MRS. ROPAIN 2012/2013



A = 100% - 86%

B = 85% - 73%

C+ = 72% - 67%

C = 66% - 60%

C- = 59% - 50%

I = 49% - 0%

40 % Effort, attitude and organization

Papers in chronological order

Binders’ Organization (notes, homework, tests)

Participation (board, answering questions, helping with the class)

Homework and projects

Work during class time



Final Exam


  1. Graphs
  2. Ratios and Proportions
  3. Percentages
  4. Transformations
  5. Fractions
  6. Probabilities
  7. Integers
  8. Linear Equations
  9. Solving Equations
  10. Pythagoras Theorem
  11. Surface Areas
  12. Volumes
  13. Cumulative Review


When you are ABSENT from a class for sports, dental appointments, performances or other reasons, you are responsible for handing in any missed work or completing any notes missed so that you are ready to correct homework or write a test or quiz at the same time as your classmates.

If you are LATE, it will be recorded and a consequence given.

EXTRA HELP is available if you have any problems with your assignments. It is your responsibility to come in for help before the assignment is due. Always do your homework the same day as it is assigned. This gives you the opportunity to come in for help if there is anything you don’t understand.

LATE ASSIGNMENTS will result in a 50% reduction of marks.

ILLNESS sometimes causes an extended absence. If this happens to you, please bring a note from your parents or guardians and I will give you an extension for an assignment, project or test. Please see me if there is a family circumstance which might also cause you to be absent for a number of days.


LISTEN when your teacher or another student is speaking. Raise your hand when you have something to say. Each of you has the right to be heard and to have the attention of your classmates.

BE PREPARED when the bell rings you are to be in your seat and have your homework ready. Bring all of your materials to class, your binder with dividers, paper, blue or black pen, red pen, pencil and eraser, and pencil crayons or felts.

BE POLITE AND RESPECTFUL towards all members of the class and respect your class environment. Used or scrap paper goes into the recycling box. Do not write on desks unless youharbor a secret wish to scrub desks and do other cleaning jobs for me over lunch hour. In the event that a TOC is in the classroom, you are to demonstrate your most polite behavior and take care to assist in any way you are asked in a quiet and respectful manner.

ALWAYS TRY YOUR BEST!!!!!! If you run into difficulties, remember that it is your responsibility to seek extra help from me before the due date.



  • The textbook for Grade 8’s Math is LINKS 8, but we will use different resources in class for more practice.
  • Final Exam is 20% of your year mark and will be recorded in term 5.
  • Scientific Calculator is required for the course.