Ocean Currents Lesson Plan

Teacher: Ms. Brunkenhoefer, Mr. Melchor, Ms. Moore, Ms. Nieto, Ms. Scherer
Date: 2/19/2015
Subject / grade level: 8th grade
1.  Globes (2)
2.  Ice Cubes (140 total for the two classes)
3.  Food Coloring (blue and red)
4.  Seven Containers w/water per class
5.  Student Lab Sheet
6.  Construction Paper for Foldables
7.  Hot Plate
8.  Syringes (14)
9.  Styrofoam cups (14 total) for hot water
10. Plastic cups (14 total) to make ice water
11. Powerpoint
TEKS: (10) Earth and space. The student knows that climatic interactions exist among Earth, ocean, and weather systems. The student is expected to:
(A) recognize that the Sun provides the energy that drives convection within the atmosphere and oceans, producing winds and ocean currents;
1)  Tell the students that the objective of today’s lesson is to explore what causes air and water to move.
2)  Show Brain Pop video, Ocean Currents found here: http://glencoe.mheducation.com/sites/dl/free/0078778026/164155/00050756.html
1)  Pass out lab sheet.
2)  Have students complete Activity One. Teachers will utilize the Powerpoint notes for guided questions.
·  Ask for volunteers to explain how the ice cubes, container, and tap water simulated the movement of water in the oceans. You can ask what was different (this is fresh water, not salt water).
·  Students will create foldable. They will label the outside with the following four words: convection, Coriolis Effect, surface currents, deep sea currents.
·  As the teacher goes through the Powerpoint, students will write definitions and illustrations for the above words.
·  Students will complete part two of their lab sheet. Teacher will bring students a Styrofoam cup of hot water with red food coloring.
·  Class will discuss how ocean currents impact humans, animals and plants.
·  If times allows, show video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWzowTKEHGc Ten Bizarre Things that Washed up on Shore
·  Lesson will end with five multiple choice questions that review material covered during the activities