Sample sizes
Country by income category / Survey2 / Sample characteristics3 / Field dates / Age range / Response rate4 / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 2 age 18-22 and not graduated from college
I. Low and lower middle income countries
China - Beijing/Shanghai / B-WMH/S-WMH / Beijing and Shanghai metropolitan areas. / 2002-3 / 18-70 / 74.7 / 5,201 / 1,628 / 133
China- Shenzhen5 / Shenzhen / Shenzhen metropolitan area. Included temporary residents as well as household residents. / 2006-7 / 18-88 / 80.0 / 7,132 / 2,475 / 426
Colombia / NSMH / All urban areas of the country (approximately 73% of the total national population) / 2003 / 18-65 / 87.7 / 4,426 / 2,381 / 337
Iraq / IMHS / Nationally representative. / 2006-7 / 18-96 / 95.2 / 4,332 / 4,332 / 561
Nigeria / NSMHW / 21 of the 36 states in the country, representing 57% of the national population.The surveys were conducted in Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa and Efik languages. / 2002-3 / 18-100 / 79.3 / 6,752 / 2,143 / 217
Peru / EMSMP / Nationally representative. / 2004-5 / 18-65 / 90.2 / 3,930 / 1,801 / 251
Total / 82.9 / (31,773) / (14,760) / (1,925)
II. Upper-middle income countries
Brazil - São Paulo / São Paulo Megacity / São Paulo metropolitan area. / 2005-7 / 18-93 / 81.3 / 5,037 / 2,942 / 262
Bulgaria / NSHS / Nationally representative. / 2003-7 / 18-98 / 72.0 / 5,318 / 2,233 / 74
Colombia - Medellin6 / MMHHS / Medellin metropolitan area / 2011-12 / 19-65 / 97.2 / 3,261 / 1,673 / 147
Lebanon / LEBANON / Nationally representative. / 2002-3 / 18-94 / 70.0 / 2,857 / 1,031 / 79
Mexico / M-NCS / All urban areas of the country (approximately 75% of the total national population). / 2001-2 / 18-65 / 76.6 / 5,782 / 2,362 / 372
Romania / RMHS / Nationally representative. / 2005-6 / 18-96 / 70.9 / 2,357 / 2,357 / 102
Total / 77.2 / (24,612) / (12,598) / (1,036)
III. High income countries
Australia5 / NSMHWB / Nationally representative. / 2007 / 18-85 / 60.0 / 8,463 / 8,463 / 649
Belgium / ESEMeD / Nationally representative. The sample was selected from a national register of Belgium residents / 2001-2 / 18-95 / 50.6 / 2,419 / 1,043 / 41
France / ESEMeD / Nationally representative. The sample was selected from a national list of households with listed telephone numbers. / 2001-2 / 18-97 / 45.9 / 2,894 / 1,436 / 76
Italy / ESEMeD / Nationally representative. The sample was selected from municipality resident registries. / 2001-2 / 18-100 / 71.3 / 4,712 / 1,779 / 108
Netherlands / ESEMeD / Nationally representative. The sample was selected from municipal postal registries. / 2002-3 / 18-95 / 56.4 / 2,372 / 1,094 / 31
New Zealand5 / NZMHS / Nationally representative. / 2003-4 / 18-98 / 73.3 / 12,790 / 7,312 / 545
Northern Ireland / NISHS / Nationally representative. / 2004-7 / 18-97 / 68.4 / 4,340 / 1,986 / 144
Poland / EZOP / Nationally representative. / 2010-11 / 18-65 / 50.4 / 10,081 / 4,000 / 432
Portugal / NMHS / Nationally representative. / 2008-9 / 18-81 / 57.3 / 3,849 / 2,060 / 113
Spain / ESEMeD / Nationally representative. / 2001-2 / 18-98 / 78.6 / 5,473 / 2,121 / 113
United States / NCS-R / Nationally representative. / 2002-3 / 18-99 / 70.9 / 9,282 / 5,692 / 537
Total / 80.6 / (20,940) / (11,101) / (2,789)
IV. Total / 71.4 / (51,002) / (25,819) / (5,750)
1The World Bank (2012) Data. Accessed May 12, 2012 at: Some of the WMH countries have moved into new income categories since the surveys were conducted. The income groupings above reflect the status of each country at the time of data collection. The current income category of each country is available at the preceding URL.
2NSMH (The Colombian National Study of Mental Health); IMHS (Iraq Mental Health Survey); NSMHW (The Nigerian Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing); B-WMH (The Beijing World Mental Health Survey); S-WMH (The Shanghai World Mental Health Survey); EMSMP (La Encuesta Mundial de Salud Mental en el Peru); (Bulgaria National Survey of Health and Stress); MMHHS (Medellín Mental Health Household Study); LEBANON (Lebanese Evaluation of the Burden of Ailments and Needs of the Nation); M-NCS (The Mexico National Comorbidity Survey); RMHS (Romania Mental Health Survey); NSMHWB (National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing); ESEMeD (The European Study Of The Epidemiology Of Mental Disorders); NZMHS (New Zealand Mental Health Survey); NISHS (Northern Ireland Study of Health and Stress); EZOP (Epidemiology of Mental Disorders and Access to Care Survey); NMHS (Portugal National Mental Health Survey); PEGASUS-Murcia (Psychiatric Enquiry to General Population in Southeast Spain-Murcia); NCS-R (The US National Comorbidity Survey Replication).
3Most WMH surveys are based on stratified multistage clustered area probability household samples in which samples of areas equivalent to counties or municipalities in the US were selected in the first stage followed by one or more subsequent stages of geographic sampling (e.g., towns within counties, blocks within towns, households within blocks) to arrive at a sample of households, in each of which a listing of household members was created and one or two people were selected from this listing to be interviewed. No substitution was allowed when the originally sampled household resident could not be interviewed. These household samples were selected from Census area data in all countries other than France (where telephone directories were used to select households) and the Netherlands (where postal registries were used to select households). Several WMH surveys (Belgium, Italy) used municipal resident registries to select respondents without listing households. 16 of the 23 surveys are based on nationally representative household samples.
4The response rate is calculated as the ratio of the number of households in which an interview was completed to the number of households originally sampled, excluding from the denominator households known not to be eligible either because of being vacant at the time of initial contact or because the residents were unable to speak the designated languages of the survey. The weighted average response rate is 71.4%.
5For the purposes of cross-national comparisons we limit the sample to those 18+.
6Colombia moved from the "lower and lower-middle income" to the "upper-middle income" category between 2003 (when the Colombian National Study of Mental Health was conducted) and 2010 (when the Medellin Mental Health Household Study was conducted), hence Colombia's appearance in both income categories. For more information, please see footnote 1.
SupplementaryTable S2. Distribution of Part II WMH survey respondents ages 18-22 in participating surveys by country income level and respondent education and student status1College entrants / Other respondents who were secondary school… / Total
Students / Attriters / Graduates / Non-graduates
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / (n)
I. Low and lower-middle
China - Beijing/Shanghai / 59.0 / (5.3) / 13.9 / (2.7) / 20.9 / (4.1) / 6.2 / (1.7) / (133)
China- Shenzhen / 4.1 / (0.4) / 10.6 / (1.4) / 30.2 / (2.5) / 55.1 / (2.6) / (426)
Colombia / 32.6 / (5.3) / 13.3 / (2.5) / 30.3 / (3.5) / 23.9 / (2.9) / (337)
Iraq / 18.8 / (2.6) / 3.0 / (0.8) / 8.7 / (2.1) / 69.4 / (2.4) / (561)
Nigeria / 44.0 / (4.3) / 2.3 / (0.6) / 23.1 / (3.2) / 30.6 / (3.7) / (217)
Peru / 40.7 / (3.7) / 8.2 / (1.7) / 39.1 / (3.0) / 12.0 / (2.3) / (251)
II. Upper-middle
Brazil - São Paulo / 7.1 / (2.4) / 13.5 / (2.6) / 55.9 / (3.8) / 23.5 / (3.1) / (262)
Bulgaria / 34.9 / (4.9) / 0.4 / (0.4) / 41.4 / (4.2) / 23.4 / (4.1) / (74)
Colombia - Medellin / 59.0 / (7.1) / 13.6 / (3.3) / 13.0 / (3.7) / 14.4 / (4.8) / (147)
Lebanon / 42.6 / (5.0) / 6.7 / (2.6) / 15.0 / (4.7) / 35.7 / (4.5) / (79)
Mexico / 23.1 / (2.6) / 4.7 / (1.2) / 12.0 / (1.9) / 60.2 / (3.3) / (372)
Romania / 27.3 / (7.2) / 0.5 / (0.0) / 26.9 / (5.5) / 45.3 / (7.4) / (102)
III. High
Australia / 44.0 / (2.3) / 16.5 / (1.7) / 17.1 / (1.8) / 22.4 / (1.9) / (649)
Belgium / 39.9 / (8.9) / 29.7 / (7.2) / 26.6 / (6.3) / 3.7 / (2.1) / (41)
France / 15.3 / (4.5) / 26.7 / (6.4) / 58.1 / (6.4) / 0.0 / (0.0) / (76)
Italy / 19.3 / (3.2) / 14.8 / (3.9) / 40.3 / (3.7) / 25.6 / (4.2) / (108)
Netherlands / 56.5 / (7.7) / 34.7 / (7.2) / 4.6 / (3.2) / 4.2 / (1.3) / (31)
New Zealand / 30.0 / (3.8) / 5.3 / (1.1) / 25.0 / (2.4) / 39.7 / (3.1) / (545)
Northern Ireland / 35.1 / (3.8) / 37.0 / (5.1) / 27.9 / (4.6) / 0.0 / (0.0) / (144)
Poland / 42.5 / (3.4) / 0.2 / (0.2) / 41.6 / (2.7) / 15.6 / (2.1) / (432)
Portugal / 46.8 / (3.6) / 1.9 / (0.4) / 19.0 / (2.8) / 32.4 / (4.4) / (113)
Spain / 49.8 / (4.7) / 23.3 / (4.7) / 6.9 / (1.8) / 20.0 / (3.0) / (113)
United States / 23.7 / (3.5) / 21.5 / (2.1) / 34.2 / (3.6) / 20.5 / (2.4) / (537)
1Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
SupplementaryTable S3. Distribution of Part II WMH male survey respondents ages 18-22 in participating surveys by education and student status1College entrants / Other respondents who were secondary school… / Total
Students / Attriters / Graduates / Non-graduates
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / (n)
I. Low and lower-middle
China - Beijing/Shanghai / 57.4 / (7.8) / 8.1 / (2.4) / 22.8 / (5.8) / 11.8 / (2.8) / (74)
China- Shenzhen / 6.1 / (1.0) / 11.2 / (3.3) / 30.3 / (4.6) / 52.5 / (5.7) / (163)
Colombia / 27.6 / (6.1) / 13.6 / (3.6) / 32.7 / (5.4) / 26.1 / (3.8) / (138)
Iraq / 21.7 / (3.9) / 3.9 / (1.4) / 9.0 / (2.6) / 65.3 / (4.3) / (277)
Nigeria / 55.1 / (5.8) / 2.9 / (0.6) / 14.4 / (3.6) / 27.5 / (4.8) / (107)
Peru / 39.7 / (4.0) / 7.2 / (2.0) / 41.5 / (3.5) / 11.5 / (4.3) / (125)
II. Upper-middle
Brazil - São Paulo / 4.9 / (2.2) / 13.3 / (4.6) / 60.3 / (5.1) / 21.5 / (5.1) / (110)
Bulgaria / 37.6 / (5.9) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 40.3 / (5.9) / 22.1 / (6.3) / (32)
Colombia - Medellin / 65.4 / (9.8) / 9.1 / (3.2) / 9.2 / (3.6) / 16.2 / (8.3) / (65)
Lebanon / 53.0 / (6.4) / 1.0 / (1.0) / 13.3 / (3.8) / 32.8 / (6.3) / (33)
Mexico / 24.1 / (4.0) / 4.8 / (1.8) / 11.8 / (2.3) / 59.4 / (4.4) / (155)
Romania / 22.8 / (7.7) / 1.0 / (0.2) / 33.9 / (9.0) / 42.3 / (7.8) / (44)
III. High
Australia / 47.8 / (3.2) / 14.2 / (2.1) / 17.3 / (2.4) / 20.8 / (2.4) / (302)
Belgium / 40.9 / (14.1) / 18.3 / (9.0) / 36.6 / (12.6) / 4.2 / (3.5) / (16)
France / 12.5 / (6.7) / 32.9 / (9.5) / 54.6 / (9.6) / 0.0 / (0.0) / (34)
Italy / 24.8 / (5.0) / 20.4 / (6.9) / 29.1 / (3.6) / 25.7 / (7.2) / (44)
Netherlands / 38.6 / (12.8) / 54.4 / (12.6) / 7.1 / (5.7) / 0.0 / (0.0) / (13)
New Zealand / 25.4 / (4.1) / 4.0 / (1.4) / 26.8 / (3.2) / 43.9 / (4.0) / (236)
Northern Ireland / 37.1 / (7.1) / 36.5 / (8.7) / 26.4 / (6.6) / 0.0 / (0.0) / (62)
Poland / 38.1 / (4.6) / 0.5 / (0.5) / 42.3 / (4.0) / 19.0 / (3.1) / (201)
Portugal / 43.3 / (6.5) / 3.1 / (0.4) / 14.4 / (4.9) / 39.2 / (7.0) / (48)
Spain / 57.1 / (6.4) / 17.2 / (4.5) / 10.3 / (2.8) / 15.3 / (5.8) / (51)
United States / 23.5 / (4.8) / 20.5 / (2.3) / 30.5 / (3.8) / 25.6 / (3.3) / (237)
1Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
SupplementaryTable S4. Distribution of Part II WMH female survey respondents ages 18-22 in participating surveys by education and student status1College entrants / Other respondents who were secondary school… / Total
Students / Attriters / graduates / non-graduates
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / (n)
I. Low and lower-middle
China - Beijing/Shanghai / 60.8 / (6.1) / 20.3 / (4.9) / 18.8 / (5.8) / 0.0 / (0.0) / (59)
China- Shenzhen / 3.0 / (0.9) / 10.3 / (1.7) / 30.2 / (3.5) / 56.6 / (4.1) / (263)
Colombia / 36.8 / (7.8) / 13.0 / (3.7) / 28.3 / (4.9) / 22.0 / (4.2) / (199)
Iraq / 15.6 / (3.1) / 2.0 / (0.6) / 8.4 / (2.6) / 74.0 / (3.4) / (284)
Nigeria / 33.0 / (4.6) / 1.7 / (0.8) / 31.6 / (5.2) / 33.7 / (4.5) / (110)
Peru / 41.6 / (5.2) / 9.1 / (2.9) / 36.9 / (4.8) / 12.5 / (2.8) / (126)
II. Upper-middle
Brazil - São Paulo / 9.5 / (4.2) / 13.6 / (3.3) / 51.3 / (5.1) / 25.6 / (3.9) / (152)
Bulgaria / 31.7 / (8.8) / 0.8 / (0.9) / 42.6 / (7.4) / 24.9 / (6.3) / (42)
Colombia - Medellin / 51.7 / (8.6) / 18.6 / (5.8) / 17.3 / (6.6) / 12.3 / (4.3) / (82)
Lebanon / 28.3 / (6.4) / 14.6 / (5.0) / 17.4 / (8.6) / 39.8 / (7.5) / (46)
Mexico / 22.0 / (4.0) / 4.6 / (1.7) / 12.2 / (3.2) / 61.2 / (5.5) / (217)
Romania / 31.3 / (10.2) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 20.8 / (5.0) / 47.9 / (10.9) / (58)
III. High
Australia / 40.0 / (3.0) / 18.9 / (2.4) / 16.9 / (2.6) / 24.1 / (2.7) / (347)
Belgium / 38.5 / (8.5) / 45.2 / (7.0) / 13.2 / (6.7) / 3.1 / (0.5) / (25)
France / 18.5 / (4.1) / 19.3 / (7.1) / 62.2 / (8.3) / 0.0 / (0.0) / (42)
Italy / 13.8 / (4.2) / 9.0 / (1.6) / 51.8 / (6.3) / 25.4 / (4.9) / (64)
Netherlands / 80.8 / (5.3) / 8.1 / (2.3) / 1.3 / (0.7) / 9.9 / (3.7) / (18)
New Zealand / 34.4 / (4.9) / 6.6 / (1.7) / 23.3 / (3.0) / 35.7 / (3.8) / (309)
Northern Ireland / 33.1 / (4.0) / 37.5 / (5.5) / 29.4 / (4.3) / 0.0 / (0.0) / (82)
Poland / 46.7 / (3.7) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 40.9 / (3.4) / 12.3 / (2.6) / (231)
Portugal / 50.1 / (3.6) / 0.8 / (0.7) / 23.3 / (4.5) / 25.8 / (5.7) / (65)
Spain / 43.3 / (5.0) / 28.7 / (7.6) / 3.9 / (2.2) / 24.1 / (4.1) / (62)
United States / 24.0 / (3.8) / 22.5 / (4.0) / 37.9 / (4.9) / 15.6 / (3.4) / (300)
1Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
SupplementaryTable S5. Pooled 12-month prevalence of DSM-IV/CIDI mental disorders separately among male respondents ages 18-22 who were current students, college attriters, and nonstudents in the same age range1Students (ST) / Attriters (AT) / Other (OT) / ST:AT2 / ST:OT2
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / OR / (95 % CI) / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC3
I. Anxiety disorders
Separation Anxiety Disorder / 1.9 / (1.4) / 0.7 / (0.3) / 1.0 / (0.3) / 3.4 / (0.6-19.3) / 2.0 / (0.4-11.0) / 0.81
Panic Disorder / 1.5 / (0.6) / 0.7 / (0.5) / 1.0 / (0.2) / 5.2 / (0.8-34.1) / 1.4 / (0.6-3.3) / 0.75
GAD / 0.2 / (0.1) / 0.8 / (0.5) / 0.8 / (0.3) / 0.4 / (0.1-3.2) / 0.3 / (0.1-1.1) / 0.74
Any Phobia / 5.3 / (1.0) / 8.1 / (2.7) / 6.8 / (0.7) / 0.7 / (0.3-1.4) / 0.7 / (0.5-1.1) / 0.69
PTSD / 0.7 / (0.4) / 0.8 / (0.5) / 0.6 / (0.3) / 1.7 / (0.3-8.8) / 1.1 / (0.3-4.8) / 0.75
Any / 8.6 / (1.7) / 10.0 / (2.7) / 8.6 / (0.8) / 1.0 / (0.5-2.0) / 1.0 / (0.6-1.6) / 0.66
II. Mood disorders
MDD / 3.2 / (0.7) / 6.0 / (1.2) / 3.7 / (0.5) / 0.8 / (0.4-1.7) / 0.8 / (0.5-1.3) / 0.62
Bipolar / 1.1 / (0.3) / 2.2 / (0.6) / 2.9 / (0.5) / 0.7 / (0.3-1.9) / 0.3* / (0.2-0.7) / 0.79
Any / 4.3 / (0.8) / 8.3 / (1.3) / 6.6 / (0.7) / 0.8 / (0.4-1.5) / 0.6* / (0.4-0.9) / 0.68
III. Behavior disorders
ADHD / 0.5 / (0.2) / 2.0 / (1.3) / 0.7 / (0.2) / 0.3 / (0.1-1.4) / 0.6 / (0.2-1.8) / 0.83
Conduct Disorder / 0.3 / (0.2) / 0.8 / (0.7) / 0.7 / (0.2) / 0.3 / (0.0-3.5) / 0.4 / (0.1-1.8) / 0.84
ODD / 0.4 / (0.2) / 1.0 / (0.7) / 0.5 / (0.2) / 0.3 / (0.1-1.7) / 0.7 / (0.2-2.8) / 0.86
IED / 3.1 / (0.7) / 3.0 / (1.0) / 2.8 / (0.4) / 1.0 / (0.5-2.0) / 1.0 / (0.6-1.7) / 0.80
Any / 4.1 / (0.8) / 5.9 / (1.7) / 4.3 / (0.5) / 0.7 / (0.3-1.3) / 0.8 / (0.5-1.3) / 0.77
IV. Substance disorders
Alcohol Abuse / 3.3 / (0.7) / 4.7 / (1.4) / 4.4 / (0.5) / 0.9 / (0.4-2.0) / 0.7 / (0.4-1.1) / 0.71
Alcohol Dependence / 1.4 / (0.5) / 1.3 / (0.5) / 2.5 / (0.4) / 1.2 / (0.4-3.5) / 0.5 / (0.2-1.2) / 0.76
Drug Abuse / 0.9 / (0.5) / 1.2 / (0.6) / 1.6 / (0.3) / 0.8 / (0.2-3.2) / 0.5 / (0.2-1.6) / 0.81
Drug Dependence / 0.4 / (0.3) / 1.2 / (0.7) / 1.4 / (0.3) / 0.5 / (0.1-3.1) / 0.3* / (0.1-1.0) / 0.84
Any / 5.7 / (1.0) / 7.3 / (1.6) / 8.6 / (0.8) / 1.0 / (0.5-1.9) / 0.6 / (0.4-0.9) / 0.74
V. Total disorders
Any / 17.9 / (2.0) / 22.3 / (3.2) / 19.7 / (1.2) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.5) / 0.8 / (0.6-1.1) / 0.68
(n) / (747) / (270) / (1,550) / -- / -- / --
*Significant at the .05 level, two-sided test
1Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
2Based on a pooled within-survey logistic regression model adjusting for between-survey variation in the association of age-sex with student status.
3The AUCs were generated from logistic models in which dummy variables for being an attriter or other nonstudent were included as predictors of the mental disorder in the row heading or, in the case of Part VI, number of disorders estimated in an order logistic framework, controlling age-sex and survey.
Students (ST) / Attriters (AT) / Other (OT) / ST:AT2 / ST:OT2
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / OR / (95 % CI) / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC3
I. Anxiety disorders
Separation Anxiety Disorder / 0.7 / (0.2) / 2.2 / (0.9) / 1.4 / (0.2) / 0.4 / (0.2-1.1) / 0.4* / (0.2-0.9) / 0.86
Panic Disorder / 1.0 / (0.2) / 1.5 / (0.4) / 1.7 / (0.3) / 1.4 / (0.7-2.9) / 0.5* / (0.3-0.9) / 0.75
GAD / 0.7 / (0.2) / 0.8 / (0.3) / 0.8 / (0.2) / 1.2 / (0.4-3.4) / 0.7 / (0.4-1.5) / 0.75
Any Phobia / 12.8 / (2.0) / 13.8 / (1.4) / 12.8 / (0.9) / 1.0 / (0.6-1.5) / 1.0 / (0.7-1.5) / 0.66
PTSD / 2.0 / (0.5) / 4.4 / (1.0) / 3.3 / (0.5) / 0.8 / (0.4-1.6) / 0.5* / (0.3-0.9) / 0.79
Any / 15.1 / (2.0) / 19.0 / (1.8) / 17.1 / (1.0) / 1.0 / (0.7-1.4) / 0.8 / (0.6-1.2) / 0.67
II. Mood disorders
MDD / 5.8 / (0.8) / 9.2 / (1.4) / 6.3 / (0.6) / 0.7 / (0.4-1.1) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.3) / 0.67
Bipolar / 2.5 / (0.7) / 2.4 / (0.7) / 2.4 / (0.3) / 1.5 / (0.7-3.5) / 1.0 / (0.5-1.9) / 0.72
Any / 7.8 / (1.0) / 11.5 / (1.5) / 8.7 / (0.7) / 0.8 / (0.5-1.2) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.2) / 0.68
III. Behavior disorders
ADHD / 0.2 / (0.2) / 1.1 / (0.3) / 1.1 / (0.2) / 0.4 / (0.1-2.4) / 0.2 / (0.0-1.3) / 0.83
Conduct Disorder / 0.0 / (0.0) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 0.2 / (0.1) / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
ODD / 0.0 / (0.0) / 1.0 / (0.7) / 0.8 / (0.1) / 0.0* / (0.0-0.6) / 0.0* / (0.0-0.2) / 0.85
IED / 1.5 / (0.4) / 3.1 / (0.9) / 2.1 / (0.3) / 0.5 / (0.3-1.1) / 0.7 / (0.4-1.4) / 0.83
Any / 1.6 / (0.4) / 4.8 / (1.1) / 3.3 / (0.4) / 0.4 / (0.2-0.8) / 0.4* / (0.3-0.8) / 0.82
IV. Substance disorders
Alcohol Abuse / 1.7 / (0.3) / 3.7 / (1.2) / 1.9 / (0.4) / 0.6 / (0.3-1.3) / 0.8 / (0.4-1.4) / 0.80
Alcohol Dependence / 1.3 / (0.5) / 2.0 / (0.9) / 0.6 / (0.2) / 1.3 / (0.4-4.7) / 1.8 / (0.7-4.8) / 0.77
Drug Abuse / 0.5 / (0.2) / 1.4 / (0.8) / 0.4 / (0.1) / 0.6 / (0.2-2.1) / 1.1 / (0.5-2.4) / 0.83
Drug Dependence / 0.1 / (0.1) / 1.1 / (0.5) / 0.4 / (0.1) / 0.1* / (0.0-0.7) / 0.2 / (0.0-1.2) / 0.81
Any / 3.3 / (0.6) / 6.2 / (1.6) / 3.0 / (0.4) / 0.8 / (0.4-1.6) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.5) / 0.78
V. Total disorders
Any / 22.8 / (2.1) / 27.5 / (2.4) / 23.1 / (1.1) / 1.0 / (0.7-1.4) / 0.9 / (0.7-1.2) / 0.68
(n) / (825) / (432) / (1,926) / -- / -- / --
*Significant at the .05 level, two-sided test
1Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
2Based on a pooled within-survey logistic regression model adjusting for between-survey variation in the association of age-sex with student status.
3The AUCs were generated from logistic models in which dummy variables for being an attriter or other nonstudent were included as predictors of the mental disorder in the row heading or, in the case of Part VI, number of disorders estimated in an order logistic framework, controlling age-sex and survey.
Students (ST) / Attriters (AT) / Other4 (OT) / ST vs. AT / ST vs. OT
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / 2 / 2
I. Anxiety disorders
Separation Anxiety Disorder / 79.6 / (18.1) / 51.9 / (23.5) / 75.0 / (9.7) / 0.0 / 0.2
Panic Disorder / 28.1 / (15.5) / 100.0 / (0.0) / 67.9 / (8.5) / -- / 0.4
GAD / 24.5 / (19.6) / 77.0 / (21.7) / 78.3 / (11.5) / 53.2* / 742.2*
Any Phobia / 93.4 / (4.5) / 77.5 / (10.9) / 98.8 / (0.7) / 0.3 / 7.9*
PTSD / 65.2 / (23.2) / 100.0 / (0.0) / 75.9 / (14.4) / -- / 0.0
Any / 88.0 / (3.9) / 78.3 / (9.0) / 93.6 / (1.6) / 0.0 / 3.1
II. Mood disorders
MDD / 31.4 / (9.9) / 51.9 / (10.0) / 58.3 / (6.5) / 0.1 / 3.6
Bipolar / 68.8 / (14.9) / 72.1 / (10.9) / 66.9 / (7.0) / 0.7 / 0.0
Any / 40.7 / (8.6) / 57.4 / (8.5) / 61.6 / (5.2) / 0.4 / 2.2
III. Behavior disorders
ADHD / 100.0 / (0.0) / 100.0 / (0.0) / 100.0 / (0.0) / -- / --
Conduct Disorder / 100.0 / (0.0) / 100.0 / (0.0) / 100.0 / (0.0) / -- / --
ODD / 100.0 / (0.0) / 100.0 / (0.0) / 97.4 / (2.7) / -- / --
IED / 94.8 / (3.1) / 94.3 / (3.4) / 88.1 / (3.5) / 0.0 / 0.6
Any / 96.0 / (2.4) / 97.0 / (1.7) / 94.2 / (1.9) / 0.0 / 0.0
IV. Substance disorders
Alcohol Abuse / 32.8 / (7.8) / 66.1 / (13.8) / 44.1 / (6.0) / 10.9* / 3.3
Alcohol Dependence / 44.1 / (18.9) / 33.7 / (17.5) / 51.2 / (7.2) / 0.2 / 0.8
Drug Abuse / 72.0 / (18.3) / 60.2 / (21.4) / 58.7 / (9.4) / 0.5 / 0.1
Drug Dependence / 100.0 / (0.0) / 76.9 / (17.6) / 60.7 / (9.7) / -- / --
Any / 58.4 / (8.1) / 65.2 / (10.4) / 58.2 / (4.2) / 0.3 / 0.2
V. Total disorders
Any / 78.3 / (3.8) / 81.4 / (4.9) / 84.9 / (2.1) / 0.9 / 4.5*
*Significant at the .05 level.
1Pre-matriculation onset disorders were defined as those with onsets at ages 0-17.
2Post-matriculation onset disorders were defined as those with onsets at ages 18+.
3Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
4“All other” respondents were defined as those who never entered college whether or not they graduated from secondary school.
SupplementaryTable S8. Pooled percentages of 12-month DSM-IV/CIDI disorders with pre-matriculation onsets1 separately among female respondents ages 18-22 who were current students, college attriters, and nonstudents2 in the same age range3Students (ST) / Attriters (AT) / Other4 (OT) / ST vs. AT / ST vs. OT
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / 2 / 2
I. Anxiety disorders
Separation Anxiety Disorder / 42.0 / (13.1) / 42.9 / (21.7) / 54.0 / (8.5) / 0.3 / 2.3
Panic Disorder / 80.0 / (5.4) / 64.6 / (16.5) / 93.7 / (3.7) / 0.0 / 0.5
GAD / 75.4 / (8.4) / 24.0 / (15.4) / 75.5 / (6.5) / 272.1* / 1.6
Any Phobia / 96.6 / (0.7) / 96.4 / (1.6) / 97.0 / (1.3) / 0.2 / 0.4
PTSD / 56.2 / (11.6) / 69.6 / (10.2) / 77.6 / (5.6) / 0.0 / 1.3
Any / 93.9 / (1.5) / 91.1 / (2.3) / 93.9 / (1.4) / 0.1 / 0.0
II. Mood disorders
MDD / 66.7 / (6.0) / 70.4 / (7.3) / 68.6 / (3.9) / 1.6 / 1.2
Bipolar / 57.9 / (14.3) / 47.1 / (15.6) / 55.9 / (6.8) / 0.3 / 0.1
Any / 68.7 / (5.2) / 69.1 / (6.9) / 65.6 / (3.4) / 1.3 / 0.0
III. Behavior disorders
ADHD / 100.0 / (0.0) / 100.0 / (0.0) / 100.0 / (0.0) / -- / --
Conduct Disorder / -- / -- / -- / -- / 100.0 / (0.0) / -- / --
ODD / 100.0 / (0.0) / 100.0 / (0.0) / 100.0 / (0.0) / -- / --
IED / 81.2 / (14.9) / 75.2 / (12.6) / 88.4 / (4.9) / 0.9 / 0.9
Any / 81.4 / (14.8) / 86.3 / (8.3) / 94.3 / (3.0) / 1.4 / 1.6
IV. Substance disorders
Alcohol Abuse / 24.0 / (10.2) / 47.5 / (17.3) / 42.4 / (8.6) / 4.2* / 1.1
Alcohol Dependence / 19.3 / (14.1) / 31.5 / (17.6) / 23.0 / (9.2) / 320.2* / 2.2
Drug Abuse / 20.3 / (13.3) / 46.0 / (30.3) / 73.1 / (9.4) / 2.5 / 2.6
Drug Dependence / 100.0 / (0.0) / 55.9 / (24.1) / 61.1 / (18.2) / -- / --
Any / 24.9 / (8.5) / 56.8 / (13.0) / 48.9 / (6.6) / 6.3* / 3.0
V. Total disorders
Any / 87.1 / (2.2) / 85.2 / (3.9) / 89.9 / (1.5) / 0.2 / 1.3
*Significant at the .05 level.
1Pre-matriculation onset disorders were defined as those with onsets at ages 0-17.
2Post-matriculation onset disorders were defined as those with onsets at ages 18+.
3Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
4“All other” respondents were defined as those who never entered college whether or not they graduated from secondary school
SupplementaryTable S9. Pooled lifetime prevalence of pre-matriculation onset DSM-IV/CIDI mental disorders1 separately among male respondents ages 18-22 who entered college (both current students and attriters), secondary school graduates in the same age range who never entered college, and all other respondents2 in the same age range3College entrants (CE) / Other respondents who were secondary school…
Graduates (GR) / Total4 / CE: GR5 / CE: Total5
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC
I. Anxiety disorders
Separation Anxiety Disorder / 2.8 / (0.4) / 3.9 / (0.7) / 3.4 / (0.5) / 0.8 / (0.3-2.2) / 0.85 / 0.8 / (0.3-1.8) / 0.85
Panic Disorder / 1.0 / (0.2) / 1.2 / (0.2) / 0.9 / (0.2) / 0.7 / (0.3-1.7) / 0.69 / 1.1 / (0.4-2.8) / 0.66
GAD / 0.7 / (0.2) / 1.1 / (0.2) / 0.9 / (0.3) / 0.5 / (0.2-1.7) / 0.74 / 0.7 / (0.2-1.9) / 0.74
Any Phobia / 8.9 / (0.5) / 10.1 / (0.9) / 9.3 / (0.8) / 0.8 / (0.5-1.3) / 0.65 / 0.9 / (0.6-1.3) / 0.65
PTSD / 0.9 / (0.3) / 1.0 / (0.6) / 0.8 / (0.3) / 0.8 / (0.2-4.3) / 0.75 / 0.9 / (0.2-3.2) / 0.75
Any / 12.7 / (0.8) / 13.9 / (1.0) / 12.3 / (0.9) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.3) / 0.66 / 1.0 / (0.7-1.4) / 0.66
II. Mood disorders
MDD / 3.9 / (0.5) / 4.7 / (0.5) / 4.5 / (0.5) / 0.6 / (0.4-1.0) / 0.66 / 0.6* / (0.4-0.9) / 0.66
Bipolar / 2.4 / (0.5) / 3.2 / (0.6) / 2.8 / (0.5) / 0.7 / (0.3-1.4) / 0.75 / 0.7 / (0.4-1.3) / 0.75
Any / 6.2 / (0.7) / 7.7 / (0.8) / 7.2 / (0.7) / 0.7 / (0.4-1.0) / 0.68 / 0.7* / (0.5-1.0) / 0.68
III. Behavior disorders
ADHD / 2.7 / (0.4) / 2.6 / (0.2) / 2.2 / (0.4) / 1.0 / (0.5-1.9) / 0.85 / 1.0 / (0.6-1.7) / 0.85
Conduct Disorder / 2.1 / (0.5) / 3.2 / (0.4) / 3.7 / (0.5) / 0.6* / (0.3-1.0) / 0.88 / 0.4* / (0.2-0.8) / 0.87
ODD / 2.7 / (0.4) / 3.0 / (0.5) / 3.0 / (0.5) / 0.9 / (0.4-1.7) / 0.87 / 0.8 / (0.4-1.3) / 0.87
IED / 4.2 / (0.7) / 2.6 / (0.3) / 3.1 / (0.4) / 1.7 / (1.0-2.8) / 0.83 / 1.2 / (0.8-1.9) / 0.82
Any / 8.2 / (0.8) / 8.8 / (0.7) / 8.5 / (0.8) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.3) / 0.82 / 0.8 / (0.6-1.1) / 0.82
IV. Substance disorders
Alcohol Abuse / 3.0 / (0.4) / 3.7 / (0.5) / 4.8 / (0.6) / 0.7 / (0.4-1.2) / 0.75 / 0.5* / (0.3-0.8) / 0.75
Alcohol Dependence / 1.2 / (0.4) / 1.1 / (0.4) / 2.0 / (0.3) / 1.1 / (0.4-2.7) / 0.81 / 0.5 / (0.3-1.1) / 0.80
Drug Abuse / 2.5 / (0.4) / 2.5 / (0.5) / 2.8 / (0.5) / 0.9 / (0.5-1.7) / 0.79 / 0.7 / (0.4-1.2) / 0.78
Drug Dependence / 1.1 / (0.3) / 0.9 / (0.2) / 1.5 / (0.3) / 1.2 / (0.4-3.7) / 0.83 / 0.7 / (0.3-1.5) / 0.81
Any / 6.6 / (0.7) / 6.1 / (0.7) / 8.8 / (0.7) / 1.0 / (0.7-1.5) / 0.77 / 0.6* / (0.4-0.8) / 0.76
V. Total disorders
Any / 23.5 / (1.1) / 24.3 / (1.2) / 24.8 / (1.2) / 0.9 / (0.7-1.2) / 0.70 / 0.8 / (0.6-1.0) / 0.70
(n) / (1,017) / (695) / (1,550)
*Significant at the .05 level, two-sided test
1Pre-matriculation onset disorders were defined as those with onsets at ages 0-17.
2“All other” respondents were defined as those who never entered college whether or not graduated from secondary school.
3Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
4Secondary school graduates or non-graduates.
5Based on a single pooled logistic model for each row in which separate dummy variables for being an attriter or other nonstudent were included as predictors of the mental disorder in the row heading or, in the case of Part VI, number of disorders estimated in an ordered logistic framework, controlling age-sex and survey
SupplementaryTable S10. Pooled lifetime prevalence of pre-matriculation onset DSM-IV/CIDI mental disorders1 separately among female respondents ages 18-22 who entered college (both current students and attriters), secondary school graduates in the same age range who never entered college, and all other respondents2 in the same age range3College entrants (CE) / Other respondents who were secondary school…
Graduates (GR) / Total4 / CE: GR5 / CE: Total5
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC
I. Anxiety disorders
Separation Anxiety Disorder / 2.0 / (0.2) / 4.5 / (0.6) / 4.5 / (0.6) / 0.4* / (0.3-0.8) / 0.85 / 0.4* / (0.2-0.6) / 0.85
Panic Disorder / 1.2 / (0.2) / 1.7 / (0.3) / 1.9 / (0.3) / 0.5* / (0.3-0.9) / 0.71 / 0.5* / (0.3-0.8) / 0.72
GAD / 1.1 / (0.3) / 1.3 / (0.2) / 1.4 / (0.3) / 0.7 / (0.3-1.4) / 0.78 / 0.6 / (0.3-1.2) / 0.77
Any Phobia / 14.4 / (0.9) / 17.4 / (1.0) / 15.7 / (1.0) / 0.8 / (0.6-1.1) / 0.66 / 0.9 / (0.7-1.2) / 0.66
PTSD / 2.9 / (0.4) / 4.2 / (0.6) / 3.9 / (0.5) / 0.5* / (0.3-0.9) / 0.80 / 0.5* / (0.3-0.8) / 0.80
Any / 18.7 / (1.0) / 23.7 / (1.2) / 22.2 / (1.2) / 0.7* / (0.5-0.9) / 0.69 / 0.7* / (0.6-0.9) / 0.69
II. Mood disorders
MDD / 7.9 / (0.6) / 7.5 / (0.5) / 7.1 / (0.6) / 1.0 / (0.7-1.4) / 0.69 / 1.0 / (0.7-1.4) / 0.69
Bipolar / 1.8 / (0.4) / 1.5 / (0.3) / 2.0 / (0.3) / 1.2 / (0.6-2.1) / 0.76 / 0.9 / (0.5-1.5) / 0.75
Any / 9.7 / (0.7) / 9.0 / (0.6) / 9.0 / (0.7) / 1.0 / (0.8-1.4) / 0.71 / 1.0 / (0.7-1.2) / 0.70
III. Behavior disorders
ADHD / 1.5 / (0.2) / 1.5 / (0.4) / 1.9 / (0.4) / 1.3 / (0.5-3.4) / 0.85 / 0.7 / (0.4-1.3) / 0.83
Conduct Disorder / 1.1 / (0.1) / 2.6 / (0.3) / 2.0 / (0.4) / 0.4* / (0.2-0.9) / 0.90 / 0.4* / (0.2-0.7) / 0.90
ODD / 2.0 / (0.3) / 3.1 / (0.5) / 2.8 / (0.5) / 0.7 / (0.3-1.5) / 0.86 / 0.5 / (0.3-1.0) / 0.85
IED / 2.0 / (0.3) / 2.6 / (0.4) / 2.3 / (0.3) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.5) / 0.84 / 0.8 / (0.5-1.3) / 0.84
Any / 5.3 / (0.4) / 6.9 / (0.6) / 6.6 / (0.7) / 0.8 / (0.5-1.3) / 0.83 / 0.6* / (0.5-0.9) / 0.82
IV. Substance disorders
Alcohol Abuse / 1.9 / (0.4) / 3.4 / (0.4) / 3.1 / (0.4) / 0.4* / (0.2-0.8) / 0.82 / 0.4* / (0.2-0.7) / 0.81
Alcohol Dependence / 0.5 / (0.1) / 0.6 / (0.1) / 0.6 / (0.1) / 0.9 / (0.3-2.3) / 0.89 / 0.8 / (0.4-1.7) / 0.89
Drug Abuse / 0.9 / (0.3) / 1.5 / (0.2) / 1.8 / (0.3) / 0.5 / (0.2-1.1) / 0.87 / 0.4* / (0.2-0.8) / 0.87
Drug Dependence / 0.8 / (0.2) / 1.1 / (0.3) / 0.9 / (0.2) / 0.6 / (0.3-1.6) / 0.81 / 0.7 / (0.3-1.4) / 0.81
Any / 3.3 / (0.5) / 5.3 / (0.5) / 5.2 / (0.5) / 0.5* / (0.3-0.8) / 0.83 / 0.4* / (0.3-0.7) / 0.83
V. Total disorders
Any / 27.1 / (1.2) / 31.8 / (1.3) / 29.4 / (1.3) / 0.7* / (0.6-0.9) / 0.71 / 0.8* / (0.6-1.0) / 0.71
(n) / (1,257) / (876) / (1,926)
*Significant at the .05 level, two-sided test
1Pre-matriculation onset disorders were defined as those with onsets at ages 0-17.
2“All other” respondents were defined as those who never entered college whether or not graduated from secondary school.
3Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
4Secondary school graduates or non-graduates.
5Based on a single pooled logistic model for each row in which separate dummy variables for being an attriter or other nonstudent were included as predictors of the mental disorder in the row heading or, in the case of Part VI, number of disorders estimated in an ordered logistic framework, controlling age-sex and survey.
Supplementary Table S11. Pooled lifetime prevalence of pre-matriculation1 and post-matriculation2 onset DSM-IV/CIDI mental disorders separately among male respondents ages 18-22 who were current students or college attriters3Students (ST) / Attriters (AT) / Students vs. Attriters
Pre- / Post- / Pre- / Post- / Pre-4 / Post-4
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC
I. Anxiety disorders
Separation Anxiety Disorder / 3.7 / (1.5) / 1.0 / (0.3) / 0.8 / (0.5) / 0.6 / (0.3) / 3.7 / (0.9-15.9) / 0.91 / 2.7 / (0.7-10.2) / 0.88
Panic Disorder / 1.0 / (0.5) / 1.1 / (0.5) / 1.0 / (0.6) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 1.1 / (0.3-4.7) / 0.67 / 115.4* / (9.3-999.9+) / 0.87
GAD / 0.5 / (0.3) / 0.3 / (0.1) / 1.2 / (0.7) / 0.3 / (0.2) / 0.5 / (0.1-2.4) / 0.74 / 1.9 / (0.3-11.7) / 0.85
Any Phobia / 8.9 / (1.2) / 0.4 / (0.3) / 8.8 / (2.7) / 2.0 / (0.9) / 1.2 / (0.6-2.3) / 0.66 / 0.2 / (0.0-1.6) / 0.80
PTSD / 0.6 / (0.3) / 0.3 / (0.2) / 1.5 / (0.9) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 0.7 / (0.2-3.5) / 0.76 / -- / -- / --
Any / 13.2 / (1.9) / 1.7 / (0.4) / 11.4 / (2.8) / 3.0 / (1.0) / 1.3 / (0.7-2.5) / 0.66 / 1.0 / (0.4-2.6) / 0.80
II. Mood disorders
MDD / 3.2 / (0.6) / 3.0 / (0.7) / 5.6 / (1.3) / 4.4 / (1.2) / 0.9 / (0.4-1.8) / 0.66 / 1.1 / (0.4-2.9) / 0.70
Bipolar / 1.8 / (0.5) / 0.5 / (0.2) / 3.6 / (1.1) / 1.1 / (0.4) / 0.5 / (0.2-1.3) / 0.75 / 0.7 / (0.2-3.3) / 0.80
Any / 5.0 / (0.8) / 3.5 / (0.7) / 9.2 / (1.8) / 5.7 / (1.4) / 0.7 / (0.4-1.3) / 0.68 / 1.0 / (0.4-2.4) / 0.72
III. Behavior disorders
ADHD / 2.2 / (0.7) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 3.7 / (1.4) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 0.9 / (0.3-2.6) / 0.85 / --5 / -- / --
Conduct Disorder / 1.7 / (0.6) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 3.0 / (1.2) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 0.7 / (0.2-2.1) / 0.87 / --5 / -- / --
ODD / 2.2 / (0.6) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 3.7 / (1.1) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 0.7 / (0.3-1.6) / 0.87 / --5 / -- / --
IED / 4.1 / (0.9) / 0.2 / (0.1) / 4.6 / (1.1) / 0.2 / (0.1) / 1.0 / (0.5-1.9) / 0.82 / 1.2 / (0.2-6.9) / 0.87
Any / 7.6 / (1.2) / 0.2 / (0.1) / 9.7 / (1.9) / 0.2 / (0.1) / 1.0 / (0.5-1.8) / 0.82 / 1.1 / (0.2-7.0) / 0.88
IV. Substance disorders
Alcohol Abuse / 2.0 / (0.4) / 3.5 / (0.7) / 5.2 / (1.3) / 8.4 / (1.9) / 0.4* / (0.2-0.8) / 0.75 / 0.7 / (0.4-1.5) / 0.76
Alcohol Dependence / 0.8 / (0.4) / 1.1 / (0.4) / 2.0 / (0.7) / 1.3 / (0.5) / 0.4 / (0.1-1.5) / 0.81 / 1.4 / (0.5-4.0) / 0.78
Drug Abuse / 1.3 / (0.5) / 0.4 / (0.2) / 5.3 / (1.2) / 0.7 / (0.4) / 0.2* / (0.1-0.7) / 0.81 / 0.9 / (0.2-4.0) / 0.76
Drug Dependence / 0.6 / (0.3) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 2.4 / (1.0) / 0.5 / (0.3) / 0.2 / (0.1-1.0) / 0.82 / 0.2 / (0.0-2.1) / 0.84
Any / 4.5 / (0.8) / 4.0 / (0.8) / 11.3 / (1.8) / 10.3 / (2.1) / 0.4* / (0.2-0.7) / 0.77 / 0.6 / (0.3-1.3) / 0.77
V. Total disorders
Any / 20.9 / (2.2) / 7.0 / (0.9) / 29.5 / (3.3) / 13.2 / (2.3) / 0.8 / (0.5-1.2) / 0.70 / 0.9 / (0.5-1.6) / 0.70
(n) / (747) / --6 / (270) / --7
*Significant at the .05 level, two-sided test
1Pre-matriculation onset disorders were defined as those with onsets at ages 0-17.
2Post-matriculation onset disorders were defined as those with onsets at ages 18+.
3Respondents were limited to those in the Part II sample who were 18-22 years old at the time of interview and had not graduated from college.
4Based on a pooled within-survey logistic regression equation adjusting for between-survey variation in the association of age-sex with student status
5There were no post-matriculation onsets of these disorders by definition, as the CIDI required onsets before age 8 (ADHD) or 18 (Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder).
6Prevalence of post-matriculation onsets was estimated in the subsample of respondents who did not have a pre-matriculation history of the disorder. As a result, the sample size for each calculation varies across disorders from a low of 653 among male students who had no pre-matriculation history of specific phobias to a high of 742 among male students who had no pre-matriculation history of drug dependence, with a median sample size of 731. The sample size for having no pre-matriculation history of any disorder is 544 among male students.
7Prevalence of post-matriculation onsets was estimated in the subsample of respondents who did not have a pre-matriculation history of the disorder. As a result, the sample size for each calculation varies across disorders from a low of 239 among male attriters who had no pre-matriculation history of specific phobias to a high of 267 among male attriters who had no pre-matriculation history of panic disorder, with a median sample size of 256. The sample size for having no pre-matriculation history of any disorder is 170 among male attriters.
Supplementary Table S12. Pooled lifetime prevalence of pre-matriculation1 and post-matriculation2 onset DSM-IV/CIDI mental disorders separately among female respondents ages 18-22 who were current students or college attriters3Students (ST) / Attriters (AT) / Students vs. Attriters
Pre- / Post- / Pre- / Post- / Pre-4 / Post-4
% / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / % / (se) / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC / OR / (95 % CI) / AUC
I. Anxiety disorders
Separation Anxiety Disorder / 1.7 / (0.5) / 0.5 / (0.2) / 2.8 / (0.9) / 1.6 / (0.5) / 0.7 / (0.3-1.7) / 0.85 / 0.5 / (0.2-1.3) / 0.89
Panic Disorder / 1.2 / (0.2) / 0.2 / (0.1) / 1.3 / (0.4) / 0.6 / (0.3) / 1.8 / (0.9-3.8) / 0.72 / 0.9 / (0.2-3.5) / 0.93
GAD / 1.0 / (0.3) / 0.2 / (0.0) / 1.4 / (0.7) / 1.4 / (0.5) / 1.0 / (0.3-3.0) / 0.77 / 0.2* / (0.1-0.5) / 0.80
Any Phobia / 13.8 / (2.0) / 0.6 / (0.1) / 15.5 / (1.6) / 0.6 / (0.2) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.3) / 0.66 / 3.0 / (0.9-10.5) / 0.71
PTSD / 1.6 / (0.5) / 1.0 / (0.2) / 5.5 / (1.1) / 1.4 / (0.5) / 0.5 / (0.2-1.0) / 0.82 / 1.9 / (0.8-4.7) / 0.79
Any / 17.1 / (2.0) / 1.3 / (0.3) / 22.0 / (2.0) / 2.7 / (0.7) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.2) / 0.69 / 1.1 / (0.5-2.4) / 0.76
II. Mood disorders
MDD / 6.5 / (0.9) / 3.8 / (0.8) / 10.8 / (1.5) / 3.6 / (0.9) / 0.6* / (0.4-1.0) / 0.69 / 1.7 / (0.9-3.3) / 0.73
Bipolar / 1.9 / (0.6) / 1.1 / (0.5) / 1.6 / (0.4) / 1.4 / (0.7) / 1.3 / (0.6-2.8) / 0.75 / 1.6 / (0.4-6.0) / 0.78
Any / 8.3 / (0.9) / 4.4 / (0.9) / 12.3 / (1.6) / 4.7 / (1.1) / 0.7 / (0.4-1.1) / 0.71 / 1.6 / (0.9-2.9) / 0.73
III. Behavior disorders
ADHD / 1.5 / (0.6) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 1.6 / (0.4) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 1.4 / (0.6-3.3) / 0.83 / --5 / -- / --
Conduct Disorder / 0.7 / (0.3) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 1.9 / (0.6) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 0.6 / (0.2-1.6) / 0.89 / --5 / -- / --
ODD / 1.5 / (0.6) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 2.8 / (0.8) / 0.0 / (0.0) / 0.6 / (0.2-1.9) / 0.85 / --5 / -- / --
IED / 1.6 / (0.3) / 0.3 / (0.3) / 2.9 / (0.9) / 0.8 / (0.5) / 0.6 / (0.3-1.1) / 0.84 / 0.8 / (0.1-5.8) / 0.90
Any / 4.0 / (0.7) / 0.3 / (0.3) / 7.8 / (1.3) / 0.7 / (0.5) / 0.6 / (0.3-1.0) / 0.83 / 0.9 / (0.1-7.7) / 0.92
IV. Substance disorders
Alcohol Abuse / 1.0 / (0.3) / 1.7 / (0.3) / 3.8 / (1.2) / 3.1 / (1.2) / 0.4* / (0.1-0.9) / 0.81 / 1.1 / (0.4-2.9) / 0.80
Alcohol Dependence / 0.4 / (0.2) / 1.2 / (0.5) / 0.8 / (0.3) / 2.1 / (1.0) / 0.3 / (0.1-1.3) / 0.89 / 1.4 / (0.4-4.9) / 0.81
Drug Abuse / 0.5 / (0.2) / 0.5 / (0.1) / 1.6 / (0.8) / 1.7 / (0.9) / 0.4 / (0.1-1.7) / 0.87 / 0.8 / (0.3-2.4) / 0.86
Drug Dependence / 0.2 / (0.2) / 0.2 / (0.1) / 1.9 / (0.6) / 0.7 / (0.4) / 0.2* / (0.0-0.8) / 0.84 / 0.7 / (0.1-5.2) / 0.89
Any / 1.7 / (0.4) / 3.1 / (0.6) / 6.4 / (1.5) / 5.5 / (1.5) / 0.4* / (0.2-0.7) / 0.84 / 1.3 / (0.7-2.6) / 0.82
V. Total disorders
Any / 25.1 / (2.4) / 6.4 / (1.1) / 31.0 / (2.5) / 8.9 / (1.8) / 0.9 / (0.6-1.2) / 0.71 / 1.8 / (1.0-3.3) / 0.75
(n) / (825) / --6 / (432) / --7
*Significant at the .05 level, two-sided test