#4: States of Consciousness / Personality (Final Review)
- Describe the sleep cycle. How long does each cycle last?
- Identify the stage of sleep associated with each:
- Sleep talking
- Sleep walking
- Floating sensation, falling asleep
- Deep sleep, growth and restful sleep
- Bedwetting
- Night terrors
- Sleep spindles
- Dream state, genital arousal, rapid eye movement, paradoxical sleep
- Brain waves associated with sleep stages 1 and 2
- Brain waves associated with stages 3 and 4
- Our bodies natural biological clock is called ______.
- Sleep disorders: Identify each: Somnambulism, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, Insomnia
- Which theory proposes that our dreams are meaningless, random results of sporadic neural impulses?
- Which theory proposes that our dreams serve the role of processing and filing the days’ experiences?
- Identify the following concerning hypnosis: Post-hypnotic suggestion, Dissociation theory, Role vs. State theory, hidden observer effect
- Alcohol
- Alcohol, barbiturates, morphine, heroine are classified as ______.
- Nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines and methampetamines are classified as ______
- Marijuana and LSD are classified as ______.
- What is an agonist? Antagonist?
- Review the following: addiction, tolerance, withdraw, endorphins, blood brain barrier
- Sigmund Freud developed the theory of ______.
- Three parts of personality: pleasure principle = ______, reality principle = ______, morals, ideals = ______.
- What three methods did Freud use to explore the unconscious?
- List, in order Freud’s stages of psychosexual development.
- Which stage is associated with Oedipus Complex, Electra Crisis and Identification?
- Which stage is associated with being retentive or expulsive?
- Identify and briefly describe Freud’s defense mechanisms.
- From a scientific perspective, what is the ultimate weakness of Freud’s psychoanalysis?
- Psychodynamic theorists
- Alfred Adler: Inferiority complex, superiority complex
- Carl Jung: personal unconscious = ______, collective unconscious = ______
- Identify two types of Projective tests used to explore the unconscious.
- The Humanistic Perspective
- What key terms are associated with this perspective on man’s condition?
- What two theorists are associated with this perspective?
- Rogers argued that the individual needs ______for emotional well-being.
- The Trait perspective (personality is largely genetic and stable over time. Personality inventories can be used to identify traits and thus personality)
- The Eyensenck Personality Questionnaire is built on what two axis?
- The Big 5 personality traits are:
- The Myers Briggs is the most used personality inventory
- The MMPI is used for ______.
- The Social-Cognitive Perspective
- Albert Bandura = reciprocal determinism( env., traits, behavior) self-efficacy
- Julian Rotter = internal vs. external locus of control
- George Kelley = personal contructs