5.7 Determine the meaning of the terms of this period with a visual representation, including:

·  Union and Confederate Soldiers

·  Yankees and Rebels

·  Blue and Gray

·  Johnny Reb and Billy Yank

This is an artist’s illustration of a soldier from the Union and a soldier from the Confederacy.

YouTube - Billy Yank talking to Johnny Reb


YouTube - Collection of Civil War videos - Johnny Reb


YouTube - Tribute to Billy Yank


From www.ducksters.com , read about the life of a soldier during the Civil War.


Union Soldier

Union Soldier-- Yankee -- known as the “Blue” (because of the color of their uniforms) - and known as Billy Yank

A Union soldier was usually a young man in his late teens or early 20s. The Union soldiers were either farmers or men who lived and worked in the cities. Many of the soldiers were not wealthy young men. During some parts of the Civil War, a young man could pay $300 and be exempt from joining the war and fighting. However, many of the Union soldiers believed in their cause to keep the United States together and were more than happy to join.

The uniform of the Union was dark blue wool. It was a very hot uniform during the summer months. Wool was used to make the uniforms because it would not get as “wet” as cotton cloth because it was more durable. The Union army had better uniforms and better weapons than the Confederate army.

Confederate Army - Rebels - (known as the Gray because of the color of their uniforms) - and known as Johnny Reb

The Confederate Soldier’s official uniform was made of gray wool. In contrast to the Union, the Confederate army didn’t have the same quality of uniforms or weapons. The North had more factories to produce the uniforms, weapons, and other items needed for war. The Southern farms sold cash crops, but that wasn’t helpful when the army needed uniforms and food.

As the Civil War progressed, the numbers of volunteers declined and the age of the soldiers lowered. Many of the Southern officers had served in the United States army and had joined the Confederate army at the beginning of the Civil War. The South didn’t have access to trade and supply links that the North had and the Southern officers struggled to keep their men fed, clothed, and supplied with weapons.

On both sides, families would send socks, shirts, and other items of clothing to their relative in the army.