i do have four sets of lab work . briefly i will give you key readings right now.

lab work date9/3/089/9/089/2510/9


rbc 8.5 9.910.49.3

hgb11.8 13.4 14.1 12.6

hct33.7 38.9 40.7 36.8

mcv13.9 39.3 39.3 39.5

mchc34.9 34.6 34.8 34.3

rdw26.6 28.8 30.0 30.7

platelet count305302 223 139

fibrinogen1200600 400 400

plasma protein7.57 6.7 6.5

bands1 (0.1)3 (.4) -- 1 (0.1)

segs73. (9.0)52 (7.1)63 (8.0) 43 (4.4)

lymph21 (2.6)39 (5.3)35 (4.4) 55 (5.6)

mono3 (.4)5 (.7)2 (0.3) 1 (0.1)

eos1.0 (0.1)1.0 (0.1)-- --

baso1.0 (0.1)------





















leptospirosis tests 9/9 and 10/8 showing 1:100 ict.

this lab work was performed at diagnostic lab - clinical pathology in bozeman. u/a was not done at same time as blood draws. dates of u/a were done on or abt 9/22 and 11/25.

brief hx of illness:

healthy strong good weight march 2007 filly15' 2" abt 950 lbs. she was typically a sassy filly, very smart, w lots of energy and pazzazz. showed casually in yearling halter etal competition all summer. big filly. medicine hat paint. we bred and raised on ranch. fed grass/alfalfa hay, oats, platinum performance. lives in large pen/stall w daily access to outside grazing and exercise.

8/25. spent day in pen w 2 other older horses. i got home frm work at 5 pm. let her into yard to graze. she appeared lethargic, head hanging, eyes half closed, not eating, no gut sounds. did not check for dehydration. moving but slow. noticed tremors in hindquarter muscling and in tissue on jaw bone. did not look elsewhere. vet contacted. advised to give banamine iv. gave 9 cc. very hard to find vein and access. usually able to iv w one stick so well experienced to do. 30 minutes after banamine, she took interest in hay. but still lethargic. initial thought was she could have gotten into hemlock. no grass in this pen, just brush and trees.

8/26 temp 101.8 not eating, drinking minimal. in stall. still lethargic, attemped to eat oats. only mouthed it w end of lips, and then it fell out of mouth. like she could not make her mouth work to eat. mouthing thru hay, not eating or chewing much. no diarrhea. minimal stools. drinking minimal amts of water. pm banamine 9 cc orally. slightly off balance.

8/27 status same. banamine admin same morn and eve. eating dirt and dry manure

8/28 started to eat and drink. no interest in oats. free choice to grass hay and grazing fresh grass. willing to graze. morn adm banamine. last dose. still eating dirt and dry manure. more alert

8/29 & 30. abt the same

8/31 - definite change. down hill, noticeably thinner, ribs showing, hollowness in wither area. first time i was greatly alarmed. started to drink more water and urinate dilute urine sporadically and frequently.

9/1 same

9/2 same. 1st bld draw. bit more alert

9/3 - sept 9 cont'd to improve in terms of alertness and eating. drinking up to two full 22 quart buckets of water per 9 hr period of day. and betw 1/2 to 1 1/2 bucket during nite. depending on air temps.

her temps varied frm 102.6 - 101.7 sept 3 thru sept 7

101.5 - 100.2sept 8 - sept 18.

took temps moring and eve. always spiked in eves. w/in norm limits since sept 18.

october and november she is back to eating well. has put on good weight. she still drinks more water than other horses. does not urinate sporadically,but how she urinates is different. she does not squat like my other mare, she sort of just lets it come out. and i do not very often see her urinate anymore.afterwards she will carry her tail off to the side or up. had not ever done that before. when i let her out of pen into small grazing area w other horses she will run and buck , then settle into grazing. the change in her is that she does not seem as up beat as she was before sick. if in stall over nite will have slight swelling in both hind legs. i was beginning to feel positive abt her until we did u/a yesterday.

i began to wonder if i damaged her w the doses of banamine. we initially did think that she got into hemlock which caused initial symptoms, but not so sure now. my vet sent lab work etal to an a vet in minnesota who is at teaching university, dang if i can remember her name, specializes in equine internal medicine. her question was abt pssm or muscle disease. i don't know much abt that.

i am very patient person and had decided to just see how she does thru winter. terrible to say, but true. i am not in a financial position to maintain her if her quality of life is limited at best.all that i have read tells me that she is either in acute renal failure or chronic renal failure. frm a laymans point of veiw of course. i also am at point where i feel that she is headed down hill frm this point forward.