Office use only:

Date referral form processed following incomplete referral
Pending closure date following no contact from YP
Client ID

42nd Street Referral Form - Professionalsreferringyoung people 13+ years

Yes / No

Has this referral been discussed with and agreed by the young person?

Yes / No

Has the young person previously been referred to 42nd Street?

Date of Referral


Title / First Name / Surname
Age / Date of Birth


Male / Trans Male / Gender Queer / Non - Binary
Female / Trans Female / Other gender identity - please state

Area of Residence:

Manchester / Tameside & Glossop / Trafford / Salford

Young Person’s Contact Details:

Address line 1
Address line 2
Post code
Telephone (1)

Permission to Contact Young Person:

Ok to post mail to young person? / Yes / No
Ok to phone Telephone (1)? / Yes / No
Ok to phone mobile? / Yes / No
Ok to text young person? / Yes / No
OK to leave a voicemail? / Yes / No
OK to email young person? / Yes / No
Preferred way for us to contact young person? Please state:
Yes / No

Is the GP the Referrer?

GP Details:

Name of GP
Name of GP Surgery
Post code
Phone Number
Not registered with a GP (Please tick)

42nd Street takes GP details for funding purposes. We would not ordinarily contact the young person’s GP without speaking to them first. However, if we are very concerned about their safety and well-being, we may need to contact them.

Referrer Details:

Name of Referrer
Referrer Job Title/Role
Name of Referrer Organisation
Post code
Phone Number


GP / Local Authority
IAPT Service / Hospital (inpatient services) - Adolescent
School nurse / Hospital (inpatient services) - Adult
Gateway / Early Help Hubs / Bridge / Local Authority single point of access service / A+E
Early Identification of Psychosis services / Youth Offending Service
Bereavement services / Youth Justice Organisations
Voluntary sector (drugs/ alcohol): (Please state name) / Probation
Voluntary Sector (mental health): (Please state name) / Prison
Voluntary Sector (social care): (Please state name) / Police
Crisis Service - CAMHS / Hostel / Supported accommodation
Crisis Service - AMHS / Job Centre, employment support agencies
Integrated Community Response Service (ICR) / School: (name)
CSE services / PRU/Alternative education
Arts organisations / FE Colleges
SureStart / HEIs(incl. university counselling services)
Youth and community groups / Advocacy organisation
Statutory Social Care / Advice Centre – legal, financial.
CAMHS / Victim Support
Early Help Service: (please state name) / Refugee/ asylum support services
Eating Disorder Service


Can you tell us briefly about the difficulties / experiences which affectthe young person’s mental health or emotional well-being?

Please tick all difficulties/experiences that apply.

Bullying / Anger
Discrimination e.g. religious, homo/trans/biphobia, disability, racism / Exam stress
Loneliness / isolation / Cultural issues
Homeless / at risk of homelessness / Refugee or seeking asylum
Anxiety (social anxiety & phobias) / Confidence / self-esteem
General Anxiety/Stress / Worry / Health worries / concerns
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) / Bereavement
Panic attacks / Disability
Avoids going out (agoraphobia) / Physical Health
Depression / Domestic Violence
Self-harm / Eating disorder
Suicidal thoughts / Sexual abuse
Suicidal attempts / Physical abuse
Risk to others / Emotional abuse
Post-traumatic stress / Neglect
Psychosis (Paranoia, Hallucinations, schizophrenia, etc.) / Ritual / honour based violence e.g. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Extreme of mood - bipolar / Sexuality
Family problems / Gender identity
Attachment issues / difficulties / Miscarriage or Termination
Friendshipdifficulties / Sexual health concerns
Other relationship difficulties / Self-care issues
Persistent relationship issues (includes Personality Disorders) / Drug / alcohol misuse (own)
Challenging Behaviour / Experience of war, torture or trafficking
Please give details:

Can you tell us why the young person would like to come to 42nd Street for support?

Please give details:

What types of support or activities is the young personinterested in at the moment?

Individual therapeutic support: counselling; one-to-one support; advocacy; and IAPT services* (Low High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT); EMDR; Counselling for Depression).
*IAPT Services are only available to those with a Manchester GP.
Creative and group work programmeincludes arts, identity, therapeutic, issue based groups and social action projects.
Not sure

If you would like to know more about 42nd Street, our individual therapeutic support or creative and groupwork programme, you can find more information on our website or you can call us on 0161 228 7321.

Does the young person’s behaviour ever present a risk to themself or others?

If you tick yes to any of the questions below, 42nd Street may contact the young person for further details.

Doesthe young personpresent any risk to others? / No / Yes
Does the young person self-harm? / No / Yes, sometimes / Yes, often*
Do they have suicidal thoughts? / No / Yes, sometimes / Yes, often*
Has the young person had thoughts of suicide in the past 2-3 weeks that they have wanted to act upon? / No / Yes, sometimes*
Yes, often*
Have theypreviously attempted suicide? / No / Yes, once* / Yes, more than once*
If yes, when was this?
Please give details:
Would you like us to send the young person some resources whilst they are waiting to be contacted? / No / Yes

Are there any other issues about their mental health that it is important for us to know at this stage: e.g.: physical health difficulties; medication prescribed by a doctor/psychiatrist; other crisis or risk issues, a formal diagnosis from a GP or Psychiatrist.

Please give details:
Is the young person receiving support from any other professionals or services? e.g. social worker; psychiatrist; psychologist, etc. / Yes / No
Please give details:
Is a Child Protection Plan in place / Child in Need? / Yes / No

Does the young person have any particular needs we need to be aware of when we contact them or offer them an appointment?

Please give details:

Appointment Preferences:

*Please be aware that preferences are not always available*Last available appointment 6.00pm at our office base on Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs; 4pm on Fridays.

Appointment time: / Day / Evening / Either
Preferred worker gender: / Male / Female / Either
Preferred Project Type: / ‘Inside Out’ (LGBTQ+) / Disabled Young People’s project

Please tick if the young person needs a community based appointment



White- British / Asian or Asian British- Pakistani
White- Irish / Asian or Asian British- Bangladeshi
Any other White background / Any other Asian background
Mixed-White and Black Caribbean / Black or Black British- Caribbean
Mixed-White and Black African / Black or Black British- African
Mixed-White and Asian / Any other Black background
Any other mixed background / Chinese
Asian or Asian British / Any other ethnic group
Asian or Asian British- Indian / Prefer not to say
Not Disabled / Multiple disabilities
Physical disability / Unseen/invisible disability e.g. epilepsy, asthma etc.
Blind/partially sighted / Asperger’s/ autism
Deaf/hard of hearing / Other
Learning disability/difficulty / Prefer not to say


Young carer for a parent/carer or family members:

Yes / No / Prefer not to say


We will contact the young person to arrange an assessment and confirm the arrangements in writing. We will notify all referrers of the young person’s engagement with our service.

If you have any further questions regarding our services, please get in touch on 0161 228 7321.

If you would like more information regarding data protection or our confidentiality policy, please visit our website:

When you have completed this form please send it to us by post or fax.

42nd Street, The Space, 87 – 91 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 5AG / FAX: 0161 228 0528


Outcome of Referral:

Admin: Referral entered onto database: / Admin Initials: / Date:
DUTY: Referral Screening
Outcome: / Not accepted / (Tick): / Disengagement Form complete and sent to Admin (Yes):
Admin: Disengaged on database (Tick):
DUTY: Referral Screening (Outcome):
* Where an asterisk is present, please consider use of the screening tool. / Accepted
(Tick relevant route) / IM / Geographical Text (No-reply) confirmation of referral acceptance/will contact to book IM (Tick)
Group only (no risk identified) / Group name:
(Groups / risk identified only)
* Where an asterisk is present, please consider use of the screening tool. / Accepted / Group only (risk identified – IM is required) / Duty Worker allocated IM to (Fieldworker Name):
Engagement Worker: Referral entered onto general waiting list / general groups or group specific waiting list as relevant (if no risk identified): / Initials: / Date:
Engagement Worker: Unable to speak to YP to offer an IM appt. / Following contact attempt to book IM / no response - text to yp (2 week reply window) (Tick) / No reply after 2 weeks, close case and letter sent to referrer saying no service required. (Tick)
Engagement Worker:
IM Booking / Date and time of IM: / IM worker name: / Appt letter sent to confirm (tick)