (decreases with time/never changes).

5.Give an example of each of the following:

Light energy is changed into chemical energy. photosynthesis

Chemical energy is changed into heat energy. metabolism or combustion

Heat energy is changed into mechanical energy. steam engine

Mechanical energy is changed into electrical energy. hydroelectric

6.When energy is changed from one form to another, the amount of usable energy (decreases/increases/remains the same).

7.When energy is changed from one form to another, the energy that can not be used is usually in the form of heat .

8.Energy (can/cannot) be recycled.

9.Energy efficiency is a measure of the amount of energy which does useful work.

10.In each of the following pairs, identify the invention that is the most energy efficient.

A. natural gas furnace/ oil furnace

B. coal-fired power plant/ nuclear power plant

C. steam locomotive/ diesel locomotive

D. incandescent lamp/ fluorescent lamp

E. natural gas furnace (high efficiency)/ wood stove (high efficiency)

A Little History [432]

11.In early societies energy for work was provided by animals or humans (slaves).

12.The first product of technology that supplied power and reduced the need for human labor was the waterwheel .

13.Moving water provided the energy needed to power machines that could grind grain, crush ore, pump air, saw wood, and even wash clothes.

14.The major source of energy in Europe during the 13th century was wood .

A shortage of this energy supply led to the use of coal .

15.The waterwheel and windmill were the major sources of energy for Europe’s industrial revolution.

16.The location of factories and cities depends upon the presence of a good supply of water and energy sources .

17.(Waterwheels/Windmills) were an important source of energy for industry in early America.

18.Identify the major source of energy used for each of the following activities in 1776.

Heating homes wood Travel horse/foot

Cooking wood Manufacturing a cannon coal

19.The type of energy used is often determined by the cost. When wood became expensive, people began heating homes with coal .

20.The steam engine was first used to supply the energy needed to remove (coal/water) from the coal mines. The source of energy used to produce the steam was wood .

21.The first steam boats had boilers which burned wood .

22.In 1868 the products of technology that supplied most of the power used by industries were steam engines and waterwheels .

23.After the windmill was invented, 600 years would pass before inventors produced another source of power — the steam engine.

24.By 1900 steam engines had become the major source of power for industry. The engines that powered industry in the 1900s were smaller but much more powerful than the first engines. The source of energy for this new type of steam engine was coal .

25.Identify the invention that supplied energy for each of the following:

threshing wheat steam engines pumping water windmills

26.Before World War I most of the energy on the farm was supplied by animals and humans .

27.List two reasons why fewer farmers were needed once the horses had been replaced by tractors.

(1) The horses required a large supply of food and people to care for them.

(2) One person with a tractor can farm more land than a person with a team of horses.

28.Modern industry and agriculture are dependent upon large supplies of energy to provide power for the products of technology .

29.List 4 ways in which farmers are dependent upon off-the-farm energy sources.

(1) manufacture of equipment

(2) manufacture of fertilizers and pesticides

(3) electricity to pump water, dry grain; diesel to power tractors

(4) transportation of chemicals and products

30.A society where people live in one community and work in another can exist only where there is an abundant and cheap supply of energy.

31.Think About It! It has been estimated that people living in the suburbs use 42 percent more energy than people living in the city. List as many reasons as you can why the demand for energy is greater in the suburbs than the city.

(1) transportation (2) larger homes

(3) lawn care (4) more products — TVs, etc.

32.President Truman’s administration predicted that we would:

[ ] develop the technology for renewable energy sources by the 1970s.

[√] become dependent upon oil from the Middle East by the 1970s.

[ ] have a major accident at a nuclear power plant during the 1970s.

33.By the 1970s the U.S. had only 6 percent of the world’s population, and used more than 33 percent of the total energy consumed by all countries.

34.By the 1990s the U.S. had only 5 percent of the world’s population, and used 25 percent of the total energy consumed by all countries.

35.Embargo — a government order prohibiting or restricting transportation of a product. In the 1970s, an embargo was placed on oil exported from the Arab countries. What are the effects of the embargo on a country that depends upon foreign oil.

There is a lack of oil for transportation, heating, production of electricity, production of fertilizers and other products. This affects jobs and the economy.

6.2 Fossil Fuels — Energy for a Nation [435]

1.During the 1970s there was a shortage of gasoline and natural gas .

2.During the 1970s there was a significant (decrease/increase) in the price of crude oil.

3.In the 1970s:

The Energy Research and Development Administration was established.

The Energy Policy and Conservation Act was passed by Congress.

The Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Act was passed.

Congress passed a law that reduced the speed limit on all interstate highways to 55 mph.

The federal government promoted energy efficient technology.

Manufacturers were required to produce cars with improved gas mileage

Manufacturers were required to provide EnergyGuides that allowed consumers to compare the energy efficiency of different models of appliances.

Homeowners who made their homes more energy efficient were given a tax break.

4.During the 1980s Congress passed a law that allowed states to (decrease/increase) the speed limit on interstate highways.

The Changing American Scene [435]

5.The major sources of energy used in 1850 were wood (R), wind (R) , and water (R) . Place an R beside each source that is renewable.

6.Which source of energy listed above was used at a rate that made it a nonrenewable resource? wood

7.Today oil , natural gas , and coal are the major sources of energy. Are these sources renewable? no

8.The U.S. was importing 1 million barrels of oil by 1953 . By 1973, 6 million barrels ( 37% percent of the oil used in the U.S.) was imported. Ten years later, in 1983, the U.S. imported only 18 percent of the oil used in the U.S.

9.During the Arab Oil Embargo the U.S. received no oil from the Arab States. This forced the government to make policy changes that decreased our dependence on foreign oil.

10.The country which imports more oil than any other is (China/Japan/Russia/the United States).

11.The U.S. imported 8.6 million barrels of oil/day in 1993 and more than 10 million barrels of oil in 1998. The increase is due to an increase in comsumption and a decline in domestic production of oil.

12.Most of the world’s proven reserves are in the area surrounding the (Gulf of Mexico/Persian Gulf).

13.List 3 concerns of a society that is dependent upon oil.

(1) Political disputes may cause temporary shortages of oil .

(2) Petroleum is a nonrenewable resource .

(3) Combustion of fossil fuels (oil) creates pollution .

It Began a Long Time Ago [436]

14.It takes many years for decomposers to partially break down the dead plants in a swamp. The partially decayed material is called peat

15.When the plant material is buried deep enough to provide great amounts of heat and pressure , the peat is changed into coal .

16.Unlike most other types of rocks such as sand and shale, coal burns because of hydrocarbons in the partially decomposed plant material.

17.Match the statements below with the correct type of coal.

(1) anthracite(2) bituminous (3) lignite(4) subbituminous

3 / A. / is a very soft coal that crumbles easily.
4 / B. / Large deposits of this type of coal are found in western states.
1 / C. / has the highest carbon content.
2 / D. / Most of the coal found in the United States is:
3 / E. / has the lowest heat content.
4 / F. / with only 35–45 % carbon, it has a higher heat content than lignite.
1 / G. / Nearly all of this type of coal is found in Pennsylvania.
2 / H. / often called soft coal.
1 / I. / hard coal.
3 / J. / Most of this coal is found in the Dakotas, Montana, and Texas.
2 / K. / It has 45-86% carbon content, only anthracite has more.

18.Coal is formed from plants that once grew in swamps .

Oil and gas are formed from plants and animals that once lived in ancient seas .

Great amounts of heat and pressure over millions of years changed the organic matter into a mixture of hydrocarbons that includes natural gas and petroleum .

19.Match the type of rock with the correct description:

(1) reservoir (2) source (3) trap

2 / A. / rock that contains a large amount of organic matter.
1 / B. / rock that contains pores where oil and gas are stored.
3 / C. / rock that forms a dam or lid to prevent the escape of oil or gas.

20. Petroleum scientists are hired by oil companies to find rock formations that contain gas and oil deposits.

21.A reserve is a deposit that can be economically recovered with present technology.

22.In an area with known gas deposits only one of every 3 wells drilled will produce gas.

Natural Gas [437]

23.The region with the largest natural gas reserves is the (United States/Persian Gulf/countries of the former Soviet Union/South America).

24.In the United States, most gas reserves are located in Alaska, Oklahoma, and states bordering the (Atlantic Coast/Gulf Coast/Pacific Coast).

25.Natural gas supplies nearly (1/4, 1/2, 1/3) of our energy needs.

26.The United States imports about 10 percent of the natural gas used, mainly by pipeline from Canada. Natural gas may be imported from other countries in tankers as LNG or liquefied natural gas.

27.Describe how natural gas is used to produce each of the following:

Bread baking

Clothing preshrinking cloth

Newspapers used to dry paper, make ink and photographic film

Fertilizers manufacture

28.Most natural gas is used for space heating in homes and other buildings.

29.Companies use natural gas to produce electricity, fuel fleets of vehicles, and to meet air quality standards without expensive air pollution controls.

30.The major hydrocarbon in natural gas is methane .

31.Natural gas is a clean-burning fuel because sulfur and other elements (impurities) are removed before sending it to the customer.

32.Rank these forms of energy beginning with the form that has the most energy per unit mass. 3 Coal 1 Natural Gas 2 Oil

33.The form of energy that is the least expensive to transport is (coal/natural gas/oil).

34.The form of energy listed in question 32 which is the most expensive to transport is coal .

35.The most efficient and least expensive means of transporting natural gas over land is (insulated tank trucks/pipelines).

36.Transporting natural gas by truck or ship is much more hazardous and expensive than pipeline transport. Explain. The gas must be cooled and transported in insulated tanks.

37.Give one advantage of using natural gas to:

Heat homes: clean - no need for pollution controls.

Cook: can control the temperature

Industrial processes: can control the temperature

38.Before processing natural gas, it (does/does not) have an odor.

39.There is a (limited/unlimited) supply of natural gas. If we continue to use natural gas at the current rate and did not find more reserves, the natural gas supply would last 55 years.

Petroleum (Crude Oil) [439]

40.Two-thirds of the world’s proven oil reserves are located in the countries (surrounding the Persian Gulf/of the former Soviet Union).

41.About 40 percent of energy used in the U.S. is supplied by oil. It supplies 97% of the fuel for transportation.

42.The demand for oil is (decreasing/increasing). By 2015, 60 percent of the oil we use will be imported.

43.List 5 products you use that are made using chemicals that come from crude oil. (answers will vary; see list at bottom of page 439.)

44.Secondary recovery methods allow recovery of (additional oil/natural gas) from oil wells.

45.List four types of chemicals that are pumped or injected into oil wells to recover additional oil. (1) acids (2) water (3) carbon dioxide (or other gases) (4) solvents.

46.List two physical processes that are used to recover additional oil.

(1) pressure (2) heat

47.Give one advantage and one disadvantage of the secondary recovery method:

ADVANTAGE: allows as much as 80% of oil to be recovered.


48.Chemicals in crude oil are separated by the process of distillation .

49. Refining refers to the processes involved in the separation of the chemicals in crude oil and the production of products from these chemicals.

50. Catalysts are used to increase the speed of the chemical reactions during the manufacture of petroleum products including gasoline.

51.Rank the methods used to transport oil and other chemicals from most energy efficient to least energy efficient.

(1) pipeline (2) ship/barge (3) railroad (4) truck

Most Efficient ------Least Efficient

52.Trucks are most often used to transport oil over (long/short) distances.

53.Describe two ways that oil spills affect the environment.

(1) kill aquatic organisms and birds.

(2) pollute community water supplies.

54.Greater amounts of pollution are produced by the burning of (coal/oil).

55.(Automobiles/Industry) produce most of the air pollution which is created by the burning of oil.

56.The results of sound wave testing indicated that there was a large reservoir of oil in an unexplored area near PrudehoeBay oil fields. But rock formation did not have a trap and the oil had escaped.

57.Today’s technology has improved the success rate for finding oil to about one in every 4 wildcat wells drilled.

58.Do you think that oil companies should be permitted to drill for oil and gas in National parks and National Wilderness Areas? (opinion)

Give reasons to support your answer. (opinion)

59.When production declines an oil company must decide whether to cap the well or use secondary recovery methods. What is the basis for this decision? the cost of recovery vs. the price of oil.

60.The price of oil will increase as it becomes necessary to drill deeper wells and use secondary recovery techniques. As the price of oil increases, many industries and power plants use coal instead of oil as a source of fuel.

Coal [443]

61.Coal is the (least/most) abundant fossil fuel.

62.The largest exporter of coal is (China/countries of the former Soviet Union/the United States).

63.Most coal was used for:

 producing electricity ___ manufacturing ___ heating homes

64.Identify the type of coal used for each of the following processes.

(1) anthracite (2) bituminous (3) lignite/subbituminous

2 / A. / used by most steam-turbine power plants to produce electricity.
1 / B. / used for heating homes.
3 / C. / use is limited to manufacturing/production of electricity.
2 / D. / used to heat commercial buildings and factories.
2 / E. / used to produce coke for the steel industry.

65.Identify the two conditions that are needed to change coal into coke.

(1) high temperature (2000°F) (2) no oxygen

66.Unlike coal, coke is nearly pure carbon . It is burned with limestone and iron ore to produce iron for making steel .

67. Ammonia is a by-product produced during the making of coke and is used by farmers as a fertilizer.

68.Identify two products you use that are a by-product of the process of making coke. (answers will vary)

69.Identify the type of mining, Surface mining S or Underground mining U, described by each of the following statements.

S / most coal recovered / S / strip / S / safest
S / requires reclamation / U / longwall
U / room and pillar system / S / least expense

70.Explain why a company that is producing coal by surface mining would hire a biologist. The land must be reclaimed after the coal is mined. The biologist would be responsible for returning the land to its natural state.

71.Abandoned strip pits are being reclaimed with money from:

[ ] landowners [ ] mining companies [√] tax on coal

72.Indicate the type of underground mining which the following statements describe. room and pillar R or longwall L

R most common type of deep mining.

L roof is allowed to collapse.

L used in very deep mines.

L roof held in place by movable supports.

L more coal can be recovered using this system.

R columns of coal are left to support the roof.

73.At the processing plant, coal must be crushed , sorted , and washed .