
The kite derby plan should be developed far enough in advance so the boys and their families will know the types of events and rules for each before they begin making kites. The Wolf Cub Scout Book contains some kite plans. The den meetings leading up to the derby would be a good time to discuss kite-flying safety rules with the boys.

• 45 days out: decide on a location for your derby.

—Get necessary permissions to host your event at the site you choose

• 40 days out: Apply for necessary permits to hold your event.

—You also may choose or be required to purchase insurance for the event.

• 30 days out: Schedule your event and begin promoting.

—Choose your date and time and advertise whether the event will be “clear weather only” with a make-up date.

—Promote online and on bulletin boards in your neighborhood businesses along with rules.

—Spread the word to churches, clubs, and other organizations close by to gain interest

• Hold event

• Two days after: Follow up with participants who did not join and ask what more information they need in order for them to join Scouting.