5-8-2008 Minutes of AndersonCounty Board of Education Regular Meeting Page No.



101 S. Main Street

Clinton, TN37716

May 8, 2008 – 6:30 PM


John Burrell, Chairman√

Dail Cantrell√

Greg Crawford√

Ron Hagans√

Peggy Hayes√

Glenda Langenberg√

Wanda McCrosky, Vice-Chairman√

Jo Williams√

V. L. Stonecipher, Director√

Student Board Members:

Kelsey Hackler√

Alyshia Phillips√

Others in Attendance

Paul Ortstadt, Dale Donaldson, Chris Bradley, Ruth Gregory, Mike Harmening, Carol Bunch, John Derek Faulconer, Margaret Burrell, Beth Roeder, Betty Wayland, Paula Sellers, Bill Wayland, Phyliss Snellings, Elvis Snellings, Leslie Price, Melanie Boruff, Andrea Livingston, Kara Raymond, Angela Merryman, Jonathan Hagans, Sarah Wunner, Nancy Mawhinney, Renita Dodson, Shelby Haun, Debbie Long, Karen Cupples, Janis Bishop, Terri Ferry, Chuck Puglisi, Denise Wilburn, Bob Stokes, Katrina Oakley, David Tracey, Candus Claiborne.

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Dr. Burrell, chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. as a regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education. Greg Crawford led the group in the pledge of allegiance.

II.Approval of Teachers Recommended for Tenure

Stacey Griffith – ACCTC / Dale Donaldson – ACHS / Maggie Martin – ACHS
Caroline McGaha – ACHS / Michelle Shorry – ACHS / Tessa Bailey – AES
Nancy Mawhinney - AES / Shannon Foster – BES / Emily Clawson – CES
Stephanie Fagan – CES / Colette Miller – CES / Sarah Wunner – CES
Chris Bradley – CHS / Angela Merryman – CHS / Dan O’Connor – CHS
Kara Raymond – CHS / Casey Taylor – CHS / Joshua Bibbs – CMS
Rachel Clapp – CMS / Amanda Rhea – CMS / Ginger Shillings – CMS
Caleb Tipton – CMS / Josh Tipton – CMS / David Tracey – CMS
Sarah Schaefer – GOES / Jennifer Darnell/Bullard – LCES / Matthew Bailey – LCMS
Rachel Pemberton – LCMS / Melanie Boruff – L Cntr / Andrea Livingston – L Cntr
Leslie Glen-Price – NES / Pam Pittman – NMS / Jami Garner – NWMS
Kathleen Knox – NWMS / Lori Morrell – NWMS / Kelly Taylor, NWMS
Patricia Harper – Preschool / Wilma Ogle - Preschool / Paul Ortstadt – ACHS
Sharon Winston - CO

Motion by Wanda McCrosky and seconded by Greg Crawford to grant tenure to the list of teachers recommended by the director of schools. Motion carried.

Recognition of retirees and Teachers of the Year

Dr. Burrell and Mr. Stonecipher presented retirees with a plaque from the school system honoring their years of service with Anderson County Schools.

Patsye Thurmon, ACEA President, congratulated and presented retiring ACEA teachers with an award.

Ann Brown, Retired Teachers Association president, invited retiring teachers to join the Retired Teachers Association.

Reid Lederer of Carton Services in Andersonville/Norris, recognized AndersonCounty’s Teachers of the Year with generous checks and an acknowledgement of their and the school system’s excellence. Teachers of the Year are:

Cathy Sanderson

Candus Claiborne

Stephen Potter

Reception for retirees, tenured teachers and Teachersof the Year - recess at 6:35 p.m.

RECONVENE 7:10 p.m


  1. Administrative Intern Program – Paula Sellers, and Wayne Patton, principals and John Derek Faulconer and Karen Cupples, interns,described the Administrative Intern Program from their perspective of principal and intern. The principals stated they enjoyed working with the interns and are glad they were able to provide hands-on experiences for their interns. The interns said they appreciated and were grateful for the opportunity to participate in a good program with a good training process. Dr. Burrell thanked the interns and principals and stated he hopes to continue the program to keep training good administrators.


  1. Request for an appeal of DHA decision –Elijah H. Motion by Dail Cantrelland seconded by Jo Williams to deny the appeal. Motion carried.
  1. Request for an appeal of DHA decision – Joseph W. Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Peggy Hayes to deny the appeal. Motion carried.
  1. Request for an appeal of DHA decision – Chris P. Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Peggy Hayes to deny the appeal. Motion carried.
  1. Request for an appeal of DHA decision – Jonathan M. Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Peggy Hayes to deny the appeal. Motion carried.
  1. Request for an appeal of DHA decision – Antonio R. Did not show.
  1. Request for an appeal of DHA decision – Christopher M. Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Wanda McCrosky to deny the appeal. Motion carried.
  1. Request for an appeal of DHA decision – Cody G. Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Greg Crawford to deny the appeal. Motion carried.
  1. ClintonHigh School Band Boosters – Richard McAnulty,ClintonHigh School band director requested assistance from the board to fund their instrument repair bill. He stated a strong group of parents/boosters have worked hard to overcome the band’s debt, but they still have an outstanding bill of $5,993.00 to pay to Rush’s for the repair of instruments belonging to the county. Wanda McCrosky asked Jim Woodward, Finance Director, to get with Mr. McAnulty to check the status of accounts to find out what is available prior to the next budget meeting. Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Greg Crawford to refer this request to the budget committee for consideration. Motion carried.

Motion by Greg Crawfordand seconded by Jo Williamsto approve the agenda. Motion carried.


  1. Minutes of Regular Meeting – April 10, 2008

B. Personnel Actions

Last Name / First Name / Location / Position / Effective Date / Return Date / Notes
New Hires
Leander / Filip / CHS / English Teacher / 4/11/08 / Replacement for Jeffrey Lucke
Elliott / Christina / CHS / Math Teacher / 4/14/08 / Replacement for Barbara Sparks
Lively / Lisa / ACHS / Food Service / 4/14/08 / Replacement for vacancies in staff
Seeber / Christopher / NWMS / Football Coach / 7/1/08 / Starting new football program
Transfer/Change of Status
Waldo / Heather / CES / Food Service / 4/1/08 / Return from LOA
Blalock / Wanda / NWMS / Food Service / 4/1/08 / Transfer from GOES
Humphrey / Robbin / GOES / Food Service / 4/1/08 / Return from LOA
Johnson / Beverly / NMS / Food Service Asst. Mgr. / 4/28/08 / Change from cook to asst. mgr.
Bearden / Kalie / NWMS / Cheerleading Coach / 7/1/08 / Replacement for Larryn Retinger
Farmer / Jill / NWMS / Translator / 7/1/08 / Transfer to ACHS (following student to high school level)
Kirk / Stephanie / LCMS / Secretary / 7/1/08 / Transfer from BES
Mayes / Barbara / AES / Special Ed Teacher / 7/1/08 / Transfer from CHS
Leave of Absence
Humphrey / Robbin / GOES / Child Nutrition / 3/24/08 / 4/1/08 / Employee's own serious health condition
Philips / Katie / LCES / Teacher / 4/14/08 / 5/22/08 / Employee's own serious health condition
Burchfield / Sarah / CHS / Special Ed / 4/16/08 / 6/30/08 / Birth of child
Wolfe / Monica / CES / Child Nutrition / 4/25/08 / 8/1/08 / Employee's own serious health condition
Vann / Deborah / CMS / Teacher / 5/24/08 / 5/29/09 / Employee's own serious health condition
Swisher / Nikki / AES / Teacher / 7/1/08 / 5/29/09 / Birth of child
Left Employment
Boshears / Anne / NWMS / Cook / 3/26/08 / Voluntary resignation
Turner / Angelene / CMS / Cook / 3/28/08 / Voluntary resignation
Kitts / Michelle / CO / Educational Assistant / 3/28/08 / Voluntary resignation
Baldwin / Bill / CHS / Track Coach / 4/2/08 / Voluntary resignation
Bowlin / Melissa / CES / Cafeteria Monitor / 4/4/08 / Voluntary resignation
McClain / Felicia / CES / Cook / 4/4/08 / Voluntary resignation
Lucke / J.R. / CHS / English Teacher / 4/11/08 / Voluntary resignation
Perry / April / CHS / Cross Country Coach / 4/14/08 / Voluntary resignation
Bishop / Teresa / ACCTC / Early Childhood Education / 4/15/08 / Voluntary resignation - moving out of state
Sparks / Barbara / CHS / Math Teacher / 4/15/08 / Voluntary resignation
Wasilewski / Gina / NES / Cafeteria Monitor / 4/24/08 / Voluntary resignation
Redmond / Helen / CO / Speech Lang Pathologist / 5/23/08 / Retirement
Johnson / Erica / CHS / Physics Teacher / 5/23/08 / Voluntary resignation
Gentry / Caneta / NES / 5th Grade Teacher / 5/23/08 / Retirement
Morel / Linda / DVES / Teacher / 5/23/08 / Retirement
Harris / Debbie / FES / 4th Grade Teacher / 5/23/08 / Retirement

C.Field Trips

1.Debbie Nall, ClaxtonElementary School, to travel to WashingtonDC to allow safety patrol participants to attend Safety Patrol conference May 30 – Jun 2, 2008. 15 students and 1 chaperone.

2.Rob Cummings, Pam Pittman, Karen Cupples, Norris Middle School, to attend basketball camp at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN June 4 – 6, 2008. 12 – 15 students and 3 chaperones.

3.Vikki Burns, ClintonHigh School, to attend NCA Cheer Camp in Gatlinburg, TN June 9 – 13, 2008. 22 students and 1 chaperone.

4. Jill Johnson, Kim Afong, Head Start, to attend “Challenging Teachers Institute” in Atlanta, GA Jul 20 – 25, 2008.

5.Nikki Kapolka, Lake City Middle School, to allow students to attend 4-H Fitness & Nutrition Camp at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro June 4 – 6, 2008.

D.Professional Leave

1Rob Harmening, ClintonMiddle School, to attend TEA RA in Nashville, TN May 9, 2008.

2.Brian Justice, Suzi Schmidt, Caleb Tipton, Amanda Rhea, Clinton Middle School to chaperone 8th grade trip to Williamsburg, VA May 14, - 16, 2008.

3.Joel Sampsel, Rob Cummings, Jill Holland, Rebecca Graham, Jason Swiney, Pam Threatt, Norris Middle School, to chaperone 8th grade trip to Washington DC May 13 – 16, 2008.

4.Sarah Ray, ClintonHigh School, to attend teacher training in Theatre at BelmontUniversity in Nashville, TN July 13 – 18, 2008.

5. Margaret Burrell, Food Service, to attend TN SNA conference in Chattanooga, TN Jun 9 - 13, 2008.

6.Holli Grubb, ACCTC, to coach Special Olympics team in Nashville, TN May 16 – 28, 2008.

7.Joe Forgety, Adult Education, to attend Academy for Instructional Excellence in Nashville, TN Jul 30 – Aug 2, 2008.

EXECUTIVE APPROVAL (for information only)

A.Professional Leave

1.Johanna Whitley, OOT, to attend state TETA board meeting in Nashville, TN Apr 24 – 25, 2008.

2.Jennifer Wilson, ACCTC, to observe a teacher who is trained in Contextual Math at Watertown High School in Watertown, TN Apr 27 – 28, 2008.

3.Chris Enix, Jamie Broyles, Mike Cox, John Robinson, Toni Gossett, to travel to Nashville, TN to give students real-life government experiences Apr 30 – May 2, 2008.

4.Dennis Reynolds, Karen Cupples, Jeff Harshbarger, Denise Sawyer, Pam Pittman, Norris Middle School, to attend Tremont Science Camp in Townsend, TN May 5 – 7, 2008.

5. Julie Julian, preschool, to attend Tennessee State Envirothon event at FallCreekFallsState Park in Cookeville, TN Apr 30 - May 1, 2008.

6.Johanna Whitley, Wade Haney, Stewart Hicks, OOT, to visit school system to view equipment - Clark County Schools, Kentucky, May 7, 2008.

7.Jay Gregory, NorrisMiddle School, to attend Tremont Science Camp in Townsend, TN May 5 – 7, 2008.

Motion by JoWilliams and seconded Greg Crawford to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.


  1. 2008-2009 Student Board Members- outgoing student board members Kelsey Hackler and Alyshia Phillips were recognized for their participation as student board members and were presented plaques by Dr. Burrell and the board. Dr. Burrell stated they’ve done a great job and have represented the county and their schools well.
  1. New student board members introduced for the 2008-2009 school year are Evan Simpson, AndersonCountyHigh School and Will Housley, ClintonHigh School.


  1. Graduation – May 18, 2008 – Thompson Boling Arena
  2. AndersonCountyHigh School at 1:30 PM
  3. ClintonHigh School at 4:30 PM
  1. Head Start Program – Debbie Long – due to budget constraints, the program will reduce the number of days worked by staff from 250 to 240. The program must also reduce the number of early head start slots from 72 to 64 in the county and from 118 to 103 in Oak Ridge. Motion by Peggy Hayes and seconded by Greg Crawford to approve Head Start recommendations. Motion carried.
  1. Air-Tech Solutions–information only. The Air-Tech representative would like to submit a proposal forschool sanitation at a cost of $67,000.00+ for ClaxtonElementary School.
  1. Federal Projects Plan – Denise Wilburn summarized preliminary allocation information for Federal Projects. Jo Williams asked if the program would keep the same number of personnel – Dr. Wilburn stated they would. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Wanda McCrosky to approve the plan for 2008-2009. Motion carried.
  1. Meeting the Governor’s Tennessee Diploma Project challenge – Chuck Puglisi presented information on the system’s plan to achieve the governor’s challenge to execute a plan to improve student performance, and implement higher standards for proficiency and academic performance along with true accountability for all stakeholders. Motion by Wanda McCrosky and seconded by Greg Crawford to approve the three year implementation plan to meet the governor’s challenge. Motion carried.
  1. AndersonCounty Library Board – information only. No action needed at this time.


  1. Monthly Disciplinary Report– accepted as read. Wanda McCrosky stated she was sad to hear about the incident at the middle school but is glad the system is taking a stance against bullying. She hopes it sends a strong message to other students that that kind of thing will not be tolerated. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Wanda McCrosky to accept the report as presented. Motion carried.
  1. Budget – Wanda McCrosky, chairman stated the committee met to discuss an increase in lunch/breakfast prices. The committee made a recommended to approve a $0.50 increase in lunch prices for elementary and middle schools and by $0.55 at the high schools. Breakfast prices will increase by $0.25 at the elementary schools and by $0.50 at the middle and high schools. Motion by Wanda McCrosky and seconded by Peggy Hayes to approve an increase in prices as submitted by the committee. Dail Cantrell stated he doesn’t think it’s fair to the parents to increase prices that much and he’s still in favor of a staggered increase. Wanda McCrosky stated no one likes to increase prices, but the system has not had an increase in over five years. The system risks losing the entire lunch program if it doesn’t stay in the black. She also noted that prices are increasing by 30%, not the rumored 60%. Motion carried, with Dail Cantrell and Jo Williams voting no.
  1. Personnel – Glenda Langenberg, chairman stated the committee recommends an immediate performance driven market increase of $4,000.00 for the director of schools for the current year and also recommends an increase of $8,150.00 for 2008-2009 to better align the director’s salary with performance criteria. Motion byWanda McCrosky and seconded by Greg Crawford to approve the committee recommendations. Motion carried, withJo Williams abstaining due to the fact she was not at the meeting and is not comfortable with increasing the director’s salary if teachers donot receive a 2% raise.


A.Approval of Special Courses – Skills for Success. Motionby Wanda McCrosky and seconded by Peggy Hayes to approve special course Skills for Success. Motion carried.

B.Policy Change – firstreading

1.5.203 Reduction in Staff

Whenitbecomesnecessarytoreducethenumberofpositionsinthesystembecauseofadecreasein enrollmentorforothergoodreasons,theBoardshallabolishthepositionsanddismisssuchemployees asmaybenecessary.1

ProfessionalPersonnel (Teachers)

The procedure to be followed in the reduction of professional staff, as defined by TCA § 49, is set forth in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between Anderson County Education Association and Anderson County Board of Education.


Whenasupportemployeeisreleasedbecauseofareductioninthenumberofsupportpositions,thedirectorofschoolsshallgivetheemployeewrittennoticeofdismissalexplainingthecircumstancesor conditionsmakingterminationofemploymentnecessary.2

  1. 5.204 Retirement

Retirement shall mean a termination of services under conditions which will allow the employee to receivebenefitsfromthe Tennessee consolidated retirement system (TCRS)and/orsocialsecuritybenefits. All full time employees of Anderson County Schools participate in the TCRS.

Employeeseligibleforretirementbenefitsmayelecttoretireatanyageaccordingtotheprovisionsof theretirementsystem.

Centralofficepersonnelshallassistemployeesinsecuringretirementbenefits;however,itshallbethe responsibilityoftheretiringemployeetofileforbenefits.

Retiredteachersmayworkuptoone-hundred(120) daysperyear in a position covered bythe TCRSwithoutlossofretirementbenefits, andmaywork foranadditionalninety(90)daysifthedirectorofschoolscertifiesinwritingtothe boardthatnootherqualifiedpersonnelareavailabletosubstituteteach.1

3.5.106 Recruitment of Employees

4. 5.205 Resignation

ProfessionalPersonnel (Teachers)

Ateachershallgivethedirectorofschoolsnoticeofresignationatleastthirty(30)daysbeforetheeffectivedateoftheresignation. Ateacherwhofailstogivesuchnotice,intheabsenceofjustifiableextenuatingcircumstances,shallforfeitalltenurestatus. TheBoardmaywaivethethirty(30)daysnoticerequirementandpermitateachertoresigningoodstanding.


1. Theincapacityonthepartoftheteachertoperformthecontractasevidenced bythecertifiedstatementofaphysicianapprovedbytheBoard;

2. ThereleasebytheBoardoftheteacherfromthecontractwhichtheteacherhasenteredintowiththeBoard.1

Anyteacheronleaveshallnotifythedirectorofschoolsinwritingatleastthirty(30)dayspriortothedateofreturniftheteacherdoesnotintendtoreturntothepositionfromwhichhe/shehastakenleave. Failuretorendersuchnoticemaybeconsideredabreachofcontract.2

Uponabreachofcontract,theBoard,uponamotionrecordedinitsminutes,mayfileacomplaintwiththeCommissionerandrequestthesuspensionofateacher’scertificate. AftertheCommissionerhasprovidedtheteacheranopportunityfordefenseduringahearing,theCommissionermaysuspendthecertificatefornolessthanthirty(30)andnomorethanthreehundredsixty-five(365)days.3

Support Personnel


Theimmediatesupervisorshallforwardcopiesthedayreceivedtothedirectorofschools'office.The payrollofficewillpreparefinalpaymentforthenextappropriatescheduledpayday.

  1. 5.118 Assignment


All new personnel, including teachers and support staff, hired before the beginning of a new school year will receive appropriate orientation from supervision and administrative specialists.

ProfessionalPersonnel (Teacher)


Withtheexceptionofsubstituteteachers,membersofanimmediatefamilyshallnotbeassignedtotheinstructionalstaffinthesameschoolplantunlesssomeunusualcircumstanceexistswhichmakesitinthebestinterestoftheeducationalprogramasdeterminedbythedirectorofschools. Noemployeeshallbeunderthedirectsupervisionofamemberofhis/herimmediatefamily.


Extra assignments for which supplements are provided may not be relinquished in part by the employeewithouttheapprovalofthepersonmakingtheassignment.

Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Peggy Hayes to approve thepolicy numbers listed above on first reading. Motion carried.


A. Appropriations

a) 141, Regular Instruction, Donation to Booster Clubs to assist with Capital Acquisitions for the Schools. Undesignated Reserve / $ 30,000.00
b) 141, Regular Instruction Equipment, This is the third installment of $60,000 for Band Instruments. Designated Reserve / $ 60,000.00
c) 141, This is an additional amount from the reserve for the purchase of vehicles, SRO Program. Designated Reserve / $ 43,693.14
d) 141, Operations, Building Construction/ Other Contracted Services, Anderson County High School Electrical loss prevention project. Undesignated Reserve / $ 110,000.00
e) 143, Food Service, To Adjustments to more accurately project revenue and expenditures for food services. Additionally, estimates are adjusted to recognize food and insurance increases and the reduction in school allocations for this year. / $ 28,949.00
f) 145.13, Head Start, Direct Federal Revenue, to recognize the 07/07 Carryover Funding Request from the Department of Health and Human Services. / $ 55,000.00

Motion by Greg Crawford and seconded by Wanda McCrosky to approve appropriations 1 a – f. Motion carried.

Roll Call Vote

Dail CantrellYea

Greg CrawfordYea

Ron HagansYea

Peggy HayesYea

Glenda LangenbergYea

Wanda McCroskyYea

Jo WilliamsYea

John BurrellYea

  1. Transfers

a) 141, Regular Instruction, Transfers required to properly reflect the effect of personnel transfers, replacements, changes in educational levels, and changes in job responsibility during the school year / $ 495,781.50
b) 141, Regular Instruction, Transfer required to adjust medical insurance payments for employees who elect to participate and an adjustment for a better estimate, additionally to budget the retirement incentive for those employees who have announced their retirement / $ 318,940.06
c) 141, Regular Instruction, Transfer required to move Workman's comp cost estimate into, Instructional Supplies object code / $ 116.00
d) 141,Increase funds to reimburse applicants for background checks and to transfer funds from Other Contracted Services to pay for Thompson Boling Arena for Graduation / $ 7,000.00
e) 141, Special Education, To provide a van to transport special education children to and from school , / $ 16,257.00
f) 141, Health Services, To provide two laptop computers for use in transmitting required data to the state to meet Coordinated School Health Requirements / $ 2,500.00
g) 141, Career Technical Education, To provide additional funds for student transportation to State Competitions, FFA camp, and extra training / $ 3,000.00
h) 141, Regular Instruction, Travel increase due to increased costs / $ 3,800.00
i) 141, Maintenance, To provide funds for Custodial Supplies due to changing requirements / $ 10,000.00
j) 141, Office of Technology, Contracted Services for E-Rate Consultant / $ 600.00
k) 141, Office of Technology, To adjust Staff Development funds / $ 62.00
l) 141, Early Childhood, Educational Assistants, To cover increases inprice of meals and snacks for the students / $ 13,193.76
m) 142.101, Title 1, Amendment # 4, To Adjust budget codes for year end / $ 1,157.71
n) 142.231, Title II, Part D, Admt # 2, Increase Staff Development for National Education Computing Conference registration / $ 600.01
o) 142.411, Title IV, DrFr, Admt # 3, To provide materials and supplies for CPR training. / $ 16,000.14
p) 142.501, Title V, Admt# 4, To purchase science STC kits for classrooms. / $ 2,624.70
q) 142.901, IDEA Budget, Admt # 1 To provide Autism training for Special Education Teachers / $ 15,000.00
r) 145.13, Head Start, Admt # 11, To provide funds for unexpected repairs for program vehicles / $ 2,766.13
s) 145.13, Head Start, Admt # 13 To adjust budget to track USDA funds separate from Headstart Funds. / $ 4,300.00

Motion by Wanda McCrosky and seconded by Jo Williamsto approve transfers 2 a – s. Motion carried.