1. St John’s Methodist Church

53 - 55 Mostyn Street


LL30 2NN

23 Sep 14 @ 6:45pm-9:30pm

  1. Mumbles Methodist Church

Mumbles Road

Swansea SA3 4EA

21October 14 @ 6:45pm-9:30pm

  1. Chepstow Methodist Church

Albion Square


NP16 5DA

19 Jan 15@ 6:45pm-9:30pm

  1. Wesley Chapel

Crescent Rd


CF83 1XX

20 April 15 @ 6:45pm-9:30pm

  1. Ruabon Methodist Church

Henry Street


LL14 6NT

16 May 15 @ 9:45am-12:30pm

  1. Llanyrafon Methodist Church

Llanyrafon Way
NP44 8RA

6 June 15 @ 9:45am-12:30pm






Foundation Module


A Safeguarding training session for all adults, both volunteer and paid, working in different roles in the Methodist Church.

The Methodist Church, connexionally, has accepted the ‘Creating Safer Space’ report and is creating a series of training sessions for those undertaking various roles and responsibilities in the Methodist Church.

The session is run in a friendly and relaxed style and has been appreciated by those who have already attended.

By the end of the module you should:

•Understand that safeguarding and creating safer space is everyone’s responsibility and an integral part of being church.

•Have a better understanding of the safeguarding processes within the Methodist church and your role within them.

•Know when to have concerns about the safety and welfare of a child and vulnerable adult.

•Recognise potential blocks within the church to responding well.

•Be able to respond appropriately to concerns about the safety and welfare of a child and vulnerable adult using the Methodist Church policies.

•Recognise that there are experts within the Church to help you respond to concerns and be able to identify who is the expert in your church.

The learning agreement for the module is:

•To listen without interruption and be listened to.

•To respect the feelings, experiences and perspectives of others.

•To listen to differences in views and to question them in a constructive way that enables the group to learn.

•To respect confidentiality – unless it puts others at risk.

•To take responsibility for our own learning and to share as well as to receive learning.

•To be aware of the potential impact of the subject on ourselves and others.

Where and When?

See reverse of this form for dates and venues:

Coffee and biscuits will be available from 15 minutes before the start of each session

6:45pm for 7.00 – 9.30pm

(Evening sessions)

9.45am for 10.00 – 12.30pm

(Saturday sessions)

Further Information

If you would like any further information regarding this session, or have any questions that you would like to ask, please contact Ann Waldron – 01633 272407 or email

To book:

Complete and return the booking form on the back page of this leaflet to the safeguarding coordinator for the respective venue:

  1. Ronnie Dean
  2. Alistair Elkes-Jones
  3. Terry Quinlan
  4. Paul Demery
  5. Linda
  6. Liz King

Alternatively, send the same details by email to

Ann Waldron

Booking Form

I would like to book a place on the Creating Safer Space FoundationModule.





Post Code:

Telephone No:



Church Role:

Please give details of any special requirements [eg. large print handouts etc]
