SSR Fiction Book Project- Cereal Box – Periods 3 & 6

45 points RC / 10 points WM

Due dates: ______

My due date goal is on: ______

I.  Front of Box / Book details (12 points): Cereal Name/cereal shape/box design and brief summary of the book that does not give away the ending (roughly 3-4 sentences)

II.  Back of Box / Novel Summary (10 points): Review all important parts of the novel using (a) paragraph(s) with COMPLETE SENTENCES:

1.  “Title of section”/ specific fiction type / cereal box-like design (1)

2.  plot, including setting & conflict (8)

3.  theme statement(s)(2)

4.  Novel appropriate game (1)

5.  Quote from the novel that supports one of the elements listed above (5)

III.  Side 1 of Box / Character Q & A (10 points): (based on the definition of characterization in your reference section) This can be a snapshot like you’ll see in various magazines, where they highlight a person for a particular honor or reason. Often times, they are interviews with a Q & A session. 5 Q/5A

IV.  Side 2 of Box / Nutrition Facts (5 points): You be the critic. Include your nutrition facts for at least three categories, with a supporting quote with citation for each. If your book is romantic, action-packed and highly engaging, your Nutrition Facts may look like this:

55% action- The main character, James, gets himself into many predicaments that he must use magic to escape. The novel states, “It was me or him. I looked at my wand and knew that I must summon powers that I’ve never used before if I wanted to see my friends and family again. I pointed my wand at my enemy and obliterated him to an eternity with no sports and no Starbucks! (Sachar 34).

40% engaging- quote

5% romantic- quote

V.  Top of Box / Works Cited (8 points): This may contain one entry only, your novel, and format is important! If you pull quotes from other sources, include those as well. Use proper Works Cited format.

VI.  Bottom of Box: Name, date, period & 1 sentence about your favorite part of your project

VII.  Spelling, Mechanics, Neatness & Publishable Quality (10 points): Did you re-read your work? Are you following your “Top Ten Tips”? Did you include your very best work? Is it in ink & color, respectively?

Suggestions & Tips:

·  Colored fonts and photos will help to ‘dress-up’ your cereal box

·  Extra credit points will be awarded based on overall look, effort & creativity

·  Your cereal box may be neatly hand-written, it does not have to be typed

·  Remember, the more time you put in, the greater the reward!