October 7, 2015

Present: Heather Quesnell (President), Christina Carlson (Secretary), Kari Madrinich (ASB), Dan Garza (parent involvement), Ernesto Araiza (Principal), Sheila Poteet (treasurer), Debbie Korevaar (parent extraordinaire), James DeGrasse (Past President: brought in the goods on a thumb drive for Heather!)

6:04 Meeting called to order by Heather

CELEBRATION! Principal Araiza: APPLE for James!! Whoop Whoop! He was here for BarBQue, Family night, etc. for an eternity! Wilson is a great place for kids to go to school! Best words from a steadfast Wilson Cavalier!

Heather was the grand recipient of ALL the PTSA ‘stuff’. Ok, I caught James petting his apple 

Welcome:Heather Quesnell

Participants needed; at least 25 members before we can become an official PTSA

Ernesto spoke about STAFF joining. Whoop Whoop!

Please join, a mere $10.00 (that’s 2 coffees for Pete’s sake) allows YOU in the cool group!

Board Minutes:Christina Carlson

Approved as written!

Financials:Sheila Poteet

New deposit books ordered and should last into the next century!

6th grade parent Bar-B-Q meeting cost $750.00My, oh my! How might we reduce those costs?

Put your thinking cap on for a more reasonable cost/product ratio. Discussion about other sources continued with many plausible alternatives at hand.

July/August together:

September: We have $5838.30 at the onset of the year.

Looks good!

Principals Update:Ernesto Araiza

842 kids: 6th grade is very large this year; classes are packed. This is one of the best groups of kids say staff members. Kids are better prepared and have a great work ethic. Staff is HAPPY!

The changes in dress-code were a bit bumpy to start but families are used to it now, phew.

So pleased with the results! Should this go farther, surveys, data, presentations, etc. will follow. Staff first, then parents at conference time. So far, feedback is positive! Dan lived through Lewis and Clark’s transition and noted that parents who did have issues came back to thank the school!

ASB/ PASSport Update:Kari Madrinich

Student Leadership Workshop: September 29, 3 kids who are not in official capacity attended. Nice to have all kids represented.

Color Run: TOMORROW! 60% participation! Whoop Whoop! 4:00 today! Gross is $13,000. BUT based on leftover product the profit margin may be close to the same if not better.

Fall Social Dance: Friday the 30th, costume, prizes

October is Disabilities Month: CAVS class is supporting this for all kids

VETERAN’S DAY: Social Studies will lead this event and all will support!

Conferences: November 4 and 5 (PTSA will provide sandwiches on the 4th in the Girl’s Locker Room for staff, they bring salads, cookies, beverages, etc.)

PTSA will have a booth/display laden with chocolate 

No Tardy Recognition: November 9th. Make it groovy and cool. Cookies too

CAVS/PBIS October 29 quarterly drawing for recognition

Students: 5 movie Money Passes

Staff: 2 Gift Cards

PTSA provides the moolah!

Rah Rah to the kids/staff! Most are new and supporting one another greatly!

Seeking additional information for WEB (discussion to follow with regard to this transition program)

PASSport/ Parent Involvement Committee:Dan Garza

October 19, 2015: YSD Technology department will talk to parents about the positives and negatives of technology and the use of Personal Devices. Andy Gonzalez with YSD will support English/Spanish simultaneously. Dr. Irion would like to speak at the onset of the meeting. 5:45 to 7:00 pm Randi Null will support the providing of food/drink. Kari supports this with the library/media usage in her curriculum. PTSA will provide the $100.00 for pizza/lemonade. Dan made the motion, Sheila Seconded and all approved with an AYE vote.

Prizes for Parent Nights:Dan Garza

New ideas for volunteers to solicit prizes for a drawing/ door prizes. Heather spoke about how IKE operates and we will see how to snag a few items!

Book Fair and Reflections:Kari Madrinich

Parents volunteer as there are FREE books! Recruit parents to connect during kid library time. Reflections flyer this year… it is WIDE OPEN for visual arts, mobiles, sculpture, 3-D art. Calder would be proud. “Let your imagination fly”How did that art support the theme… Interpretation. Kari and Amy Thorp will work together on that project! So nice to acknowledge these kids! Wilson always has winners! Sign up today, or get your kids to!

New/Old Business:Heather Quesnell

AAU gym: AVID kids, Pay kids to be timers ($10 bucks for 2-3 games) James will help 


Parent Night: October 19, 2015. Positive and Negative Effects of Technology

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, November 18th @ 6:00 (NOTE CHANGE of DATE)

Meeting adjourned at 7:08!

Respectfully submitted,

Christina Carlson, Secretary