4th Six Weeks CCA


  1. On the exam you will be asked to identify the different ways contrasting type is used by looking at examples on the test.

You will need to be able to identify categories of type by looking at examples. Practice this by looking at examples of type from a magazine and using your Categories of Type Notes Page in OneNote to classify them.
  1. Which category of typeface is best used for long bodies of text such as books or magazine articles?
/ Serif
  1. Which category of type should be used sparingly, should never be used in all caps and are not good for long blocks of text?
/ Decorative/Display
  1. Which category of type should be used for website captions?
/ S San Serif
  1. What does “contrasting structure” mean when referring to typeface?
/ Using two very different fonts
  1. What are the six ways to contrast type?
/ Size, weight, structure, color, form, and direction

Vector Graphics

  1. What are vector graphics comprised of?
/ Mathematical equations
  1. What is the main advantage of using a vector graphic?
/ Vector graphics are scalable and won’t lose quality when you enlarge
  1. ____ in a vector object refers to virtual lines.
/ Path
  1. A ______is an outline around a selected object in Illustrator – it helps you transform the object
/ Bounding Box
  1. What shape is an example of a closed path?
/ Circle, triangle, rectangle, etc
  1. Differentiate between the selection tool and the direct selection tool in Illustrator.
/ The direct selection tool can manipulate individual anchor points. The selection tool allows you to move the entire object.
  1. What does live trace allow you to do?
/ Convert a bitmap file into a vector file
  1. What tool could I use to convert rectangles and ellipses into a jam jar clip art image?
/ Shapebuilder
  1. True or False questions –if answer is false, correct it to make it a true statement.
  2. T or F: In Illustrator, you can apply multiple fills or strokes to the same object.
  3. T or F: The pen tool is one of Illustrator’s painting tool.
  4. T or F: Vector graphics use pixels to create drawings.
  5. T or F: Vector programs are drawing programs
  6. T or F: In Illustrator, we create our designs and Illustrations on the clipping board.
/ 1a. True
1b. False; it is a tool in Illustrator
1c. False; Vectors use mathematical reference points
1d. True
1e. False-Art Board

Legibility in Type

1. The spacing between lines of text within a paragraph is known as ___. LEADING
  1. The spacing between two letterforms is known as
/ Kerning
  1. The adjustment of the horizontal spacing between a series of characters is known as
/ Tracking
  1. Define widow
/ a single short line at the top of a page or column which is the end of a sentence or paragraph
  1. Define orphan
/ a first line of a paragraph that is left at the bottom of a page or column.
  1. What is white space?
/ The empty space that sets off the text or graphics on a page; in other words space void of text or graphics.
  1. A ______is the first letter of a paragraph that has been enhanced to give it emphasis
/ Drop Cap
  1. A ______is a selection of text pulled from the body text and set in a larger type size.
/ Pull Quote
  1. A ______is a series of horizontal and vertical lines that evenly and symmetrically divide a page
/ Grid

5th 6 Weeks CCA:

Do not Google your answers!

Unit 8_Principles of Design (Questions 9 – 27; use notes from Ch10 Print Design)
1. / What are the three types of balance? / Symmetrical, Asymmetrical and Radial
2. / What are the 4 types of unity in design? / Contrast
3. / What are 7 guidelines mentioned in Chapter 10 on page 213 about the visual weight of layout elements that you consider when creating an asymmetrical design? /
  • Bigger objects appear heavier than smaller ones.
  • Objects with a lot of texture (like a large block of text) appear heavier than elements with little or no texture.
  • Darker objects appear heavier than lighter ones
  • Position of an object can an effect; object placed farther away from center, or in the top half, or on the right side appear heavier
  • Graphics have more weight than graphics.
  • Regularly shaped objects appear heavier than irregular objects.
  • Elements isolated from other objects in a layout are heavier

4. / Define Rhythm. / Refers to how a viewer's feelings travel through a design.
5. / Name three forms of rhythm in design. / Regular, flowing, progressive
6. / Repeating an element in your design establishes a pattern that guides the viewer's eye through the design. This is known as the principle of ______. / Repetition
7. / What are the three basic ways to establish emphasis in a design? / isolation, contrast, and placement
8. / Designers achieve emphasis by contrasting size, shape, ______and ______of certain design elements. / color, orientation
9. / Define proximity within design. / Creates one visual unit rather than several separate units
10. / Define alignment within design. / Every item should have a visual connection with something else on the page
11. / Define repetition within design. / Repeat some aspect of the design throughout the entire piece
12. / Define contrast within design. / If two items are not exactly the same, then make them different . . . really different!
Unit 9_Audio/Video
1 / What is the normal frame rate (frames per second) that video records? Refer to Episode 1 - The Video Camera / 30 fps
2 / Give examples of camera’s video resolution? Refer to Episode 1 - The Video Camera /
720p or 1080p
3 / Which of the following statements are true of consumer video cameras? Refer to Episode 1 - The Video Camera /
  • automatic settings
  • less expensive
  • allows you to upload to social channels

4 / When referring to audio, which do people notice first? Refer to Episode 2 - Audio / Bad quality sound
5 / Lavalier mics, shotgun mics, portable digital recorders, and mobile devices are all examples of what? Refer to Episode 2 - Audio / External Microphones
6 / Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an external microphone? Refer to Episode 2 - Audio / They require more effort to sync up with the video in post-production.
7 / Define wide shot. Refer to Episode 4 - Shot Composition / Type of camera shot that frames up your subject and the surrounding area to help establish a setting.
8 / Define medium shot. Refer to Episode 4 - Shot Composition / Type of camera shot that has the camera positioned or zoomed in a little closer to help establish the importance of your subject.
9 / Define close up shot. Refer to Episode 4 - Shot Composition / Type of camera shot that fills the frame with your subject to show more detail and help convey their emotion.
10 / Using transitions will prevent clips from starting or stopping abruptly. True or False Refer to Episode 5 - Video Editing / True
11 / Describe the formatting of a script. / One page of script is one minute of film time. Traditional page format has a left margin of 1.5 inches, to allow binding, and the other margins at 1 inch. The font should be 12-point Courier or something similar. A new heading marks each scene. Scene headings are always capitalized and centered. They state the place and time of the scene. A dash separates the location of the scene from the time of day. A blank line space follows the scene heading before the scene description, which begins at the left margin. Names of characters are written in all capital letters the first time they are used in description. The names of characters that appear in a scene but have no dialogue are not capitalized. Sounds that the audience will hear are capitalized. Dialogue is centered on the page under the character’s name in capital letters. A character’s actions or manner of speaking is typed below the character’s name in parentheses.
12 / T or F: Photography composition techniques like framing, rule of thirds, and viewpoint should also be used when shooting video. Refer to Tips of Shooting Video / True
13 / How should you hold your camera or phone when filming a video? (In Portrait mode or in Landscape mode) / Landscape
14 / What are the three parts to filming a video? / Production, Pre-Production, Post-Production
15 / Compare an interlaced and progressive video / With interlaced video, alternate lines are drawn on the screen. Progressive video draws one line after another. It is a series of sequential lines.