NTR 150 – Project #1


Due Date: 1/26

(10% will be deducted for each calendar day late)

Instructions: Read the case study, analyze the 24 hour recall, and answer the questions that follow. Type all of your answers on a separate sheet.

Mr. Jones is a 55 year old retired school teacher. He is fairly sedentary, and estimates that he gets about 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week. He has a family history of both Diabetes and CVD. His yearly physical showed the following:

Weight / 250 pounds
Height / 5’10’’
Fasting Blood Glucose / 120 mg/dL

24 hour recall:

Breakfast:2 slices bacon

1 cup 2% milk

1 English muffin

1 tbsp margarine

1 tbspjelly

Snack:1 blueberry muffin

1 coffee (1 tbsp cream and 1 tbsp sugar)

Lunch:1 ham and cheese sandwich on white bread

1 cup canned tomato soup

8baby carrots

Snack:3 oreo cookies

1 can root beer

Dinner:1 pork chop, broiled (6 ounces)

1 baked potato (no skin)

2 tbsp sour cream

1 tbsp margarine

½ cup canned corn

1 slice apple pie

1 cup vanilla ice cream

Snack:1 cup apple juice

3 cheese crackers

Using Diet Analysis Plus, analyze Mr. Jones’diet, and answer the following questions. Be sure to edit the profile with Mr. Jones’ data. TURN IN THE ONE-DAY ANALYSIS (Click on View REPORTS, then INTAKE versus GOALS) AND YOUR ANSWERS. You can cut and paste the "intake vs. goals" print out into a Word document (don't worry if it doesn't paste "cleanly").

1. Elements of Mr. Jones’physical characteristics, lifestyle, anddiet (use the analysis) may put him at risk for Type II Diabetes. What are these risk factors?

2. Calculate his BMI (show your work). What does this number mean?

3. What is considered “normal” fasting blood glucose? What do his laboratory values indicate?

4. What recommendations would you make for Mr. Jones in terms of his carbohydrate intake? What foods would you recommend that he increase and/or decrease to achieve these recommendations?

5. Rewrite Mr. Jones’ diet (in the form of a 24-hour recall) to incorporate recommendations for Type II Diabetes prevention. Beside each menu item, write your reasoning for the food choice. Enter his new diet into the program and note the positive changes you have made.

6. Besides dietary changes, what else would you recommend to Mr. Jones to help him reduce the risk of developing Type II Diabetes?