Nichelle R. Puder

5315 Oak Falls Drive · Houston, Texas 77066 · Home (832) 692-2191· E-mail


To obtain a position which offers avenues for professional growth potential and opportunities utilizing my educational background and experience.


Developmental Studies Professor, Northwest College 2005 - present
Houston Community College System, Houston Texas

Courses: Integrated Reading and Writing, Fundamentals of Composition I, Fundamentals of Composition II

(Methods of Instruction - Traditional, Hybrid, Blackboard, and

Eagle Online), Freshman Composition I, and College and Career Planning.

Other roles include: academic advising, creating an attending professional development workshops and

conferences, and instructional and community service activities.

Composition Instructor, English and Foreign Languages 2004 - 2005

Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas (1990 – 1995)

Courses: Fundamentals of Composition II, Composition I, Composition II,

and Introduction-to-Fiction.

Academic advising and professional development workshops and conference

were part of the position as well.

Assistant Professor of English, Humanities Team 2001-2002

College of the Mainland, Texas City, Texas

Courses: Rhetoric and Communication I and II.

Rhetoric I (Methods of Instruction: Traditional, Computer Lab/Daedalus Database, and


Served as Member of the Humanities Team.

Assistant Professor of English, English and Communications 1998 - 2001

Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas

Courses: Technical Writing, Composition I, Composition II,

Introduction-to-Literature, and Developmental English.

Served on many English and Communications Advisory Committees.

Coordinator, Always Reaching Upward Program 1997- 1998

Piney Woods School, Piney Woods, Mississippi

Coordinated the ARU Program with grades 8th-12th.

Students selected for the program were reading either two-grade levels above or

below their current grade.

These two populations worked together to develop, improve, and enhance

vocabulary, reading speed, comprehension, and oral communication skills.

Conducted SAT and ACT workshops.

Served on a number of advisory committees.

English Instructor, Writing Across the Curriculum 1996- 1997

Piney Woods School, Piney Woods, Mississippi

Assisted the Program Director by teaching English II and III courses

where lesson plans were formulated covering essay writing, grammar and

mechanics, and reading comprehension through exposure to literary genres.

Co-directed Sophocles Oedipus the King, which was the school’s first major

theater production.


Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas

M.A. English 1993

B.A. Journalism 1989


·  Basic Faculty Certification in Technology, Houston Community College System,

Houston, TX., 2005

·  Advanced Certification in Technology, Houston Community College System,

Houston, TX. 2007


·  Module Creator, Collaborative for Teaching Excellence, Finding Your Place in Life, 2005

·  Presenter, Houston Community College System Summer Technology Creation Program, 2006

·  Co-Creator, Student Writing Website, Houston Community College System, 2010

·  Co-Creator, Adjunct Writing and Grammar Website, Houston Community College System, 2010

·  Creator, Student YouTube Grammar Videos, Learning Web, Houston Community College System, 2011

·  Developmental English Program Coordinator, Houston Community College System, 2013

·  Presenter, 4 Year Program Review Developmental English, Houston Community College Dean’s Meeting, Houston Community College, 2014

·  Integrated Reading and Writing Program Coordinator, Houston Community College System, 2014-2015

·  Co-Creator, INRW 0420 Module Course, Houston Community College System, 2014

·  Presenter, House Bill 5 INRW Writing Summit, Houston Community College System, 2014

·  Co-Presenter, INRW The State Made It Mandatory: How We Managed and What We Discovered, Achieving the Dream Conference, 2015
