June 10-15, 2011
The 2011 Annual Conference and Washington Initiative
Sponsorship Opportunities

Visit http://vor.net/events/ for more information, sponsorship levels, and forms.

About VOR

VOR is an organization of families, friends and professionals speaking out for people diagnosed with mental retardation that supports the right of intellectually disabled individuals and families to choose the residential setting most appropriate to the needs of each individual. We advocate for a full range of quality choices including large public and private residential campuses, community based settings and home care. VOR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization governed by a volunteer board of directors.

VOR membership includes several thousand family members, organizations, companies, facilities, professionals and educators from around the country. The year-round focus includes advocacy for all residential choices, family participation in decision making, significant legal cases, special education choices and quality care for all.

About the conference

From June 10-15, 2011, VOR will host our Annual Conference and Washington Initiative, with many related events. During this time, VOR members will be provided the opportunity to network and learn from like-minded advocates from across the country. Events are geared toward maximizing opportunities for members to learn from VOR’s leaders and each other, including an open Board Member, Membership Forum, State Report Forum, and an informal social and dinner on Saturday night.

Saturday, June 10th, marks the all day VOR Annual Conference, where participants will attend a half day Advocacy Training Workshop. Additional presentations will focus on this years theme, “Choice Advocates: The Voice Of Reason and will include presentations from Sam Bagenstos, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights from the Department of Justice and Clare Ansberry, Pittsburg Bureau Chief, Wall Street Journal. This very educational day is aimed at empowering participants – already skilled grassroots advocates - with important information and lessons-learned to bring back to their own states.

Following the Annual Meeting, participants will hone their grassroots advocacy skills by visiting every Congressional office to advocate for choice and quality care for people with developmental disabilities. A Legislative Briefing and two debriefings during the event, along with a written presentation for every Congressional office, ensure each and every participant is well-prepared. A Capitol Hill Reception is also planned to further introduce VOR’s mission and members to Members of Congress and their staff.

We would like to invite your firm to participate in the VOR Annual event.

You will have the opportunity to gain significant exposure and recognition. Sponsorship opportunities are available to provide your organization maximum exposure throughout the Annual Conference and Washington Initiative. Please reference the enclosed flyer listing the opportunities that are available. You will be provided a display area in the same room that we will be holding our meeting and all breaks. You and your business will also be recognized throughout the meeting and initiative. To ensure maximum participation, VOR asks only for modest conference fees. The balance of the conference cost is covered by the generous support of sponsors and contributors.

Why you should be a sponsor

A sponsor’s potential audience goes well beyond conference attendees. In addition to acknowledgment in VOR’s national publications and on its website, VOR Annual Conference attendees are effective leaders, advocates and influential members of local and state organizations from across the country. They report back to their advocacy peers in their home states, sharing advocacy tips and passing along information received, including from sponsors.

This is your opportunity to have your name associated nationally with support to advocate for choice and quality care for people with developmental disabilities. Past sponsors have had success reaching these hard to reach individuals and organizations around the country.

Thank you for your consideration. This is a unique opportunity to visibly position your organization as a leader among organizations supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.