5/6 M Class Information Sheet

Autumn Term 2

Topic: ‘Water World’

Welcome back after the half term break. The children have made an excellent start to their year in 5/6M!In this half-termour main topic, ‘Water World’ will once again take a Geography focus whereby children will learn about:

  • The process of the water cycle.
  • What coasts are and how they are formed.
  • Locating rivers in the UK and describing their key features in a fact-file.

Here are some (not all) of the other areas of focus for this half term:


I have been really impressed with the children’s prompt completion of homework so far! It is important that children maintain this and continue to make sure that they treat their homework book with the same level of care and respect as their school exercise books.

Remember, each week children should ask an adult to check and sign their homework book when the work has been completed.

Aside from the alternating Maths and English homework, pupils must remember to practise their spellings and times tables and complete as much reading as possible (every day is advisable) and record this in their reading record. I am closely monitoring the amount of reading that children are completing at home as it is crucial that this is completed in order to allow children the best chance of improving their reading fluency and comprehension. Children who are reading lots at home may be rewarded with special team points!

As ever, homework will continue to be set on Monday and is to be returned on Friday of the same week. If your child does not understand a piece of homework then they must see me as soon as possible (asking for help on the day that your homework is due is not acceptable). If your child requires/ does not have access to a computer they can always ask me if there will be an appropriate time to complete the task in school, using the ICT facilities that we have. If homework is not returned, children will have to stay in during their playtimes to complete it.

Spellings are given out on a weekly basis each Friday and will be tested the following Friday.


  • This half-term our P.E focus is Hockey. Please make sure that you child comes to school equipped with the correct P.E kit which adheres to school expectations: a plain white t-shirt and navy or black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, and trainers. As the weather cools, I would advise that children have a tracksuit top/hooded jacket to layer on top of their white t-shirt, which again is either plain navy or black.
  • To avoid clothing going missing, please label your child’s PE kit and school uniform where possible.

LIBRARY - Children will be able to change library books (if needed) onWednesday. If your child’s library book is ready to be changed can you please ensure that they have it with them in school at this time. Please be aware that children are allowed to keep the same library book for a maximum of 2 weeks.

WATER BOTTLES - Please be advised that children are allowed to bring a water bottle to school to keep in the classroom. Bottles must contain water only, and it would be greatly appreciated if your child’s bottle is labelled to avoid loss.

PLEASE NOTE –I have noticed that on a few occasions some children have come to school without a coat/jacket to then find that they are cold at playtime - please encourage your child to ensure that they are sufficiently dressed for the weather.


Parent Consultation Evenings will be held on Tuesday 7th November and Wednesday 8th November. If you cannot remember your consultation time or are yet to make an appointment then please get in touch with me.

If there is anything you would like to discuss with me, I am available at the start and end of the school day. If you prefer you are welcome to make an appointment to see me via the school office. Please keep checking our class page on the school website for updates on what we have been up to!Thank you for your support.

Miss K McMahon.