57712: Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management
Level 4
Table of contents
Table of contents 2
57712 Purpose 3
Articulation 3
Curriculum design 4
Target group 4
Entry requirements 4
Design 4
Integration 5
Formative assessments 5
Programme strategy 5
Final summative assessments 5
Learner support, roles and responsibilities 6
Workplace support 11
Alignment matrix 11
Assessment strategy 11
Facilitator guide 17
Qualification curriculum 17
Fundamental Component: 17
Core Component: 17
Elective Component: 17
Layout according to exit level outcomes (Curriculum) 18
1. Develop plans to achieve defined objectives 18
2. Organise resources in accordance with developed plan 18
3. Lead a team to work co-operatively to achieve objectives 19
4. Monitor performance to ensure compliance to a developed plan. 19
5. Make decisions based on a code of ethics 20
Elective unit standards 20
Critical Cross-Field Outcomes: 21
57712 Purpose
This qualification is intended for junior managers of small organisations, junior managers of business units in medium and large organisations, or those aspiring to these positions. Junior managers include team leaders, supervisors, foremen and section heads.
The focus of this qualification has been designed to enable learners to be competent in a range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values including:
Gathering and analysing information.
Analysing events that impact on a business and its competitive environment.
Complying with organisational standards.
Motivating an individual or team.
Negotiating in a work situation.
Understanding the role of business strategy as it applies to junior management.
Managing the budget within a specific area of responsibility.
Applying management principles and practices within a specific area of responsibility.
Managing work unit performance to achieve goals.
Behaving ethically and promoting ethical behaviour in a work situation.
Demonstrating understanding of the consequences in a work unit of HIV/AIDS.
The learners who achieve this qualification will be able to demonstrate competencies in management relating to Planning, Organising, Leading, Controlling and Ethics. Overall, this qualification will ensure that learners are capable of:
Developing plans to achieve defined objectives.
Organising resources in accordance with a developed plan.
Leading a team to work co-operatively to achieve objectives.
Monitoring performance to ensure compliance to a plan.
Making decisions based on a code of ethics
This qualification articulates horizontally with the following qualifications:
· FETC: New Venture Creation, SAQA ID: 23953
· FETC: Leadership Development, SAQA ID: 50081
· FETC: Business Systems Operations: End User (ERP), SAQA ID: 49176
· FETC: Small Business Advising (Information Support), SAQA ID: 48883
Vertical Articulation:
· The FETC: Management articulates with the National Certificate: Management at Level 5, SAQA ID: 1093
Curriculum design
Target group
The target group for this qualification is learners who are currently operating as junior managers, across various sectors and industries.
This qualification lays the foundation for the development of management qualifications across various sectors and industries. It specifically develops management competencies required by learners in any occupation, particularly those who are currently operating as junior managers. The qualification introduces key terms, rules, concepts, principles and practices of management that will enable learners to be informed managers in any occupation. It has also been developed to enable managers or prospective managers to access higher education and provide flexible access to life-long learning.
The scope of management covers four domains:
P leadership,
P self-management,
P people management
P and management practices.
This qualification addresses each of these domains with generic competencies, thereby enabling learning programmes to be contextualised for specific sectors and industries. Provides opportunities for people to transfer between various specialisations within management. This will therefore enable management competencies to be strengthened, and enable managers to better manage systems, processes, resources, self, teams and individuals in various occupations. It is intended to empower learners to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to operate confidently as individuals in the South African community and to respond to the challenges of the economic environment and changing world of work. Ultimately, this qualification is aimed at improving the productivity and efficiency of managers within all occupations in South Africa.
Entry requirements
Learners accessing this Qualification should be competent in:
· Communication at NQF Level 3.
· Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 3
· Computer Literacy at NQF Level 3
The curriculum was designed around the exit level outcomes and unit standards were grouped according to these.
The learning process starts with communication fundamentals and is followed by unit standards aimed at developing the skills and knowledge that enable the learner to develop plans to achieve defined objectives for his/her team or section. This module also prepares the learner for the written assignments, as well as conducting meetings.
Numeracy fundamentals are grouped together with unit standards that require some knowledge and skills in collecting, analysing and presenting information.
Other individual unit standards are grouped according to the specific outcomes and assessment criteria.
From the table of contents of each learner guide it can be seen that sections in the learner guide are grouped according to the specific outcome, while subheadings represent the assessment criteria and further discussions.
When the table of contents is read together with the PSS document and the unit standard, it becomes clear that the unit standard forms the basis around which the material is developed.
Learning material is presented as loose standing unit standards, grouped together according to exit level outcomes.
Integration takes place as follows:
P Communication fundamentals are automatically assessed throughout the qualification with every task that has to be completed
P Numeracy fundamentals are automatically assessed through any activity where numeracy skills are needed, such as collecting and analysing informaiton
P Further integration of knowledge and skills are assessed through summative exit level outcomes assessments.
Formative assessments
Formative assessments are done as classroom activities.
Formative assessments are always a combination of the following:
P Knowledge questionnaires to find out how much the learner understands of the content
P Group discussions to expose individual learners to the combined knowledge of the group
P Practical activities including role plays, debates, reports, developing of forms needed, etc.
Programme strategy
The programme strategy and alignment matrix is presented as a programme structure and strategy document, which forms part of the Seta alignment matrix.
This document gives an overview of how facilitation should take place and the timeframes for each section of material. It also indicates where in the learner guide the SO, AC EEK and CCFO are covered.
It also guides the facilitator regarding the method of facilitation, time frames and formative and summative assessment activities.
As mentioned, the PSS document clearly states where SO and AC are tested in formative and summative assessment activities.
Formative assessments always allow for assessment of all AC in order to assist the facilitator and learner to determine the readiness of the learner for summative assessment.
Provision is made in the Learner assessment guide for inclusion of the formative assessment workbooks as part of the proof needed for final judgement of competence.
Final summative assessments
The material is presented with two options:
As a full qualification
The material is presented as individual unit standards, grouped together in modules according to exit level outcomes
Together with this, the learner then has to complete summative assessments based on the exit level outcomes of the qualification.
In this case the individual summative assessments based on unit standards will not be used.
As skills programmes
The material is presented as individual unit standards, grouped together in modules according to exit level outcomes.
Together with this, the learner has to complete summative assessments based on individual unit standards.
In this case, the final summative assessment based on exit level outcomes is ignored.
Learner support, roles and responsibilities
The following appears in the front of the learner guide:
This module belongs to you. It is designed to serve as a guide for the duration of your course and as a resource for after the time. It contains readings, activities, and application aids that will assist you in developing the knowledge and skills stipulated in the specific outcomes and assessment criteria.
Follow along in the guide as the facilitator takes you through the material, and feel free to make notes and diagrams that will help you to clarify or retain information. Jot down things that work well or ideas that come from the group. Also note any points you’d like to explore further.
Participate actively in the skills practice activities as they will give you an opportunity to gain insights from other people’s experiences and to practice the skills. Remember to share your own experiences so that others can lean from you too.
Each section will be preceded by outcomes and assessment criteria taken from the South African Unit Standards, where available. These will describe what you must know and be able to do in order to successfully complete the course. If the course is aligned to Unit Standards, you will be able to receive credits towards a National Qualification upon successful assessment.
Programme Overview
In order to achieve the credits and qualify for the this appropriate registered standard, determined by the Sector of Education Training Authority, you are expected to have demonstrated specific learning outcomes.
Specific Outcomes
Specific Outcomes describe what the learner has to be able to do successfully at the end of this learning experience.
Assessment Criteria
The only way to establish whether a learner is competent and has accomplished the specific outcomes, is through the assessment process. Assessment involves collecting and interpreting evidence about the learners’ ability to perform a task. This module includes assessments in the form of self-assessments, group tasks, quizzes, projects and a practical training programme whereby your are required to perform tasks and collect, as portfolio of evidence, proof signed by your facilitator that you have successfully performed these tasks.
To Qualify
To qualify and receive credits towards your qualification, a registered Assessor will conduct an evaluation and assessment of your portfolio of evidence and competency.
Range of Learning
This describes the situation and circumstance in which competence must be demonstrated and the parameters in which the learner operates.
The responsibility of learning rests with you, so ………
Be proactive and ask questions
Seek assistance and help from your facilitator, if required.
How You Will Learn
The programme methodology includes facilitator presentations, readings, individual activities, group discussions and skill application exercises. Know what you want to get out of the programme from the start and start applying your new skills immediately. Participate as much as possible so that the learning will be interactive and stimulating.
How you will be assessed
This programme has been aligned to registered unit standards. You will be assessed against the outcomes of the unit standards by completing assessments, and by compiling a portfolio of evidence that provides proof of your ability to apply the learning to your work situation. When you are assessed as competent against the unit standards, you will receive 10 credits towards your National Qualification.
The following is an excerpt from the facilitator guide
Training Venue And Training Aid Compliance
Ensure that the following is in place:
Facilitator is in possession of:
P Facilitator Guide,
P Learner Guide,
P Assessment Guide
P Attendance Register for each training day
P The slide show applicable to this module
P Handouts, if applicable
Learners are in possession of:
P Learner Guides
P Assessment Guides
Training Venue contains:
P Dictionaries, if available
P A chair for each learner
P A desk with sufficient seating space for each learner
P Paper, pens and pencils for all learners
P A flip chart stand with flip chart sheets
P A PC for the slide shows
P Prestik
P Whiteboard and permanent markers (3 different colours each)
P Sufficient ventilation or air-conditioning
P Schedule of training and relaxation times
P Name tags for each learner
P List of classroom conduct, including:
P Smoke breaks
P Body breaks
P Cell phone etiquette
P General classroom etiquette
The Facilitator Guide:
It guides you through the duration of the Learning Programme;
As a training aid it contains activities that will assist you in transferring the knowledge and skills as stipulated in the SAQA required specific outcomes and assessment criteria
How To Use Your Facilitator Guide
The Facilitator Guide contains the essential information to cover the outcomes as stipulated for this Unit Standard. As such, the content of the Learner Guide has to be covered completely. .
This learning programme is divided into sections. Each section is preceded by a description of the required outcomes and assessment criteria as contained in the unit standards specified by the South African Qualifications Authority.
These descriptions will define what the learners have to know and be able to do in order to be awarded the credits attached to this learning programme. These credits are regarded as building blocks towards achieving a National Qualification upon successful assessment.
Programme Introduction
The following introductory actions are to be taken upon commencement of the programme:
P Facilitator him/herself to the learners
P Let the delegates introduce themselves individually.
P Give a brief comment after each introduction and welcome the delegate before moving to then next delegate. Give full attention to each delegate as they introduce themselves.
P Let the participants know what time the breaks are, and for how long. Don’t forget lunch time. Tell them where the toilets are and what time you intend to finish.
P Ensure all administrative tasks such as completion of attendance registers, learner detail forms and the like are completed before the programme commences.