2.) NOT COMPLETE - Where’s the “News & Events” feed section on the right sidewhich shows Recent Posts from the BLOG page? This should go above the Twitter feed. Please see #15 below and then add a “News & Events” section above the Twitter Feed. The feed should auto scroll up, display 3 recent post entries from the blog, and we also need each feed entry to have a title, image, and article summary text from the blog.

5.)NOT COMPLETE – We’re still having the following issues with the forms…


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  • Didn’t receive email notification after submitting the form and the Mobile field isn’t validating for [xxx-xxx-xxxx] formatted phone numbers - The DISCOUNT CLUB form is collecting data in the admin panel when submitted but the SUBJECT of the email notification is incorrect. Should be “ImportHair.com Discount Club Submission”.And the bottom of the body of the email should say “--This mail was sent via the Discount Club form on ImportHair.com”.
  • Also the “Mobile” field should require that all phone numbers be in the format [xxx-xxx-xxxx]. If a phone number is entered like this [xxxxxxxxxx] or as more than 7 digits..thenthe site should not allow user to submit the form.
  • And last, if there are validation errors with the Mobile or Email field, then please highlight the appropriate field red where the issues were found for the user so they don’t have to figure out where the errors are..thanks.
  • Didn’t receive email notification - We’re not receiving an email notification at all with the data for the CONTACT US page form (). This should work just like the DISCOUNT CLUB form does where an email is sent to with the form submission information. The SUBJECT of the email notification. Should be “ImportHair.com Contact Us Page Submission”. And the bottom of the body of the email should say “--This mail was sent via the Contact Us page form on ImportHair.com”.

6.) On hold until site launch - We need to be able to share each product details page on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and other social sites using the ShareThis.com feature. The product image, product description, and product title should be shared on Facebook and Google+. The product title and a link to the product should be shared on Twitter. And an image of the product should be shared on Instagram with a link to the product if possible. For ShareThis.com sample please see here,

****PendingBut Not Complete - We saw your screenshot..so we’ll need to make sure this works properly for Facebook, Google + and Twitter, when the site goes live…because also Twitter still isn’t sharing the info we specified below..and neither is Instagram…on Google+ it’s working..but remove the [data here] for all current and future products we create..and the title of the product should be here also…

  • Should share correct product title, description, and image….

  • Should share correct product title, description, and image….

  • Should share correct product title, and link back to product details page on the site….

For Instagram the share feature is missing. The correct product image and link should be shared on Instagram.

7.) WISHLIST – Good start on the My Wishlist feature…but we’re having a couple of issues…

If the person’s wishlist isn’t viewable until user logged in, then at the footer links of the site when a non-logged in user clicks on the Wishlist link under MY ACCOUNT, they should get the message “You must be logged in to view your wishlist.”

a.)It’s still saying “Name Field is required” even though there’s a name populated. Also, please change the message under the email field to read “Please add emails separated by comma.”After we add a product to our Wishlist (), then we go to send our Wishlist to someone, we can’t submit the form:

b.)Can’t test because we still can’t successfully submit the wishlist form - Also is it possible to add more than one set of Name and Email fields here in the screenshot above so users can send their Wishlist to as many people as they want? Right now users can only send their Wishlist to one person.


We’re still having the following problems with Product Reviews…seen screenshots below…

a.)Description and Review tabs are missing completely now for all products, see screenshot below.

Can’t test because of the screenshot above -The Product Review tab doesn’t work for a product () …should display all the review for that product when we click it:

b.)We need to make the following changes because TESTIMONIALS are no longer needed on the site…

  • This is fine now, but we also need the star rating for the review displayed in the Reviews section on the right side of the site. Also client wants to be able to choose which reviews display here. He wants to be able to add up to 3 different reviews here. - Then change the TESTIMONIALS section title on the right margin side of the site to REVIEWS and display a product review that the client should be able to choose from the admin panel.


  • Please center the “View More Reviews” link..thanks - Next change “View More” to “View More Reviews” and then completely remove “Write a Testimonial”….not needed any more.
  • This is exactly what client wanted here, but we have to add “Read Full Review” and “View This Product” links herefor each review displayed on this page. Please see screenshot below.We also have to add a “View This Product” button on the Full Review page, screenshot also below for exactly how this should look. - Then change the TESTIMONIALS page (main menu of site) to REVIEWS..and on this new site page just list all product reviews users have left for all products(10 per page, w/pagination breadcrumbs at bottom of each page)Please see screenshot below for a sample of how each product review should be listed on the new REVIEWS page because the product review layout already exists for any product where a review has been already been written…for example..this product here,

Below is how we want these links to look on the REVIEWS page…in this case given the product shown, “Read Full Review” should link to and “View This Product”should link to

And here’s the button to use,for full review profiles like this one,and this is this should look, where “View This Product”buttonshould link to

9.) This still isn’t working, we entered a keyword from one of the exiting blog posts on the BLOG page and all that was returned were products? Also, if you look at the right side bar on the search results page, you’ll notice it’s overlapping the footer..please fix this..screenshot below.- NOT COMPLETE - Search results are displayed for products now accordingly but not for Blog articles…?

Overlap screenshot form Search Results page below..please check ALL site pages to make sure this isn’t something that we’ll find later on other site pages..thanks.

a.)See updates for registration process below…

I think you may have misunderstood us, please remove the SHOP NOW button on this page, and leave everything else the way it is..screenshot below…

Then the next page the user should see after they verify their email is this page, screenshot below…but please change the message to read “Click continue below to finish the registration process.”

The next page which is the success page () isfine the way it is with the My Account button…just make the text bold like the other pages before it…that’s it..

11.) For the SHOP page..the layout is a lot better, but we have a couple of other things on this page,

  • For the “Sort By” drop down the “Most Popular” choice in the drop down list isn’t working. Products should be sorted by rating but they aren’t.
  • Also add the following options to the “Sort By” drop down:
  • Sort by “Brand”
  • Also, what is the “Sort Order option in the drop down for?

12.) Still waiting on our client for UPS, FEDEX, USPS, GoogleCheckout, and PayPal info. Update…

Here is the client’s info for….

PayPal Email:but please usefor the time being, for site testing purposes. We’re still waiting on client’s GoogleCheckout, FEDED, and UPS information.

13.)Please just add the same RSS icon at the top of the BLOG page (), to the top of the homepage to replace the BLOGGER icon and link it to the RSS feed for the BLOG. This RSS feed icon should be at the top of EVERY site page.

Also title of the RSS feed should be “Welcome to the ImportHair.com RSS Feed”..screenshot below…

14.) The following links at the footer of the site don't work, please add actual pages and functionality for these links. We also need to know how we can add our own links and pages at the site footer later.-

a.)The current sitemap doesn’t include all the site page…how can we manage a Google Sitemap ourselves in the admin panel..we need to be able to create these sitemaps whenever we want so that the pages we need to be indexed are displayed here. Is there a WP plugin for this you can install and link it to the Sitemap page so we can manage this?Sitemap - The Google Site map doesn’t include all the site pages. How can we update this in the future ourselves? Still need an answer to this…

b.)We still need an answer to this question? Brands -This is fine, but how do we add brand images and the links behind these images in the admin panel?

c.)Please move BLOG link to go under EXTRAS instead..doesn’t below under MY ACCOUNT section…BLOG – This link should go under EXTRAS section.

d.)Please move “News & Events” to go under EXTRAS section also– This should go under EXTRAS section also.

Also Recent Posts needs to look a lot better, each listing under Recent Post should have the blog article title and blog article summary text. How many Recent Posts will display here? This is the same type of sidebar section we’ve been requesting show on all site pages for the NEWS & EVENTS section…see #2 above..at the beginning of this doc.

15.) Under Hair Styles (Featured Products) on the homepage..why all of the sudden are these products BUY NOW buttons not aligned with the others? All BUY NOW buttons should be properly horizontally aligned..no matter how many featured or special products we display here…