50th Anniversary 1967 “Yes Vote” Referendum Gala Dinner


The Logan City First Nation Peoples Coalition are writing to request your support towards the celebration of an upcoming historic and significant event which is taking place in Logan City.

May 2017 will mark the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 “Yes” vote when 90% of Australian voters chose “Yes” to amend the Australian Constitution to:

  • Count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the census, and
  • Give the Australian Government power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

To mark this occasion we are hosting a dinner on Friday 26th May 2017 at Logan Entertainment Centre, Wembley Road, LOGAN CENTRAL commencing at 6.00pm. The event will include guests of all cultures which make up our Logan City. We also want to share the culture of the first nation’s people which has been handed down from our ancestors, so we can hand it down to our future generations.

Your support and participation would greatly be appreciated, for an event which to most, would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to expand yourawareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture which is rich in history and has a footprint of over 50,000 years old.

Access Community are the auspicing body for this event and below are details as to how you can purchase these tables.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, B.S.B 064-000 ACC. NO. 1339-4566 an invoice of receipt will be issued. All payments must be finalised by 28th April 2017.


GOLD $2000.00

Table of 10, choice of two main meals, dessert, wine, beer, soft drink and priority advertising

SILVER $1,500.00

Table of 10, Choice of two main meals, dessert, wine, and advertising

BRONZE $1,000.00

Table of 10, Choice of two main meals, dessert and soft drink package, with minimum advertising.

A $500.00 donation will consist of seating for 4 people, choice of two main meals, dessert and soft drinks

If you are unable to attend, but would like to support this event, a $300 media space is available for you to showcase your business, or you may wish to sponsor an Elder in the Community to attend.

The facility is licensed for the purchase of alcohol. There will be entertainment during the evening and guest speakers in attendance. This is a child free event.

All dietary requirements such as gluten free, halal, vegetarian are available.The committee will confirm with all organisations two weeks prior as to your specific needs.

The event is by ticket only and there is limited seating left. Please feel free to contact Aunty Vicky Butler Co-Event Organiser 0434-100-413 if you have any further questions, who will be only too happy to assist.

Elders will be in attendance, so come along and have a yarn, ask them about the significance it had on their lives. How YES in 1967 impacted then and what they can see now, LOOKING FORWARD, LOOKING BACK.

Thanking-you in Advance for your support

Jody Brumby & Aunty Vicky Butler

Event Organisers



Bill Schonefeld

Logan First Nation Peoples Community CoalitionSecretariat

Access Community Services Ltd
