50 Corridor Bike Share
Meeting #4
February 9, 2018
1. Attendance – see sign in sheet on web site (
2. Review of January 12 Meeting Notes
3. Announcement of Co-Chairs
Rancho Cordova: Mayor Linda Budge, David Sander
Folsom: Mayor Steve Miklos, Will Kempton
4. City Council Presentations
Rancho Cordova – January 20, 6 p.m.
Rancho Cordova Stakeholders should make an effort to attend.
Folsom – January 27
Folsom Stakeholders should make an effort to attend.
5. Review of Web page –
Suggested changes/additions:
a. add question about trip replacements
b. How did you hear about LikeBike
c. How often do you ride a bike
6. Educational campaign – a discussion was held about the “Campaign for Peaceful Coexistence” to determine if the name/logo was attached to negative connotations or messages. Task Force members did not indicate any issues. It was suggested that the sentence on the home page “That goes for cyclists as well as motor vehicle drivers” be changed to “That goes for people on two wheels as well as four wheels.” (Change made.) It was also suggested that leg bands would be useful swag – especially for those planning to use LimeBike. There was also a discussion about the possible alternative campaign name: Road Share. The group unanimously decided to move forward with the Coexist campaign.
7. Launch Plans – April 2, morning media event and general event at Hazel Light Rail Station.
8. Evaluation Criteria
Our Bike Share Guiding Principles call for the establishment of Evaluation Criteria prior to bikeshare launch. Criteria results will be reviewed monthly. Additional criteria can be added.
1. AreLimeBike Experience on-line surveys positive?
2. Do we have a growing number of Business Network Members and are they generally satisfied?
3. Are we achieving our bikeshare ridership goals of 3 rides per bikes per day?
4. Are we achieving transit ridership increases? (results to be provided by Regional Transit, measured monthly and compared to last year’s ridership.)
5. Are we achieving a satisfactory level of equity outreach? (measured by number of equity participants and outreach efforts)
6. Are we continuing appropriate levels of outreach and education?
7. Are our law enforcement partners experiencing any issues related to bikeshare?
8. Are our stakeholder partners experiencing any issues related to bikeshare?
9. Are we seeing car trips being replaced with bike share trips? (based on survey results and a compilation of other data.)
10 . Are we satisfied with LimeBike? (information to be provided by LimeBike)
a. customer service reports
1. types of complaints
2. types of resolutions
3. timeliness of resolutions
b. user data
c. availability of bikes
d. activities of the local team
9. Business Network – With Business Network agreement, LimeBike will offer free, unlimited rides to all Network employers for one month.
10. Future Meetings
March 9, noon – 1 p.m.
April 13, noon – 1 p.m.