Lion Pride Magazine

June 2016

Volume 44 – Issue 6



September 15-17, 2016 • Omaha, NE

Dear Michigan Lions,

Last year, at the USA-Canada Forum in Grand Rapids, you did an
incredible job volunteering for the Host Committee and helping the
Forum of 2015 to be the highest rated in the last ten years.

I would like to personally invite each of you attend the 2016 Forum
and enjoy all the spectacular sessions we have planned in Omaha.
The Nebraska Lions are looking forward to returning the favor and
hosting you!

To assist your travel to Omaha, we are working on a bus from West Michigan and Eastern Michigan to take you to and from the Forum.

Please look over the accompanying information to learn of the exciting agenda of events. It will be well worth your time and money spent and will be an experience you will never forget.

See you in Omaha in September!

Gary Anderson, PID

General Chairperson

2016 USA-Canada Lions Leadership Forum - Omaha


June 24-28

Lions International


Fukuoka, Japan

July 4

Independence Day

August 5

1st VDG Training

Causeway Bay Hotel, Lansing

August 5-6

Council of

Governors Meeting

Causeway Bay Hotel, Lansing

August 6

Lions of MI Foundation

Hall of Fame Dinner

Causeway Bay Hotel, Lansing

August 13

DG Peggy Allen
Appreciation Dinner


August 14

DG Leo Dolehanty

Appreciation Dinner


August 27

DG Jeff Mayuiers

Appreciation Dinner

Three Rivers


Wendy Burns, Executive Director

The 96th Annual MD 11
State Convention is in the books...

All of the planning and details over the past year ended with a satisfying payoff! From the Friday evening Welcome Reception to the Saturday Awards Banquet and every moment in between, Lions were applauded, awarded, honored and remembered.

With over 20 Exhibitors and Vendors providing information and products,
attendees were educated on a variety of programs and available services and were able to do a little shopping while at the convention this year, as well.
A nice addition to our exhibitor area, I must add!

Sponsorships from the Detroit Convention & Visitors Bureau, Past District
Governors Association, Lions of Michigan Foundation and Paws with a Cause were greatly appreciated and helped with the bottom line, which can be
challenging when it comes to large events such as the convention.

The Sterling Heights Lions Club outdid themselves by hosting 100 Lions and guests for our pre-convention picnic with ID Howard and Lion Lynn Hudson in attendance, fresh off the plane from California. Great food, great service and great fun resulted in an excellent start to the weekend activities. Thank you, Sterling Heights Lions!

The highly anticipated “Spaniel’s” from Gary, Indiana, were thoroughly enjoyed. They entertained us with their 60’s music and Lions filled the dance floor. People applauded and cheered after every song. We hated to see it end! Visits by
Marilyn Monroe and Dean Martin added to the ‘60’s theme.

Saturday breakout sessions detailed the upcoming Centennial Celebration and the Public Relations Billboard and Media campaign, a signal that we are in for an exciting and busy year ahead.

Our newest S.A. Dodge Distinguished Service Award recipients were not only surprised, but it’s safe to say overwhelmed. PCC Donald Brown and PDG Karen Routson are both deserving of this award. Congratulations to these outstanding Lions.

ID Howard Hudson has many talents and shares a passion for Lions! He brought his trumpet and played along with the Lions of Michigan All State Band, and TAPS during the memorial service. His message inspired Lions to continue to serve with Dignity. Harmony. Humanity.

Looking ahead to 2017, the convention will be held in Traverse City at the Great Wolf Lodge. With a room rate of just $89.00 and the surrounding beauty of the Grand Traverse area, we anticipate a large turnout for next year’s convention.

Thank you to everyone for making this year’s convention another great success!

Yours in Lionism,

Lion Wendy Burns, Executive Director


Governor Peggy Allen, MD 11 B1

Around the World

I hope Japan doesn’t sink when the entire world wide range of LIONS descends on her this month. I am so looking toward this Convention in Japan and it is double-fold for PDG Barry and me. First off, this will be my first time traveling to Japan. While PDG Barry was still flying, Japan was one of his regular destinations so he knows the lay of the land there. We have extended our trip for an additional 5 days.

Not only do we enjoy attending and learning more at the Lions
International Conventions, gathering with friends made along the way
is a real plus; we are also having a Family Reunion with our 12 Japanese
previously-hosted Lions Youth Exchange Students. Our sons (4) and daughters (8) are planning our activities ahead of time, for when we are with them in Osaka.

Now this is a good time to plug a note on the fifty-five-year-old Lions
International Youth Exchange Program. Thanks to this program Barry and I have hosted twenty-nine students from eight countries and have two more female Japanese students arriving in August to share our home and lifestyle.

Because of this program we have traveled to Finland (2013) and saw our five daughters and two other students hosted in our district. We visited Australia (2014) and saw our daughter and son and families for a week; and then flew on the New Zealand to see our three daughters, son and families for another week. Now we are heading for Japan! That just leaves Austria to see our daughter; Peru to see our three daughters; Sweden to see our son; and Turkey to see our son.

Six of our kids have returned at least once and up to five times for a visit from Australia (1 with family), Japan (3), New Zealand (2 – one with
family). Depending on the date of this newsletter we have our first daughter Kirsty from Australia is visiting (4th visit) for the week of June 11-19th. We have two scheduled to return in 2017, Rosa and her Mom from Finland and Tessa from New Zealand. In (2012) I took a friend and we traveled to Vancouver, Canada to visit Diana (from Peru) and Shuhei (from Japan) while both were studying there.

Thanks to social media we are in contact at all times with all our kids and families from around the world at any given time. YOU really should give hosting a try, it’s kinda like potato chips — you can’t have just one!

District Governor Peggy Allen, MD 11

WELCOME, Kristie Feldpausch!

Kristie Feldpausch is the new Administrative Assistant for the Lions of Michigan, taking the position left vacant after Susan Giglio’s recent move. Her professional skills include administrative support, graphic design, multimedia design, website, social media, digital photography and she enjoys keeping knowledgeable of emerging technology.

Kristie is passionate in her expertise as a graphic artist. She recently obtained her Associate Degree of Applied Science in
Business Management from ITT Technical Institute in Wyoming, Michigan. She is a member of the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) and is excited to contribute her talent, knowledge and experience for a great organization. Kristie transitioned to Lions of Michigan from State of Michigan’s Children’s Trust Fund and Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency.

Kristie owned her own graphic design business for over ten years where she was able to create custom creative content for her clients. She has also been very involved in her local community with Eagle Park, a local non-profit organization. She has volunteered her services for more than twenty years. She enjoys being outdoors, beaches, water and warm sunny days. She has four sons and a beautiful black lab. In her free time, Kristie enjoys traveling and
experiencing life riding on a Harley Davison with her boyfriend.


The Lions of Michigan Foundation officially opened the LIONS OF MICHIGAN HALL OF FAME on July 25, 2009 to begin celebrating the rich history that Michigan Lions have at all levels of our association – local, state, district and international. The goal of the Hall of Fame is to keep alive the memory of our great leaders and to
document their service so that Lions in the present and future can share a sense
of the service that our great state has given to our association. Nominations for the Hall of Fame must be submitted to the Lions of Michigan State Office no later than March 1 of each year.

The 2016 Lions of Michigan Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, the 8th Annual, will
be held on August 6, 2016 at 6:00 PM at the Causeway Bay Hotel located at
6820 S. Cedar Street, Lansing, Michigan. Lodging is $89.50 plus tax per night for a standard room. Lodging reservations can be made by contacting the Lions of
Michigan State Office at 517-887-6640 - or by calling the Causeway Bay at 517 -694-8123 and requesting the Lions of Michigan Foundation group rate.


Dr. Gary Anderson, PID

R.G. Barnum, PDG

William “Doc” Barr, PDG

Dennis Bellinger, PCC

David Bennett, PDG

Jim Chipman, PDG

John Cioroch, PDG

Dr. Dennis Cobler, PID

Charles Cone, PDG

Frank Cunningham, PCC

Granville Cutler, PDG

George Daly, PID

Ray DeWitt, PCC

S.A. Dodge, PIP

Wendell Doty, PDG

Duane Farnsworth, PDG

Paul Frederick, PDG

James Frendewey, PID

Stuart Goodrich, PDG

Budd Goodwin, PSS

Bill Hanel, PID

Bill Hansen, PID

Dale Hart, PDG

Paul Hemeryck, PCC

Jerry Hinton, PCC

Robert Jenkins, PCC

Harry Johnson, PDG

Al Kassin, PDG

Al Kelpinski, PDG

Esther LaMothe, PID

Roger LaMothe, PCC

Ken Lautzenheiser, PID

Stuart Lozon, PDG

Ralph Lynam, PIP

Bob Lutze, PDG

Dr. John Meyer, PCC

John Noel, PIP

Dr. Wallace O’Brien, PDG

Harold Pocklington, PID

LaVern Robbins, PID

Dr. Irving Scheel, PDG

Wayne Schultz, PDG

Ralph Sheehan, PID

Karl Sorrick, PIP

Dale “Tom” Thompson, PDG

Loyst Trombley, PDG

Albert Van Thomme, PDG

John Walker, PID

Chuck Weir, PID

Bill Whippen, PCC

Walter Wilson, PID

Robert Wyatt, PID

Larry Young, PID

Bud Zanner, PCC


Past State Secretary
Budd Goodwin

Budd Goodwin passed away May 10, 2016. He served as State Secretary from 1966-1988. Through Budd’s leadership, Lions of Michigan led the United States in the formation of new clubs, with 243 new Lions Clubs in Michigan. Under Budd’s direction, Michigan Lions membership grew to 600 Lions Clubs and nearly 24,000 members.

Budd played a major role in the development of many programs and services geared toward helping others, including the Lions of Michigan Service Foundation, Michigan Braille Transcribing, the Lions Mints fundraising program, and the Lions of Michigan All State Band. He was appointed by Governor William Milliken as Service Club Chairman for “Jobs for Youth.” He also worked with the White House and First Lady Nancy Reagan as Lions Club International’s coordinator for the “War on Drugs.” For his work with Lions Clubs, Budd received the highest awards given by Lions of Michigan and Lions Clubs International. He was a Melvin Jones Fellow, and received the Ambassador of Goodwill Award, the S.A. Dodge Distinguished Service Award, and twelve Lions International Presidential awards. He was inducted into the Lions of Michigan Hall of Fame in 2012.

A memorial contribution has been sent to the Lions of Michigan

Foundation in recognition of Mr. Goodwin’s dedicated service.


The Centennial Media Campaign

It’s Not Just Billboards Anymore!

Your Public Relations Committee has been hard at work to improve the reach of our Centennial Campaign! We heard the concerns of clubs in
outlying areas and are answering them:

The Council of Governors has approved changes to the Billboard project by authorizing the use of digital media, radio ads, and more. We will now be able to provide even better coverage around the entire state! In addition to the billboards, Lions of Michigan will be featured on websites such as (examples only; no contracts have been signed yet),, MLive News, Channel 5 (WNEM) news, and many more, as well as on radio ads, and
other media!

We need your support! With a relatively small contribution from each club, we can have a huge impact on awareness of Lions and what we do. Our goals include increasing membership and donations as well, and we’re working
with the State Office on a website upgrade that will allow payments to be
made online.

We’re asking each club to contribute $100 (though any donation is gratefully accepted). Any club providing $200 or more will receive a special banner patch. This is a unique opportunity to join forces with clubs from every
District; we have contributions from approximately 80 clubs so far. Our goal is to double the current amount raised; we have nearly $10,000 and expect to raise $20,000 from club contributions.

Centennial Celebration
Ride Endorsement

During the annual meeting of the Lions Club of Governors of Michigan at Sterling Heights, Michigan on May 13, 2016, Cadillac Lion Bill Bradfield gave a presentation announcing two exciting rides supporting Diabetes
Research and Awareness Promotion. Bill is the President of the Cadillac Lions (2016-2017) and the Co-chair of the Diabetes Committee for District 11E1.

In the summer of 2016, the rides will be on Motorcycle rides statewide,

and in winter of 2017 the rides will be on Snowmobile rides statewide in

Michigan, and also a ride starting in Maine going through New

Hampshire, Vermont, New York and Ontario, in honor of our

Centennial Celebration.

Bill stated there are 1,054,000 people in Michigan that suffer from diabetes daily, 29 million people in America, and 387 million people worldwide.

In 2014 alone, 614 BILLION DOLLARS were spent fighting this horrific disease, just in the US! In Michigan, 10 billion is spent annually.

Someone is diagnosed worldwide every 17 seconds, and someone dies

every 7 seconds. In the past seven years, Bill has organized annual

Motorcycle rides and Snowmobile rides all though North America and the countries of the USA, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia through 12 time zones and raising over $250,000.00 for Diabetes Research and Awareness Promotion, while partnering with the American Diabetes

Association and the Canadian Diabetes Association.

LCI has called on Lions globally to promote fundraising ideas that can help at least 100 million people who are in need. These fundraisers would fulfill the criteria of this request from LCI and it would be an outstanding Lions International Centennial Project. Bill stated that people suffer daily from diabetes, including blindness, strokes, heart attacks and loss of limbs. The original resolution supporting these rides was made at the Cadillac Lions Club on March 16, 2016. Since then, the rides have been endorsed by
District 11E1, District 111E2, District 11D2 and District 10.