Sympathy vs. Empathy ― Call Center Excellence
Facilitator’s Guide (Dispatchers, CSRs)
1 Before You Begin
Prepare the following items prior to beginning the meeting:
§ Flip chart, markers, and flip chart stand
§ Set up video projection for the C1 ― Customers First Series Video: Sympathy vs. Empathy (Call Center Excellence).
§ Print a Participant Worksheet for each participant.
2 Video: Sympathy vs. Empathy
Show the video.
3 Activity
Divide the participants into table groups if necessary; otherwise, perform the activity as one large group.
Table groups should take notes in their worksheets. If you are performing the activity as a single group, take notes on the flip chart and then have participants transfer their notes into their worksheets.
§ Brainstorm a list of phrases or statements that demonstrate empathy. These can be phrases or statements that participants are currently using, or new ideas.
§ Table groups should assign a scribe to summarize the group’s findings on a piece of flip chart paper and present the group’s findings back to participants as a whole.
§ Participants should then form groups of three and take turns playing CSR/Dispatcher, customer, and observer using a recent customer situation as a scenario. They should practice using empathetic phrases/statements and tone of voice to show the “customer” that they are genuinely concerned. Role-playing should continue until everyone has a chance to play CSR/Dispatcher and customer. Observers should offer positive feedback and constructive criticism.
4 Reinforcement
Have participants focus on demonstrating empathy for customers this week both with the words they say and with an empathetic tone of voice. Listen to recorded calls in your individual coaching sessions for empathy statements. Follow up in your individual coaching sessions to identify any change that participants have observed.
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