- PhDin Medical Informatics (Computer Science Department). Specialisation in term binding/mapping, clinical data interchange standards, data modeling and management, and clinical data standards.
- 2+ years experience in data modeling formalisms and biomedical terminologies such as openEHR Archetypes and SNOMED CT. Knowledge of HL7 modeling standards andRead Codes.
- 4+ years of experience in Java software development and Java-based APIs.
- Sun Certified Java Programmer
- Member of SNOMED CT Concept Model Working Group (CMWG)
- Student member of American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
- Student member of Health Level 7 (HL7)
PhD in Computer Science / University of Manchester, UK / Expected 2007
MSc Managing Information Technology (Best Dissertation Award) / Salford University, UK / 2002
MSc Master of Software Systems (Distinction) / JMI University, Delhi, India / 2000
Bachelors in Commerce (Honors Course) / Delhi University, Delhi, India / 1998
Organisation / Designation / Duration
University of Manchester (part-time) / Demonstrator / 2004-2006
Learndirect centre(part-time) / I.T. and English Tutor / 2002 - 2003
NIIT Ltd. (full-time) / Development Executive / 2000-2001
MSL Ltd. (full-time) / Trainee Developer (Internship) / 2000
Operating Systems / Windows 9x / NT/ XP, Palm OS, Unix
Programming Languages / Java, JDBC, Servlets, J2EE technology, RMI, Apache Tomcat
JavaScript, VBScript, JSP, DHTML, Archetype Definition Language (ADL)
Database Experience / SQL, SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, JDBC, MS Access
IDE experience / IntelliJ (Java), Exchanger (XML), Visual Studio, Kawa (Java)
Web technology / XML, XPath, XSLT,Web Ontology Language (OWL), HTTP, HTML, CSS
Software engineering methodology & tools / Unified Modeling Language (UML), Object Oriented Design, Sequence Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams, Class Diagrams
Indexing Service: Lucene
Application experience / Protégé/OWL, Adobe Photoshop, LaTeX, Microsoft Office, SQLyog, Lukeall, NLP-based Applications: Gate 3.0 (NLP), EMTP, MMTx, WordNet
Research Tools / UMLS Knowledge Server and GSpell, CLUE Browser, ADL Parser, Ocean’s and LiU’s Archetype Editors
Languages / English (native speaker), Hindi (native speaker), Urdu (native speaker), French (basic)
Communication / Meeting and conference paper presentations, collaboration work, research and technical report writing, tutoring and mentoring skills
Other skills / Fiction and poetry writing, swimming, public speaking (debates, elocutions, etc.)
Ph.D. Research Student in the Bio-Health Informatics Group
- Methodology to achieve semantic mapping of clinical data model terms to terminology systems. The aim being to enable safe and reliable data interoperability and reuse in health care.
- Automated system, developed in Java and MySQL, to generate lexical and semantic terminology matches for data model terms. Test cases used: openEHR Archetype data models and SNOMED CT clinical terminology.
- Published papers and gave presentations on research work in large health informatics conferences. Discussed issues in integrating different modeling formalisms and its effect on term binding.
- Closely involved with the Semantic Mining Work Package on Semantic Interoperability. Co-authored project reports and made presentations at various meetings. Work considered relevant to the NHS Connecting for Health (CfH) programme in the UK.
- Research collaboration established with UKLFR, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Germany and LiU,
Linköping University, Sweden.
- Attended conferences such as Healthcare Computing (UK-2007), SMCS (Denmark-2006), HL7 (Netherlands-2005), and AMIA (US-2005). Also attended and participated in Semantic Mining’s Research Summer Schools (Hungary -2004,2005)
Link / Author List / Paper Title / Conference/Journal[pdf] / R Qamar, J Kola, AL Rector / Unambiguous data modeling to ensure higher accuracy term binding to clinical terminologies / AMIA 2007 Annual Symposium, Chicago, U.S.A.
[pdf] / R Qamar, AL Rector / Semantic Issues in Integrating Data from Different Models to Achieve Data Interoperability / Medinfo Conference Aug 2007, Brisbane, Australia
[pdf] / R Qamar, AL Rector / Semantic Mapping of Clinical Model Data to Biomedical Terminologies to Facilitate Data Interoperability / Healthcare Computing Mar 2007 Conference, Harrogate, UK
[pdf] / R Qamar, AL Rector / MoST: A System to Semantically Map Clinical Model Data to SNOMED-CT / Semantic Mining Conference on SNOMED-CT (SMCS), Oct 06, Copenhagen, Denmark
[pdf] / E. Sundvall, R. Qamar, M. Nyström, M. Forss, H. Petersson, H Åhlfeldt, AL Rector / Integration of Tools for Binding Archetypes to SNOMED CT / Supplement in Biomed Central (BMC) Journal 2007 (Submitted) & SMCS Oct 06.
[pdf] / AL Rector, R Qamar, T Marley / Binding Ontologies & Coding Systems to Electronic Health Records and Messages / KR-MED 2006,Baltimore, U.S. p. 11-19
Part-time demonstrator
Demonstrators assist academic staff in tutoring undergraduate students with programming projects.
- Helped students with Java programming, debugging, and writing pseudo codes.
- Marked student lab work and provided performance-related feedback.
I.T. and English Tutor
Learndirect is a UK government initiative to promote literacy and numeracy skills amongst the local community. It achieves this through the numerous private centres across UK that act as agents of Learndirect and impart courses through locally employed tutors.
- Training local adults above the age of 18, especially women, in I.T. and improving their English skills through the ELLIS programme.
- Providing mentoring and tutoring facilities to the students.
- Providing one-to-one helpwith coursework, CV-writing, and mock interviews to improvetheir chance to get employed.
- Promoting inter-personal skills amongst women in particular by organising social events in which they could freely participate.
Development Executive
NIIT Ltd. is a multi-national company with emphasis on software development and I.T. education. I worked in the software development division of the company which had both national and international clients.
- Developed wireless application for database-driven SMS service for mobile devices
- Developed web-based Java Tomcat server with EJB and other J2EE technologies.
- Project to transform stand-alone application to a cross-platform and multi-browserapplication.Compatibility with Sun Solaris, MS Windows, Linux, Netscape, Mozilla, and IE.
- Successfully lead 3 projects with teams of up to 10 people with client-side development. Lead 2 web technology projects using ASP, JSP, JavaScript, VBScript, and others. Also lead a secure online shopping website development project.
Trainee Developer
MSL Ltd. is a software export company located in the Industrial Export Zone near Delhi. All projects were for international clients. Completed successfully a 6 month internship as a requirement for my Masters degree.
- Development of a mobile phone banking software using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). Other technologies used were Java Servlets, JDBC, and the Wireless Markup Language (WML).
- AMIA Conference 2005, WashingtonD.C., U.S.A. - Student volunteer
- Commonwealth Games 2002, Manchester,U.K. – Member of Mag & Bag Security
- Participated and won several awards in elocutions, debates, quizzes, and dramatics.
- Enjoy travelling, swimming, trekking, reading, and writing poetry.
Rahil Qamar