5th Annual LCIRAH Research Conference
Title of the Abstract
First author's name (e.g. LuisaMackintosh)1, Second author's name2, etc. (underline thespeaker)...
1First author's affiliation, Country;
2Second author's affiliation, Country (if differs from the first's);
Speaker's e-mail and job title
3-5 keywords
Introduction (max. 100 words)
Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction Text of the introduction.
Methods (max. 200 words)
Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methods Text of methodsText of methods
Text of.
Findings and interpretations (max. 200 words)
Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretationsText of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations Text of findings and interpretations.
He B.Q., Lula, F., Vadowski, D.J., 1999.How to write a good abstract. Journal of International Conferences, 3 (5) 591–601.
Jackson, B.A., 2004. Perspectives in interdisciplinary research. Journal for Integration, 5 (2), 140-145.
Theme (select one)
☐Agriculture, poverty and health
☐Agriculture, diet and NCDs in development
☐Emerging food borne and zoonotic diseases
☐Value chain approaches in agri-health research
☐Innovative metrics for agriculture and health research and evaluation
☐Impact of environment and climate change on agriculture, health and nutrition
If selected for an oral presentation, will you apply for a bursary?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Don't know (yet)