#4: States of Consciousness / Personality (Final Review)

  1. Describe the sleep cycle. How long does each cycle last?
  2. Identify the stage of sleep associated with each:
  3. Sleep talking
  4. Sleep walking
  5. Floating sensation, falling asleep
  6. Deep sleep, growth and restful sleep
  7. Bedwetting
  8. Night terrors
  9. Sleep spindles
  10. Dream state, genital arousal, rapid eye movement, paradoxical sleep
  11. Brain waves associated with sleep stages 1 and 2
  12. Brain waves associated with stages 3 and 4
  13. Our bodies natural biological clock is called ______.
  14. Sleep disorders: Identify each: Somnambulism, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, Insomnia
  15. Which theory proposes that our dreams are meaningless, random results of sporadic neural impulses?
  16. Which theory proposes that our dreams serve the role of processing and filing the days’ experiences?
  17. Identify the following concerning hypnosis: Post-hypnotic suggestion, Dissociation theory, Role vs. State theory, hidden observer effect
  18. Alcohol
  19. Alcohol, barbiturates, morphine, heroine are classified as ______.
  20. Nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines and methampetamines are classified as ______
  21. Marijuana and LSD are classified as ______.
  22. What is an agonist? Antagonist?
  23. Review the following: addiction, tolerance, withdraw, endorphins, blood brain barrier


  1. Sigmund Freud developed the theory of ______.
  2. Three parts of personality: pleasure principle = ______, reality principle = ______, morals, ideals = ______.
  3. What three methods did Freud use to explore the unconscious?
  4. List, in order Freud’s stages of psychosexual development.
  5. Which stage is associated with Oedipus Complex, Electra Crisis and Identification?
  6. Which stage is associated with being retentive or expulsive?
  7. Identify and briefly describe Freud’s defense mechanisms.
  8. From a scientific perspective, what is the ultimate weakness of Freud’s psychoanalysis?
  9. Psychodynamic theorists
  10. Alfred Adler: Inferiority complex, superiority complex
  11. Carl Jung: personal unconscious = ______, collective unconscious = ______
  12. Identify two types of Projective tests used to explore the unconscious.
  13. The Humanistic Perspective
  14. What key terms are associated with this perspective on man’s condition?
  15. What two theorists are associated with this perspective?
  16. Rogers argued that the individual needs ______for emotional well-being.
  17. The Trait perspective (personality is largely genetic and stable over time. Personality inventories can be used to identify traits and thus personality)
  18. The Eyensenck Personality Questionnaire is built on what two axis?
  19. The Big 5 personality traits are:
  20. The Myers Briggs is the most used personality inventory
  21. The MMPI is used for ______.
  22. The Social-Cognitive Perspective
  23. Albert Bandura = reciprocal determinism( env., traits, behavior) self-efficacy
  24. Julian Rotter = internal vs. external locus of control
  25. George Kelley = personal contructs